Divine Brilliance

Chapter 941: Just have a sword

"You are thinking, I am Lin Xuanshuang. Is this a meat buns to beat a dog, or is it to send a sheep into a tiger's mouth?"

The voice of the net voice is innocent, it is pitiful, looking at this person. [] I thought about myself thinking about this?

Just in curiosity, this is a shocking movement, which is why. There is also Zong Shou at this time, and what is going on.

Is this not the case?

Just in my heart, but somehow, there is a kind of headache, a feeling of fluster.

Lin Xuan-shuang did not care at all, and snorted: "You are really spiritual, and you are fully awakened. I really don't know? It is a headache. If this incense is burned into the Lujia, your chances of Buddhism will become more and more embarrassing." It’s also strange that there is such a piece of baby, not hiding it, but taking the initiative to throw him into Lu’s mouth. Let’s make this net sound miscalculated?”

The net voice shook his head violently, poorly, she really didn't think much about it.

She is just an ordinary Buddhist, how to quantify the infinite Buddha, which is something that Buddha should consider, and has nothing to do with her.

Lin Xuan-shuang did not speak again, and fixedly looked at the distant void.

Why did she not know, what is the value of Zong Shou?

How could it be impossible to guess, this burning of Lu, a few reactions to the Holy Spirit?

But how can she stop it? If it is in the future, Zong Shou will step into the border, and sooner or later, you will have an insight into everything.

Then this selfishness is absolutely nothing to her.

Only with frankness and dedication, and then let him choose.

Even Zong Shou, did not choose the way of life.

Then she will never regret it, the wish of her nephew. I hope that all the people will be equal and noble. The world can be cultivated with its own fields, and it has its own place.

This sacred road is only a scorpion that is built with many like-minded people and is a tool to achieve its equality.

In other words, only this equal world is needed. Can be achieved. Then the strength of the sacred road, or even the inheritance, is not very important.

That child. It is also worth her time.

It is the king of the world! A person with the sacred whiteness.

The law of ruling the country, concealing the will of God, and never owing to the people -

"The Lujia Emperor. [] The blood of the burning world? If he really wants to inherit the burning court, he will also win him. But it is the blessing of the people of the eight hundred worlds!"

A faint look at the direction of the nine dead prison, Lin Xuan-shuang thought together. This aurora ferry boat, instantaneously empty, slid quietly to the distance.

At this point, the prison is about to collapse, and once it blows up. At that time, the air storm must spread to dozens of worlds around.

However, at this time, she made this aurora to sail, but it was not to escape, but to leave.

Zong Shou entered the death prison to find the mother, and there is no life worry. Then she promises this master. It has been completed.

At this point, it is time to deal with your own private affairs. At this moment, it is imperative to try to restore your own strength in the shortest possible time.

If it is expected to be good, in the cloud world. In the territory of Cangsheng, there will be an imminent battle.

As for this net sound, it is too dangerous to put this Nizi on the side of Zongshou, or take it with you as well.

Just thinking like this, in the void, suddenly a golden mans. Suddenly through the air.

It seems to be exhausted, and it is constantly shaking in the violent time and space storm here.

Lin Xuan-shuang's eyes are slightly stunned, and he immediately explores his hand and puts it in his hands.

It was the golden scorpion of the Mohist in the past, but this thing is everywhere, but it is within the shackles of the world.

Even if she has been 'fallen' for thousands of years, she still has countless old and numerous subordinates in the Cangsheng Road.

After the blessing of the robbery and the reshaping of the flesh, everything in the sacred road is well known.

There is only one jade in the belly of the empty feather bird.

Lin Xuan-shuang took it in his hands, only had to spend time, and there was a little sneer in the face.

"Xu Er Ah, I really don't know what to say about you! You are expected to be good, make the dragon shadow holy, owe you human feelings. There are Yuan Jingjie take the initiative to take the shortcut, become the unreasonable situation Holy Respect. Then use all kinds of means to split the door. A book of Yushu makes the teachings of the cloud circles distracted and fight for it. Self-righteousness is ready, there is no danger, but the Qingxuan, but also wait You have thousands of years of time. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] This person can make the body of the blind man, how can the means only be this? Before all, it is nothing but weakness, so that your heart is lucky -"

Slightly sigh, Lin Xuanmo looks complicated.

Wei Xu is one of the many disciples of Xunzi, the most talented person, and his heart is also the most handsome.

However, her disciple, although often has no choices, but the shortcomings are like his teacher, is arrogant.

If you are willing to endure, postpone the tens of years. In the battle for the teachings, when you are glued, you will enter the country and you will be able to get it.

However, with Wei Xu’s heart, I saw the opportunity of the revival of the sacred road, but it will certainly not let go.

I will definitely take a chance to try it out in the clouds. Cangshengdao can work hard with the teachers, instead of standing by.

It’s just that he is so, but he’s only worried about the ancestors’ minds.

For this reason, she was reluctant to tell her that she had reshaped her body and got rid of her difficulties.

The wise man must have a loss, and Wei Xu's layout, if he can't count himself, will naturally be more careful and try to be foolproof.

Similarly, her existence will also be a blind spot for the opponent.

I left myself and watched the game. At the crucial time, it may be able to fill the gap for Wei Xu.

It’s just that she has not recovered her body and how much can she do?

Zong Shou that child is good, but the time for his resurrection is still too late.

If you are not careful, this time the sacred road is really in danger of falling.

Zong Shouruo is burning the land, or can avoid the disaster.

In the darkness of the eyes, Lin Xuan-shuang immediately became another one.

A piece of information in Yu Jian suddenly fell into her mind.

"There has been a soul-swording squad, guarding the sorrowful sorrows, and the only soul refining sword is still without the Lord. The esteem is ingenuity, a thousand years, collecting seven kinds of heavenly gold imitation refining soul sword. Although not as good as authentic, but can In line with the Six Swords, there should be no worries in defending the dilemma. In the other places, there are rumors that the Tao is a soul refining spirit, which seems to have long since disappeared. Therefore, for thousands of years, no one can control this sword--"

Can it be combined with six swords?

Lin Xuanhuang was stunned and then laughed. Yes! I have been trapped in the broken world and have been in the broken world for thousands of years.

The six disciples of Xunzi are all outstanding, and none of them are among the thousands.

At this time, it is time to refine the swords left by the scorpion.

As for the spirit of the refining sword -

Lin Xuanmo hurried back, and his eyes crossed dozens of time and space barriers in an instant.

Falling into the imprisonment is the blood of the world, the fire of the ruins of the world.

Then the gaze was fixed on the red sword that was suspended next to it.

Is it true that the spirit of the real soul sword is not here?

The smell of the scorpion, she will never forget. Reshaping the body, when the mind was faint, even almost made him think that Zong Shou was the time when the scorpion was reincarnation.

Thinking about this, Lin Xuan-shuang can not help but laugh, what is this?

It is obvious that the sword array has been completed, but it is still necessary to worry about the refining of the imitation.

Baoshan is on the side, but I don’t know. This Wei Xu, it is really enough to know.

The power of this set of swords is not known to others, but she has seen it with her own eyes.

It’s not a false statement to kill the Holy Spirit!

Although it is not a real ‘kill’ death, if it is not as good as a show, it’s still a good thing.

In the hands of a pinch, the jade slip is shattered.

Lin Xuan-shuang no longer nostalgia, continue to make this boat, and travel far.

There is still a lot of information in this jade slip, and I have never seen it.

However, Lin Xuan, but did not care.

No matter what kind of ignorance Wei Xu has, no matter what the door of the door, what is the difference, it does not matter.

Just have that sword, you can -


When the whole world of the prison is getting more and more turbulent. The fire of the world has spread to every corner of the world.

The bans distributed throughout the prison are also shaking.

It also includes the sacred sacred to the prison, and the dozens of crosses of the iron frame.

The ban is broken, the dead prison is forbidden, and the qi and blood can no longer be taken.

Everyone on this place is full of irresistible joy. Struggling with struggle, before that made them unable to move, but what is the ban, but at the moment it is like paper.

Nothing is more laughter, and the sound is long.

"It’s broken, it’s really broken! It’s burnt well, it’s really good! I don’t know which one, is there such a magical power? I don’t care if I have no place, it’s really a day to get out of trouble.”

In the bursting of the gas, the road was banned and broken. The entire cross iron frame is also constantly distorted.

Finally, a burst of bang broke and broke into powder.

Breaking through this last bondage, there is no end to standing in the air, first a long shout.

It’s an inexhaustible pleasure, and it’s not easy to say.

Then he slammed his hand and grabbed it. In the distance, a monk who had not completely broken the ban, was forced to take a picture of him in the bursting sound.

The skull exploded in an instant, and there was no end to attach the mouth to the neck, and the big mouth was drinking blood.

Then he laughed again: "I haven't been drinking such a delicious blood food for a long time, so refreshing! It's really refreshing!"

The skinny body, rapidly expanding, restores vitality. The airless machine is also growing wildly.

Finally, I snorted and turned my head to look at it, the middle-aged man who came out with him almost at the same time.

"Ye Xuan!"

A glimmer of light flashed through the eyes of ~www.readwn.com~ There was no flash of the figure, and it was the middle of the middle-aged man.

The power of the metaphysical disorder is torn into thousands of pieces of time and space.

And without the hand of the body, it directly explores the neck of the middle-aged.

He looked at this person is not good, it has been a long time. The peak of the gods, its blood, must be more delicious.

The injury is full and it is about to fall on this person.

That Ye Xuan did not look the same, did not move, only slightly sighed in his mouth: "You ask yourself to be tyrannical, arrogant to the same level, but I do not know that others also have hikers. Like you like this devil, or do not want to go out to harm the world it is good!"

In the right hand, a sword smashed, and then the light and shadow flashed across the void.

Instant blood is sprinkling, there is no end to the opposite side, but it is full of face and not confident, looking at the hand that he has explored, and his arm is broken! (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)

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