Divine Brilliance

Chapter 802: The mystery of the book

>.. That Shen name is finished in the middle age, and he wants to get up and leave. m, but just before entering the inner room, suddenly and again, frowning and confessing: "Guests these days, it is best not to go out is better. Even if you have a last resort, you must be careful!"

Zong Shou: "I have heard of this world. Now it is the Tianfanghui, which has been under the jurisdiction of nearly three thousand years?"

This is a loose alliance, and the inner monks are basically from the heavens.

Originally, there was no living being. As the monks have more days, there are many **** people left, and in this day, they are also very good at practicing.

Over the years, a large group has formed. Strong power, there are several gods. There are even monk monks who are behind the support.

The influence has spread all over the world, and hundreds of the world has also preserved the tranquility of this day.

"It is the night demon and the shadow gods, as well as the Shura emperor, and even your cloud monk. Recently, there have been frequent movements, and it is already insecure--"

That Shen’s middle-aged shook his head, and his eyes looked deeper: “You are born in the cloud world, and your identity is extraordinary. You should know why!”

Zong Shou Wen Yan suddenly lost his mind and fell into meditation.

These aliens, so soon there is action?

Think about the location of this heavenly world, it will be relieved.

The boundaries in the domain are actually folded in parallel with each other in time and space. In fact, seriously, there is no difference between the distance and the direction.

It was only because of the generation of the world that they had contact with each other and had some successive traffic. This has a shortcut, with the boundary river -

All the worlds of the size, look at it as a bubble of varying sizes.

In this foreign domain, there is naturally a so-called military home.

The world of heaven is not dangerous, but it is a perfect place to stand. It is indeed convenient to conquer the cloud world and choose to use it as a relay.

In fact, if he has enough strength, he will fight for the foreign domain. It is also necessary to first bring this world of heaven into control.

Here, you can force the suppression of the world around you! It is indeed a must.

Although the Tianfang will be strong, it can be no matter these aliens. Or the sects of the cloud world, the strength is far more than. On these major forces, the heavens will be everything.

If you don't have to, don't dare to offend easily. At this time, the chaos in the heavens is naturally conceivable.

When Shen surnamed him to understand him, he would not speak much. With a blue fire turtle, you can go to the interior room.

Zong Shou also has a flash at the same time. Out of the questioner building. Followed the traces of non-frost and cold, until the two entered a pavilion suspended in the air. This will stop.

Here is the Sky Fair Pavilion built by Tianfang League. It is specially reserved for the rental of the heavens. There are only five seats, all in the best place in the heavens, whether it is psionic or legal. They are all very good. The monk guards of the Tianfang Club are outside, and the owner of the Xiange is regarded as a VIP in the heavens. Therefore, it is hard to find a thousand dollars.

When Zong Shou came, he asked, but unfortunately, the five celestial pavilions have already been rented out.

I don't care about one of them, in the hands of non-frost and cold. And look at the situation, it should have been a lot of time.

Can not help but smile, he almost really thought that these two gimmicks, still ignorant of their situation.

It seems to be intentional now. So I don’t know.

With the temperament of Feishuang, when you don’t know the truth, you don’t know how to show your money. At this time, it was quite arrogant. Renting such a building obviously has its deep meaning.

However, this line is still a bit shallower. Although my sister’s expression is pretentious and calm, she is self-sufficient. It can be twilight but always flashes. From time to time, I look around.

The younger sister is innocent, but there is still a lingering worry in the eyebrows.

It is also true that the two sisters have experienced such kind of hardships. How could it be as before, purely ignorant of the world?

It is said that this is an entry. It is also surprising. I haven't seen it for a few years, but I have reached the ninth stage.

It seems that this sister is a matter. It should not be as simple as the Dragon City.

After thinking about it for a while, Zong Shou is not moving. Put a symbol into the street next to it, in a remote corner.

It was the previous catastrophe, the war with the Daomen, and even the trophies of the sacred sacred sacred sects.

The function is average, only the control of the area around the 100,000 feet, all the size of the ability to move.

But it is concealed, even if the divine repairer, if you do not pay attention, it is difficult to find out.

Zong Shou left this character, which is to see the sisters, Ye Jia sisters' whereabouts.

In case of danger, you can come to the rescue in time.

I also looked at a few people in the crowd, and Zong Shou was cold and stunned again.

Go back to the questioner building and go to the quiet room that the Shenlou owner arranged for him.

I found out that this is really an excellent environment. Or it is not as cold as non-cold, the small building that was rented, but it is also very spiritual.

Here, the Faction, as it is said, is extremely subtle and does not fear others to peek.

With Zong Shouguan, the structure of this array is strictly cautious, still above the five VIPs of the party.

Trying to look at the spiritual thoughts, I saw the internal control system, it is dense. Layers are stacked, and there is not much weight. It was a loop that was endless and inexhaustible.

Even if it is forcibly broken, it will be lost.

"This Shenlou, but I don't know where it came from? It's a good life. If this is his own hand, then I am afraid that I still smashed his path to repair -"

Shaking his head, Zong Shou then took out a set of buntings in the array.

A total of seventy-two faces, divided into red, black and white and four colors, named Tiankunqimen.

This is a gift from Kong Rui. According to him, it was the biography of the Confucian ancestors. In the era of the cloud, it was once famous.

Later damaged, it was placed in the warehouse. He has been studying to restore it before he was dismissed.

After waiting for the change, it will be delayed and brought to the cloud.

This array of power, all look at the people in the palm of the hand. He is guarded by his ancestors, not only has the ability to defend the monks of the Wonderland, but also the gods.

It is a holy place, and it can also fight for some reaction time.

The so-called anti-human heart is indispensable. The first time you meet, you can't talk about true trust.

Although this array method is good, it is difficult to say that the owner here will arrange what back door is.

If you really don't take precautions, then it is a joke.

When it comes to the world of the universe, it is even more cautious, and there must be no intention.

The cloth was good, and Zong Shouduan sat in the middle of the battle. He took out the book, and put it in front of him.

This book of spiritual law, he has seen the third page.

The fourth page, because of Shouyuan’s short-term, is in any case unwilling to let go.

After the robbery, his life was greatly increased and he rose for a whole year of six thousand years.

It is a pity that in the second month of the month, it was not busy in the memory of the memory of the classics, that is to accompany the Xuanyuan Yi people, there is no time.

Until then, there was an empty space.

With a deep breath, Zong Shou opened the book page until his hand touched the fourth page.

Immediately I felt that within this mind, it was a burst of near-explosive pain.

Countless runes of spirits rushed into his soul.

It is even more measurable, and the life of the body is really consumed in a trace.

"Three hundred years of life? Cut! Life is a little less, the qualifications are a little bit worse, I really can't afford this high secret -"

Coldly snorted, the sect was flawless. Take the fourth page and break it open.

Then between the Yuan Soul, it was a bang of the bang. The whole soul sea is in turmoil.

Those stars are sloshing, and the eighteen characters are forbidden. Even the black and white holes are twisted from time to time.

The severe pain caused Zong Shou to almost scream. I don’t know what it is, but the Yuan Soul seems to be at this moment, and it has been crushed and smashed into thousands of pieces by people.

This change did not stabilize until after an hour.

And Zong Shou is in the quiet room, it is already panting, the face is full of sweat of the bean, and all of it is bitter.

I only feel that I am under the weakness of the past. Even raising one's arm, I feel that it is very difficult.

At this moment, even if there is only one nephew child in front of him, just holding a sharp weapon, it is estimated that he can be killed on the spot.

In fact, the physical strength, blood and soul of the body are not damaged at all, but this is from the depths of the bottom of the heart, but it is truly incomparable.

In a blink of an eye, he consumed three hundred years of life, making him physically and mentally exhausted.

Zong Shou at this moment, it is actually hope that this book is fearful, not afraid to touch half.

However, in an instant, within the mind, there are countless runes, appearing in the sea of ​​souls. Even with the soul of the soul, a wave of fluctuations.

Zong Shou, a detailed investigation, knows that this is the way of time and life. The fourth page of this esoteric book is all in his memory.

I only feel that my mind has been packed and inflated. A little thought, not to Lenovo, there are countless runes imprisoned, appear in their own consciousness.

Suddenly realized in my heart, knowing that if I do not divide the contents of the fourth page of this book, I will completely digest it. I am afraid that I have no time to work hard and think about other things.

"A good book is worthy of the book! In the pages of the book, it is not only the way of time and destiny. It is actually including Vientiane, this is the fourth page, and I am afraid that I can compare a book building with Cangsheng Road-"

And more practical ~www.readwn.com~ for the spiritual practice, very helpful, no redundancy.

There is also a complete set of spiritual masters to practice, according to this method of practice, you can easily grasp the time.

"It is said that this second book of the universe is there when the domain was opened up. It is not necessary to see the contents of this book. Or it is a natural treasure, but there are also traces. If I expected, I really don’t know this person, is it? Has it come true?"

Zong Shou did not hesitate, he seized a Lingshi and began to accelerate time.

The flow rate of the surrounding space is suddenly increased.

But this time, it was only three days. It will completely consume a nine-order stone.

"If in the past, a yellow stone nine product spirit stone, this can be used for ten days. Now less than two-thirds -"

Zong Shou smashed his eyebrows and continued. After the strength is improved, these low-level Lingshi are really not used. However, it did not exceed his tolerance. To be continued..

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