Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1652: The air of dark clouds!

"This is the so-called strongest state?"

Lu Chen suddenly smiled contemptuously on his face, and said disdainfully: "That is to say, it is happier than before!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen flew a sword, a backhand sword, and a sharp blade, slashing towards the Minotaur's arm.


With a sound of metal collision, Lu Chen's sword was shaken away, and the Minotaur did not settle well. He was hurriedly withdrawn for a few meters, and the bone spurs on his arm were also broken!

"I have almost figured out the attack method of this samurai! It turned out to be nothing more than that!" Lu Chen said disappointedly at this time: "It's just relying on physical strength, and the attack method is really too single! I'm already No interest anymore!"

"What do you mean?" Ge Yun's expression was a bit ugly, could it be that this Lu Chen has been around so many times! Haven't he revealed his true strength yet?

"I mean... Originally I wanted to know the refining method of this patron saint, but now I don't want to...because he is too weak!"

While speaking, Lu Chen's Dimensional Law was suddenly activated, and his figure disappeared.


Lu Chen's figure flickered around the Minotaur's body. Every time he showed his figure, he would use a flying sword to leave a deep wound on the Minotaur's body.

The Minotaur's extremely solid defense was also vulnerable to a single blow under the flying sword that Lu Chen fully used!

Ge Yun was a little panicked, the manipulator patronized God, but it was always difficult to catch Lu Chen's figure!

"final hit!"

Lu Chen suddenly appeared, the flying sword unfolded, and endless true essence was poured into it. Suddenly, the light on the flying sword skyrocketed. Lu Chen carried the flying sword that exudes endless light, and slashed it on the minotaur's neck.

One sword!


The Minotaur's head grumbled and rolled out so far, and finally sank into the swamp, and his body slowly softened, and finally, was completely swallowed by the swamp!

"This... this... how is this possible?"

Ge Yun looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible!" Lu Chen smiled and said, "Didn't you discover the weakness of this Minotaur?"

"Weakness?" Ge Yun flashed a sharp light of hatred in his eyes, and said: "My samurai has been refined for hundreds of years! How can there be weaknesses!"

"Of course there are weaknesses, and they are obvious!" Lu Chen smiled, and said, "The biggest weakness of this Minotaur! It has no IQ! Only knows how to execute orders stupidly!"

"After fighting for so long, I found out that this minotaur would stand stupidly when you did not give instructions! Why was I able to turn off the minotaur just now? The reason is simple, I isolated this space. , It has blocked your divine sense command!"

"I..." Ge Yun was stunned for a while. Finally, he pointed to Lu Chen with a sullen smile: "Even if my Forehead has weaknesses, what about it? I must kill you! I will kill you! His body, once again refined into a powerful patron of the gods!"

Hearing Ge Yun's words, Lu Chen smiled, looked at Ge Yun with an idiot look, and said, "Kill me? What did you use to kill me? Do you have any other cards? Use them together! You always hide your strength!"

Ge Yun almost vomited blood, but he also knew that the God of Servant had been killed by Lu Chen at this time, and his current strength alone was not Lu Chen's opponent at all! It would be good to be able to save his life in his hands now.

But how could Ge Yun be willing to fail?

As the least status elder of the Outer Sect in the Black Cloud Hall elder seat, Ge Yun has endured for hundreds of years. During these hundreds of years, he can't say that he has the courage, but it is almost the same.

In the past few hundred years, Ge Yun has not only suppressed his strength as he had just entered the divine status, but has also been doing nothing. He has been doing an outer elder steadily. The biggest thing is every ten. The disciples of the year tried.

And he, in these hundreds of years, he has already saved a lot of cards!

Not to mention the countless treasures in the ring, that is, the saint **** who has consumed countless treasures of heaven and earth, it is already many times stronger than the saint **** of many inner elders!

And in these hundreds of years, Ge Yun also mastered a law!

A super powerful rule! ——The Law of Corrosion!

Ge Yun felt that if he allowed himself a few more decades to accumulate more strength, at the elders meeting ten years later, he would be able to make a blockbuster, and compete for one of the twelve elder seats!

However, what Ge Yun did not expect was that every ten years of trials would go wrong!

During this year's trial, Ge Yun made his own claim and gave the position to his most proud disciple! Because this disciple can be regarded as his own, so that after he goes out, he will have more opportunities and be able to do more things!

Unexpectedly, before I got out of the Black Cloud Marsh, I met Lu Chen and his party!

Because Tianming was on the sidelines, Ge Yun had endured it all the time without going crazy, and that Lu Chen, in his view at the time, should have been a **** emperor, a person of godly respect! However, I can't see through him! Being cautious, he didn't reveal any of his hole cards, but obediently pretended to be invincible and cooperated with Lu Chen.

But what he didn't expect was that Lu Chen actually took himself to a very strange space! For his own safety, Ge Yun had no choice but to prepare to escape.

However, what Ge Yun did not expect was that two strange machines stopped him. The attack methods of these two machines were extremely weird. He was forced to be helpless, and his life was threatened. He could only explode with the power of the rules he controlled. ! But afterwards, Ge Yun was extremely shocked to discover that his own rules were invalid for Lu Chen!

Next, Ge Yun killed his apprentice and prepared to leave Lu Chen in this vast black cloud swamp, but things always went beyond his expectations. He was not Lu Chen's opponent!

Thinking of what happened in this short day, Ge Yun smiled helplessly. He hated Lu Chen even more, but there was no way. The current self is not his opponent!

However, it is not his opponent now! Does not mean! Not in the future!

Just now to defend against Lu Chen's sword rain, Ge Yun reluctantly used the black cloud energy body. After that, Ge Yun, who didn't want to waste, absorbed all these precious black cloud energy!

The air of dark clouds! This thing is the treasure of the Black Cloud Marsh!

In the middle of the Black Cloud Swamp, there is a deep pool. In this deep pool, this pool of extremely poisonous water accumulates all the year round. This pool of water is so toxic that even people of the godly stage dare not take it lightly. Touch it lightly! Touch it, it's death!

But above this deep pool, a good thing was born!

The water in the deep pool, the vital energy that evaporates, forms a strange thing, which is called the qi of the black cloud by the people of the black cloud temple. This black smoke has very little output, but the effect is extremely strong. !

This thing melts into the weapon, can upgrade the grade of the weapon, can also be made into a one-time attack magic weapon, can be used to protect the body in times of crisis! Moreover, this thing, directly swallowed, can also improve cultivation!

As the elder of the Outer Sect, Ge Yun is responsible for collecting the little black cloud energy every year, but he leaves a very small part every year with the convenience of his position. Also saved slowly Yihulu!

When Lu Chen released Jian Yu, Ge Yun felt that his life was in danger. In desperation, he could only release the black cloud energy to protect his body. Then, in order not to waste, Ge Yun could only use the black cloud energy. , Breathe into the body!

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