Divine Brilliance

Chapter 942: 焱元圣尊

It’s unbelievable, and I’m looking at it. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

The gap between the two is really too big. So much so that he has no intention of fighting at the moment, and no revenge.

If you can, naturally you want to escape. But it’s locked by this sword, and it’s impossible to move.

Fear of fear, but also more and more puzzled, more and more is a complaint.

"Do you want to be crazy, not allowed to hide?"

Nothing is faint, and the dozens of iron frames in the distance are flying.

First, in front of him, twisted into a twist, and then collapsed inward, and finally became a sword shape.

Without refining, there is a sword that is overwhelming and swaying.

The pupil of the endless, at this time slightly shrinking.

"No! Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, you are the one, Xiaoyao Xuan -"

In the future of the voice, that Ye Xuan frowned, and then laughed: "You know too much! The name of Xiao Xiaoyao, Ye Xuan has long been used."

The sword that was temporarily made into a sword was just a gentle wave, and the head of this innocent man was smashed.

At this time, Ye Xuan, has been looking around.

The conflict between the two is just a few breaths, and there is a result.

Those who are out of the trapeze here are looking at it with sorrow.

It seems to be unbelievable, and in the end it will be the result. Usually, it is arbitrary, and there is no limit to the unscrupulous, and it is not the enemy of Ye Xuan.

In the eyes of everyone, there was a bit of taboo. Then they did not hesitate, and they fled. The shackles that had become fragile because of the burning of the inflammation were torn open. Go to the void and escape.

Ye Xuan has no interest in these people. Looking at these people with cold eyes, they are slightly sighing.

"Stupid! Don't you know, these invisible fires are the inflammation of the Lu family?"

The prison is broken, these people think of themselves. Can you escape?

Only the highest burning blood can kill the world.

If it is the situation, this flame power. But it is too low. It’s time to burn them all.

But this fire is really true. The most peak level of burning magic!

The only possibility is that there are Lu family members, and the advanced bloodline!

Such a big event, the burning of the Lu family, you can nowhere to be holy. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

How far can you escape at this time?

Unwilling to look up at the sky, Ye Xuan's eyes are all helpless.

It is true that the family that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years has only shown some signs of decline.

There are such outstanding young people who suddenly rise and become desperate -

Silently. Ye Xuan also slightly felt for a moment. Then he put the sloppy sword on his waist. Go south and walk away.

That is where the gate is, if he is expected to be good. That place should be his only vitality.

He is empty. It is a hundred miles in an instant. Just squatting, it is near the eighth floor.

Looking around, when I found out that the distance was only two hundred miles away, one old and one young, two people facing each other.

Ye Xuan’s pupil suddenly shrinks!

The old man is clearly a holy man. Ye Xuan did not expect a look.

Focus on the line, all in the boy.

This person, isn’t that the boy I met dozens of days ago?

The blood eyes should be good for burning blood!

This young man who broke into the nine dead prisons and looked around for the mother was the one who was promoted to the Lu family by the Jin Dynasty.

This son is the son of Lu Hanyan. In other words, he is not yet 30 years old. At this time, it is only a fairyland. It is really unexpected and really embarrassing.

Also, the heart is slightly moving, and the surface is slightly different.

Son of smoke? That is the mysterious grandson of the burning of the Holy Emperor today, and the blood of the highest burning.

In this way, he is also the longest son of the entire burning of the Lujia, the first sacred court of the Holy Court?

Or, maybe -

As soon as this thought flashed, it was again suppressed.

Looking at the front, just in the moment, the air machine over there has changed slightly.

Ye Xuan’s gaze turned to the old man in the red robe. The right hand is not allowed to do so, holding his own sword. [WWw.YZUU point m]

This person is a murderous machine!

At this time, Lu Tianqing is breathing. He was sweating and soaked in heavy clothes.

The five waning of the heavens and the human beings, the first fading of the five waning clothes, the second sensation on the head, the third fading, sweating.

At this moment, he is already suffering from the three-dead disease!

Maintaining this eight-layered prison, not completely collapsed. Almost exhausted all his mana instinct, at this moment, it is even more extractive of the precious life essence.

But it is still unable to stop the power of this collapse, but instead of the soul, in the burning of the invisible fire, the continuous retreat.

Around the place, a series of humming sounds came. The fragments of time and space are being disintegrated and scattered, and scattered into the void outside the domain.

The mind is clear again, but I can't stop it. This dying prison is destined to collapse!

How can this be so? How can this be?

How can he ruin Lu Tianqing?

Is to let go of everything and immediately flee? However, although this domain is large, where can I escape?

Lost Lujia, there is no advanced possibility, and it does not live too much for more than 200 years.

Most of the descendants will be implicated by him, and they can only be reduced to sinners.

Looking at the eyes, Lu Tianqing looked at the opposite side. The source of everything is this one.

The **** red, still indifferent to him, with the meaning of contempt.

But more and more let Lu Tianqing resentment! I can't wait to burn this land, I have been looking forward to burning blood for thousands of years, dig and destroy!

Wait, ruin?

Lu Tianqing’s gaze moved, and then the murderous machine exploded again.

Anyway, it’s all dead and it’s not as good as it’s all!

It’s always impossible to watch the culprits that make him fall into such a situation, and he can return to Lu’s home.

Be the first Chu Jun, the next one to burn the Holy Emperor. Bullying your own children!

This thought together, but see the opposite of the Zong Shou, suddenly silent sneer.

"You can be so alone, why not you? Want to be alone with you, right?"

Lu Tianqing gave a slight glimpse, this son actually guessed his own mind.

Again and again, there was no illusion. Just smile again. At this time, this erection can only be used for the benefit of the tongue, and is delayed by these words.

If you are a bright future, after you die, you will only have a loess!

Do not hesitate. Tens of thousands of silver threads, from his sleeves, burst into the direction of Zongshou,

Under the **** gaze, a trace of silver wire was twisted and broken. But there are more silver wires, and there is no end to it.

Lu Tianqing couldn't help it at this time, and wanted to laugh out loud and look very happy.

Despair can be right? Helpless! The same is true of him, too!

Today, this Lujia first Chu Jun accompanied him to death, and he Lu Tianqing is worthy of this life!

Can be the next moment. He saw the blood in the opposite side, the color of mercy.


A loud bang, Lu Tianqing's knees were actually crushed. I couldn’t stand it, and I stumbled in front of Zongshou’s body. And those silver silks, in an instant, all fried into powder!

A very majestic voice, and passed away at the same time.

"The first Crown Prince of the Holy Court! Lu Tianqing, you are so courageous -"

The sound quality is Shen Xiong, and there is Ruoqiang Steel. Broken sounds. It is a powerful idea that can be used to smash everything here.

It seems that the anger has reached the extreme, and the surrounding thousands of emptiness are all under the shock of this sound wave, as the broken waves spread out.

Under this pressure, Lu Tianqing had a steel tooth, almost grinded, and the mouth was even more overflowing with blood.

But still can not help the horror in the chest, the voice lost in the mouth.


This voice, the power of this idea, is definitely a good name!

The look of the moment suddenly disappeared. Why did this holy deity come so fast?

No, this has been very strange at first.

This **** vein changed, awakened to burn the holy blood, and he himself was the one who burned the land.

Although the rankings in the past are low, it is also one of the veins. Why are you completely ignorant?

Yes, no, there is no induction. The **** tide, the omen of retrogression, I have experienced several times.

It’s just that he has been, never noticed, never thought about it.

It is clearly a barrier to knowledge! Can only see, but can't know!

This idea emerged in my mind, and all the obstacles were suddenly removed.

That's it! That's it! This sacred sage is not coming from hundreds of worlds, but has long been waiting for it!

Poorly, he is unparalleled and breaks into this trap without knowing it!

So who is it, is it calculated by him?

Almost instinctive, I remembered the name of the person.

"Amazing Flames! Lu Yanyan!"

A scream, screaming from Lu Wushuang’s throat, screaming and screaming.

In addition to this person, I can't think of anything else, so that he can see the obstacles of knowing and not knowing himself!

It’s ridiculous, but I’ve also pity the flames of the land, waiting for the Lu’s mother and son to be cruel.

I never thought that I was the real poorest person.

"It is really annoying! You can't look after the nine dead prisoners. Knowing that the blood of the world is awakened, you will sacrifice it with one world. But you still don't wake up, let me be the first treasurer of the Lu family, awaken the blood in the death prison, and destroy it. This is the world of the prison, this is a sin!"

The voice of the holy sage, the words of indifference. The plain seems to be not in the trial, but in the narrative.

Lu Tianqing is cold in his heart, helpless looking up at the sky.

It has long been doomed ~www.readwn.com~ When the flames see this, his fate is already doomed!

From the beginning, it broke into the trap.

Zong Shou awakened, mostly relying on the power of this shack. However, if the flames are clear, in the case of Lu Jia, a prison is not unbearable.

- This holy deity, I am afraid that it was decided before the 10th, to take his life!

However, at this time, what is the use of hate?

From then on, it can be seen that the sky is breaking. But it is faintly like, I can see the flameless, scornful smile.

At this time, the voice of the sacred sage is still going on.

"The second of its sins, after the incident, do not think about making up. Under resentment, anti-intentions to murder the prince! The two sins are not to be blamed! Can you argue with words?" RQ

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