Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 108: Wild boar ingredients!

As a result, afterwards, they were considered to have seen what is powerful and shocked!

Standing at the gate of the plantation, Lu Chen quickly circulated the energy in his body, using a large-scale levitation technique and a floating technique from his hands. The wild boars who were still hitting the defense facilities at the entrance of the plantation floated into the air one by one, and then under Lu Chen's control, they flew towards the selected open space.

As soon as he put them down, these wild boars hissing, Lu Chen hurriedly laid a formation around them, lest these disobedient wild boars would run out of their territory and destroy the potatoes that had just had fruit, which would be troublesome. As for the future, it must be to build a thick protective wall. After all, Lu Chen's formation cannot be set here forever.

Then, Lu Chen slowly flew into the air, carefully checked the surrounding environment, and finally his eyes condensed, and then he pointed at the originally planned hill with both hands, but did not see any scene of the mountain shaking. This hill was completely cut off a considerable part, and in the end a ravine about half a meter deep was left where the hill was originally.

This place, Lu Chen is the place where these wild boars are going to take a mud bath. However! For the most part, the river water is relatively clean. The water in this ravine was not drawn by Lu Chen from the original small river in the basin, but from another big river that gathered far away.

It was this man-made gully that took Lu Chen a full half day. There is no way, who made the big river too far away, in order to prevent it from drying up in the future, the dug trenches are much deeper than the original hills, half a meter deep. The shallowest is about 1.5 meters, and the deepest is more than tens of meters. This is completely based on the environment of various places.

While Lu Chen was dealing with the new addresses of these wild boars, Chiyue was also helping the red-tailed monkeys to improve their cultivation. After Lu Chen's affairs were completed, Chi Yue had almost only the last red-tailed monkey left, and needed help to ascend. The other red-tailed monkeys, after being promoted, are now evolving.

After spending most of the day, Lu Chen really felt tired. When he came to the plantation, he threw himself on the bed and rested in his own villa.

"Lu Chen, what use are you making those wild boars? It's not a kind of food, right?" Rowling walked over to Lu Chen's bed when Lu Chen was resting, and asked with a smile.

"Haha! Yeah!" Lu Chen took Rowling into his arms and said with a smile: "Although these wild boars are all second-level monsters, their meat is much tasteless compared to domestic pigs. If we have this kind of wild boar, I think our restaurant should be a higher level. But what I don’t understand is, why is wild boar such a delicious thing that no restaurant uses?"

In Lu Chen's entertainment city, wild boar was not used as food, because Lu Chen did not know that there was such a thing as wild boar. After all, in this world, pork is not as common on earth. Few people like to eat it. Only beef and venison are the main meat in this world.

Although wild boar is also a type of pig, its meat is definitely dozens of times more delicious than domestic pigs. Even people who do not like pork will love him after tasting food made from wild boar. In this way, maybe, under the promotion of Lu Chen, pork will become a major meat of human beings just like on earth.

Now Lu Chen, he discovered that he has an absolute relationship with four of the future top ten restaurants on the mainland. If he follows this down again, Lu Chen will bring more dishes from the Earth to this world, maybe he can completely control the restaurant industry in this world.

And controlling a relatively important restaurant industry, Lu Chen almost controlled the world. After all, even if you are a **** (the **** of this world), you will inevitably have to eat something for a while, for those delicious things. It can't be resisted.

It can be said that Lu Chen indirectly controlled the continent. Compared to those novels, Lu Chen didn't like the use of violence to control a world. So for such a long time, as long as it was not too serious, Lu Chen was not willing to use violence to solve it.

Lu Chen did not seek truth now and indirectly controlled the real continent. As long as half of the top ten restaurants on the mainland in the future are their own! Lu Chen was actually very close to this goal!

"In fact, what you said is wrong. Wild boar is not used in restaurants. It's just that no restaurant can handle the sourness and fishy smell of wild boar. Compared to domestic pork, it is worse! So basically, wild boar , Was excluded by all restaurants!" Rowling said.

"Sour? And smelly? This is very simple! Just add some cooking wine, pepper and other things, you can completely remove it! If it doesn't work! When I go back, I will make you a meal of wild boar, let you taste The taste of wild pork. It's so delicious!" Lu Chen said with a full face of enjoyment.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but what I want to know is, what kind of pepper is the pepper you are talking about? Is it also a kind of pepper?" Rowling was a little strange. She had never heard of pepper before, but she understood. , This pepper should be a kind of seasoning!

"Pop!" Lu Chen patted his forehead, and suddenly remembered that something like pepper, a chef in this world, didn't even know what it was. It was like the first time Lu Chen put the peppercorns in a vegetable. After Lu Ye ate it, he thought it was a poisonous fruit! It was half dead at the time!

"Haha! Pepper is a good thing. According to me, the dishes in the entertainment city are so delicious because of the addition of condiments such as pepper."

"What? No! How would you know! I used to try the food in the entertainment city to taste the difference, but I specially observed their recipes, but there is no difference at all! As for the peppers you said, more Didn't you see it!" Rowling asked puzzledly.

"If you can find out, the restaurants in the entertainment city don't need to be opened!" Lu Chen smiled affectionately and scratched Rowling's little nose, and said, "It's because I'm worried about being learned by others, so those seasonings , All in the form of powder, put in the dish!"

"Huh!" Rowling glanced at Lu Chen strangely, and asked puzzledly: "How do you know so clearly?"

Message to the reader:

BRIC! Why not! So inadequate?

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