Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 107: "Visitors" to the plantation!

The plantation is located in a basin surrounded by mountains, with only one road leading to it. The other places are basically steep rock walls. Unless the cultivation base is high enough to use floating techniques, and a master floating in the air, it is difficult for anyone to enter the basin from the surroundings.

Lu Chen was puzzled. In your plantation, just some potatoes, it is necessary to find such a remote place with almost no risk. This is much safer than the den of some robbers. After all, there are not many robber dens with only one passage!

The plantation occupies a total area of ​​nearly 100 acres, calculated according to the yield of 3,000 catties per mu, which is 300,000 catties of potatoes. Although this is not as good as those high-yield potatoes with a yield of 10,000 catties per mu, it is countless times stronger than Rowling's previous planting methods. It turns out that Rowling might not be able to receive ten catties of potatoes for one acre of land.

There are more than one hundred workers in the entire plantation. These are all slaves that Rowling bought from the slave market not long ago. Of course, these are just some slaves who can farm land, and the highest cultivation base is not as good as an intermediate swordsman. After all, choosing slaves is not the same as Lu Chen.

For this kind of slave who can only farm, the current life is so happy. After being planted, potatoes are basically crops that do not need to be managed. When it's okay at most, just water it! Even if you don't water it, it will not have any effect on the potatoes.

So for so long, these slaves, except when they started planting, were a little tired, they just got together to chat, beat, fish and drink tea every day, and they were more leisurely than those noble masters. Of course, it would be even more perfect if Rowling could provide daily food.

When Lu Chen came to the gate of the plantation with his three daughters and a large group of red-tailed monkeys, the slaves in the plantation were gathering in groups for breakfast. Lu Chen suddenly appeared, let these The slave was stunned, and he never thought that someone would show up in such a remote place.

But soon, it was arranged by Lu Chen to guard and guard against some unexpected situations. The two guards rushed to Lu Chen and said excitedly: "Master, you are here! Let's take Master and Madam. , Check the situation of the recent plantation!"

Knowing that Lu Chen will be here, I must want to know the growth of the crops in the plantation. He would not believe that Lu Chen came here exclusively for fun. So after greeted Lu Chen, the guard went straight to the subject without saying anything.

"En! Let's go!" Lu Chen nodded, and under the leadership of the guard, he slowly checked the entire plantation.

After some inspections, Lu Chen was quite satisfied. I don't know if it is because of the mutation of potatoes or the environment of this world. It originally took four to five months to fully mature. In this world, Lu Chen had already sensed the appearance of Little Tudou in spite of just one month. It probably only takes another two months to mature for mining.

And this world, for potatoes, there are no four seasons. Potatoes are a kind of crops that are afraid of the cold. When the weather is cold, they will freeze. There is only one season every year, except for certain places. In this world, if it is three months, it can be planted three seasons a year. It's so powerful!

"Ah! No good, those wild boars are here again, my lord, come on! Those wild boars are about to destroy the defensive tools at the door!" At this moment, suddenly there was an uproar from far away, a panic The slave quickly ran towards Lu Chen.

Wild boar?

Lu Chen was still wondering just now that the plantation was not an important place, why there was so much defense at the door. It turned out to be to defend these wild boars. But I just don't know how these wild boars are different from the wild boars on earth, if they are the same... Lu Chen's saliva couldn't help but flow down.

"Go! Go and take a look!" Lu Chen waved his hand, and everyone hurried towards the entrance of the plantation.

"Oh! Good guy!" When he came to the entrance of the plantation, Lu Chen couldn't help taking a breath, "Your sister! What's going on? Is there something in this valley that attracts them, and it attracts so much? I’m afraid there are no fewer than 500 wild boars!"

"Master! These wild boars suddenly appeared around the plantation a week ago. This is their fourth attack! But the previous three times, before we started, they suddenly fled away! I don't know why! But this is the first time they have attacked the plantation so fiercely!" said a guard next to them.

"What's going on! By the way, I just saw that there needs to be a large area of ​​free land in the land! I don't know if there are any plans there?" Although Lu Chen is the owner of the plantation, he is after all about planting None of these professional households who have spent their lives as farmers have experience, so the various plans of the plantation are all designated by these slaves!

"No!" The guard shook his head and said.

"That's good! In the future, the planted area near the innermost part of the basin is where these wild boars live! I remember that the mountain behind that piece of land is actually not very big. The valleys are connected to each other. After these wild boars are settled, I will help them increase some land!"

This large piece of Shanglin is actually a place similar to a gourd. The place where the plantation is now is the small circle above the gourd. As long as the mountain in the middle is abolished, the big circle in the back will be able to Revealed. Because of this plantation, in Lu Chen's plans, there will definitely not be only one plant in the future.

So don’t look at the land that seems to be surplus, but in fact, it’s not enough. Even if the big circle at the back is added, it is not necessarily. So at some time in the future, Lu Chen would definitely enclose all the surrounding mountains and forests in. This is inevitable!

Of course, this was also something Lu Chen could not do. He was planning to find a large fertile land on the plain. But Rowling felt that this was not good, and it was likely to bring danger to herself and Lu Chen. Although Lu Chen sneered at the unknown danger, but for Rowling, he still chose those valleys in his mouth.

"Um!" Lu Chen's words made everyone present stunned. There is more than one simple thing to keep the wild boars in captivity. To reach the place Lu Chen said, one would inevitably pass through the current potato planting area. In case one is not careful, these potatoes will be fatally hit by the wild boars.

Message to the reader:

Seeking gold bricks! Although there were a lot of clicks yesterday, the gold bricks are really not good, but there are a few! I am dizzy, is this book so unsatisfactory?

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