Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1435: Sudden accident!

"Why haven't I heard of these things!" Yan Yue said with a gloomy expression after hearing Yan Jiayuan's words.

"Hehe! It's probably your elder brother, your father, they don't necessarily know this! After all, that time is too far away from us!" Yan Jiayuan shook her head and said with a smile.

"Yes! Too long, it was millions of years ago!" Yanyue said exaggeratedly.

"Haha!" Yanyue's appearance made everyone laugh. Hua Xinrui looked at Yanyue's appearance, although she wanted to laugh, but thinking of her current relationship with Yanyue, only a bitter smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. meaning!

"Hey, what is that?" At this moment, everyone happened to be walking in a hall of Baihua Palace. The view in the main hall is similar to that of the main hall of Earth Buddhism, but in this main hall, some of the statues are not Buddha statues such as Maitreya Buddha with bare breasts, but beautiful and gorgeous, dressed in light veils. Beauty avatar.

Following the direction of Zi Xin'er's fingers, everyone looked over.

That is the inner position of the entire hall, not far behind a beautiful statue. At this time, there were a series of colorful rays of light, from behind the beautiful statue, slowly rising, like a series of gorgeous fireworks, but this beautiful colorful rays of light, only illusory existence.

"That is this hall, the most famous sight! But no one knows what the **** it is!" Yan Jiayuan said, her eyes suddenly turned to Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, why don't you go take a look? What is it, how can such a scene appear inexplicably!"

"Me?" Lu Chen thought for a while, but also curious, so he said: "Okay! Then I'll go take a look!"

Lu Chen nodded, didn't care, and walked towards the colorful glow...

After approaching the colorful glow, Lu Chen's first feeling was that the colorful glow was fake, it was a phantom at all. But after looking at it, Lu Chen realized that something was wrong again. Is this phantom too real? Except that Lu Chen couldn't feel it physically, even the divine consciousness also noticed something wrong.

"Wait... something is wrong!" When Lu Chen was about to release his spiritual consciousness and explore the colorful glow, he suddenly felt something wrong and was about to retreat quickly, but... just when he was about to retreat, he suddenly felt in front of him. The suction came, and then the whole person fainted.

"Lu Chen...what's the matter with you?" And just after Lu Chen fainted, he disappeared.

This fright made Zi Xin'er and the other women incomparably surprised, exclaiming one by one, after searching for it but not finding it. He directly released his divine consciousness, shrouded the entire Baihua Mountain, and began to explore the existence of Lu Chen. And because she was worried about Lu Chen, Zi Xin'er and other women involuntarily leaked a little bit of their cultivation.

The women of Lu Chen are okay. After all, because they had been with Lu Chen, there was a part of the grandeur in their bodies, and they themselves cultivated Fengmengjue. Regarding the aura, the aura did not affect them much. influences. So I didn't feel anything, I still looked around impatiently.

Yan Jiayuan and Hua Xinrui couldn't stand it at all. Looking at these, the woman who had a gentle and ladylike appearance suddenly burst into such a terrifying aura, making Yan Jiayuan and Hua Xinrui their faces suddenly changed. He was extremely pale, and fell directly to the ground with a loud cry.

"Ah! Big sister, you...what's wrong with you?" Yan Jiayuan was standing beside Yanyue. Yanyue was also in anger at this time, but the humming sound from her side made Yanyue startled and turned. At first glance, I saw Yan Jiayuan and Hua Xinrui, both pale, and fell to the ground in pain.

Yanyue stunned for a moment, and suddenly woke up, so she hurriedly shouted: "Sister Xin'er, quickly let everyone put away their aura, the eldest sister and Huahua can't stand it!" Yanyue said at the same time, put away her body Aura, then walked to Yan Jiayuan and Hua Xinrui's side, ready to help them up.

"Ah!" Hearing Yanyue's voice, Zi Xiner turned her head and took a look. She was also taken aback and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone quickly put away their momentum, there are ordinary people here!" After finishing speaking, Zi Xiner also put away her aura, and then walked towards Yan Jiayuan and Hua Xinrui.

Squatting beside them, Zi Xin'er checked their bodies, frowned, looked at her side, and said to Yan Xin: "Yan Xin, you will help Miss Hua treat her body. I will help Jiayuan treat her. Body. They are in danger now!"

Zi Xin'er's name for the two can tell what her attitude towards them is. But now the situation is urgent. I am afraid that except for Yan Jiayuan and Hua Xinrui, no one else noticed this. Yan Xin, as Zi Xiner's instructions, squatted by Hua Xinrui's side to help Hua Xinrui get treatment. .

Soon, the two recovered under the treatment of Zi Xin'er and Yan Xin!

Fortunately, the two found out in time. Otherwise, if you wait a while, it is estimated that the two will be directly crushed by Zi Xin'er's momentum. At that time, even if Lu Chen appears, don't even think about putting the two of them. Rescue, after all, they have completely disappeared in this world.

"Jiayuan, I'm sorry, I forgot you two ordinary people are there!" Zi Xiner said with a guilty expression after treating Yan Jiayuan.

Yan Jiayuan has returned to normal under Zi Xin'er's treatment. She smiled lightly and said, "It's okay! Sister Xin'er, I know you are worried about Lu Chen. Look, I'm not all right now! You saved it! So there is nothing you can do to sorry for me!"

Zi Xin'er nodded, then looked at Hua Xinrui, opened her mouth, and did not face Yan Jiayuan's natural expression on her face. She said, "Miss Hua, I'm sorry, I hurt you!"

"It's okay!" Hua Xinrui smiled bitterly. When she heard Zi Xin'er say that the two of them were ordinary people, her face was obviously unnatural, and she wanted to refute, but she thought that she was just because of what was coming from them. The aura is suppressed into this appearance. For them, they are not ordinary people, but who they are.

If Hua Xinrui knew, she had thought that the aura from Zi Xin'er and the others was just a trace of them accidentally leaking out because of their anger, and she didn't know what they would think. Presumably... if she killed her, she wouldn't dare to be arrogant beside Lu Chen!

However, Hua Xinrui did not think of this question, but noticed what Zi Xiner called her and Yan Jiayuan. It was obvious to Yan Jiayuan that she was very close, and she was directly called by her name, but to herself, she seemed too unfamiliar, as if they had only met each other.

Although Hua Xinrui was angry in her heart, she was helpless because he knew that this was originally she asked for it. If it weren't for it, she would always be fine to find trouble, and trouble finding Lu Chen. At the beginning, she almost made Lu Chen was angry. It is estimated that Zi Xin'er treats her more intimately than Yan Jiayuan!

After all, relative to her visit, she and Zi Xin'er and others met earlier than those with Yan Jiayuan! Of course, if that were the case, the relationship between myself and Yueyue and the eldest sister would not be so embarrassing! It seems that there is no difference between them and strangers at all! It's a pity... Hua Xinrui is all to blame, it's too delicate!

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