"It is rumored that this Hundred Flower Palace was a huge sect several million years ago. There are countless masters in the door. They are the masters of the **** emperor and the **** emperor stage. In this sect, they belong to the middle class. It is said that the highest has passed After the Holy Tribulation, reached the Holy Rank..." Yan Jiayuan introduced as she walked.

These things belong to relatively secret existences, except for some older generations, or some people who are sitting in important positions, such as Yan Jiayuan, the city lord of Baihua City, it is possible to know.

"Later..." Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Later?" Yan Jiayuan also showed a puzzled look on her face. "Later, I didn't know what happened. The entire Hundred Flowers Palace completely disappeared from everyone's eyes, leaving only this huge palace. It can be said that that At that time, except for the Hundred Flower Palace, all the sects of the entire Origin God Temple disappeared overnight!"

Yan Jiayuan paused and continued: "Since that night, although there are people who have cultivated above the god-human stage, there are some, but they rarely appear in front of the world again, as if it was because something restricted them. No one who has cultivated since the sage stage or above has ever appeared again!"

When Yan Jiayuan said this, she glanced at Lu Chen, and then said: "Of course, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would never have seen a person with the cultivation level of the saint in this life. I thought that after the cultivation base reached the saint, he became a monster, so I am embarrassed to come out to see the world!"

"Haha!" Everyone smiled unanimously, because they all knew that Yan Jiayuan was just joking! The saints are so powerful, how can they be monsters!

After laughing, Lu Chen began to think about it. Yan Jiayuan told herself and the others the secret, since there were saints in this world millions of years ago, does it mean that there are still saints in this world now? After all, who can reach the saint, who has not lived for tens of millions of years.

Of course... Lu Chen and the others are not counted!

"Jiayuan, has there been any change in your Origin God space since that time?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Change?" Yan Jiayuan froze for a moment, and said: "Of course, it can be said that since that night, the entire Origin God space has undergone earth-shaking changes. If you are not a familiar person, I am afraid that after coming to the Origin God space again, I won't recognize this place!"

"Oh! What has changed?" Yanyue was also quite curious. Although she was also an aboriginal in Yuanshen Space, she had never heard of these secrets. Now that she heard Yan Jiayuan’s story, she couldn’t help being quite curious. What has changed in the world I live in!

"The disappearance of sects and masters will not be mentioned. The biggest change is that the entire Origin God space has changed. This place is like a world, and various geographical environments are intermingled with each other. Anyone I can go to any place. But since then, there are only three places in the Origin God Space, the Origin God Plain, the Origin God Mountain Range, and the Origin God Forest."

"And these three places can only be entered if they have reached the corresponding level. The Yuanshen Plain can only be entered by people below the Golden Immortal Stage. The Yuanshen Mountain Range can only enter from the Golden Immortal Stage to the Divine Sovereign Stage. As for the Forest of Origin God, it is said that you can only enter if you exceed the gods, otherwise there is only a dead end!"

Yan Jiayuan shook her head and said with a trace of fear on her face.

But obviously, Yan Jiayuan's fear is because of Yuanshen Forest, after all Yuanshen Plain and Yuanshen Mountain Range, there is really no threat to her!

After listening to Yan Jiayuan's words, Lu Chen showed a thoughtful look on his face, muttered a few words secretly, and then asked: "Jiayuan, is there no Origin God Temple in the Origin God space before then? This world is not called the Origin God Space, but by other names?"

"That's not it. You said that the first one was right. Before that, there was indeed no Yuanshen Temple here, but the second one was wrong. The name here has always been Yuanshen Space!" Yan Jiayuan smiled. , Said: "Lu Chen, I didn't expect that you are still quite smart!"

"It was called the Origin God Space before? But there is no Origin God Temple?" Lu Chen thought for a while, and he had an idea, maybe this Origin God Temple originally appeared because of the purpose of changing the entire Origin God Space. And after I arrived at the Yuan Shen Temple, I might be able to understand what happened in it!

"Then what's the matter with you Baihua City?" Lu Chen didn't ask about Yuanshen Space anymore, but changed the subject.

"Hundred Flowers City!" Yan Jiayuan thought for a while, and said: "Actually, Hundred Flowers City was originally built by Hundred Flower Palace! This Hundred Flower Palace is a sect, and naturally needs to accept disciples. And in our Origin God space, most of them are monsters. For the monster beast, the most important thing is the cultivation method. If there is no cultivation method, I am afraid that when we die, there will be no high cultivation base."

"So every year there are quite a lot of people who come to Baihua Palace to ask for a teacher. To be able to join Baihua Palace, tens of millions of monsters will come to the gates of Baihua Palace and wait for opportunities. But Baihua Palace is so big for disciples. The selection is stricter and cumbersome.

The monster beasts waiting outside the Baihua Palace also need life and practice. After a long time, under the Hundred Flowers Palace, it became a large market. And Baihua Palace, in order to let these monsters who can join the Baihua Palace, established the Baihua City to house these monsters! "

"Gradually, as time goes by, the development of Baihua City has become faster and faster, and it has become as large as it is today. And the monsters in Baihua City, some people who were not reconciled because they were eliminated, settled in Baihua City. After that, development and development will become a family!" Yan Jiayuan explained with a smile.

Then, Yan Jiayuan continued: "In fact, it is not just Baihua City. It can be said that all the cities in the Yuanshen Mountain are basically left over by those large sects. However, because of the disappearance of the sects, they were gradually ruled by some families. Like Yueyue's Iwari Castle!"

"By the way, because of the disappearance of the sect, the cultivation technique is gradually lost, and the strength of the entire Origin God space is slowly falling. There were quite a few monsters that could enter the God Realm every year, but now, it is estimated that hundreds of Years, tens of thousands of years, there may not be one! Hey..."

When Yan Jiayuan said this, she sighed helplessly. After all, as a monster, she also didn't have any good practice methods. Otherwise, with Yan Jiayuan's qualifications, she would have already cultivated to the stage of godly respect. Maybe he would never meet Lu Chen, and he would have left the Origin God space.

"Didn't you mean you can leave the Origin God space at will?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"It is true. But do you think that a monster that has not reached the age of gods and humans will end up in the gods everywhere? Although there may be opportunities to meet good cultivation techniques, basically , Will reincarnate human pets, mounts and the like."

"Monster beasts also have their own dignity, so they would rather live in the source **** space than go to the **** realm and lower their status. Therefore, only those monster beasts who are above the gods will choose to leave the source **** space! But that way! After leaving, it will be difficult to return to the Origin God space!" Yan Jiayuan said helplessly.

Lu Chen did not answer Yan Jiayuan's words. After all, he is the human in Yan Jiayuan's mouth. Although it is not as exaggerated as Yan Jiayuan said, in fact, he also has pets and mounts in his hands!

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