Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1653: Purple Moon Mountains, weird black chrysanthemum!

However, Ge Yun despised the power of this dark cloud air! At this time, in his internal organs, there is an extremely strong energy that can't help but wander around. Ge Yun tried his best to suppress all of it and barely absorb it!

This is no wonder!

In the Black Cloud Palace, after receiving this precious black cloud air, which one did not slowly absorb the slightest trace! ? This Ge Yun inhaled the black cloud air of a gourd at a time, and of course it was a bit difficult to digest!

However, at this time, the black cloud gas rushed from left to right in Ge Yun's body, but it gave Ge Yun a feeling that he was about to break through!

This feeling is extremely strong!

Ge Yun took a deep look at Lu Chen, hating this man who almost ruined everything, but he was extremely helpless.

However, wait for yourself to break through! He will definitely refine this person into his own samurai!

Thinking of this, Ge Yun added a smile on his face.

"Lu Chen, I admit that you are very powerful! However, I believe you did not stop my strength! In this vast black cloud swamp! You don't want to find the location of the Black Cloud Palace! I will come back to you! At that time, I will refine you into my samurai! Go back to win the seat of my inner door elder!"

Ge Yun smiled weirdly at the corner of his mouth. Next, he put his hands together and made an extremely awkward handprint. Suddenly, his body was distorted, and then it turned into a black smoke and dissipated in the air.

Lu Chen immediately realized that Ge Yun wanted to escape, and quickly turned on the law of dimensions to seal off this space.

However, it was too late.

Even if Lu Chen sealed the entire space, Lu Chen could not keep him, this Ge Yun seemed to have disappeared out of thin air!

"I wipe it! I finally got a guide! I ran off again!" Lu Chen's expression was a little bad! Because next, you may have to rely on your own strength to find the location of this Black Cloud Palace! This black cloud swamp is endless, and there are black miasma everywhere, how can I find it?

"Forget it! The boat will go straight to the bridge head! There will always be a way!" Lu Chen thought for a while, but decided to find her master at the address given by Wendy! According to Wendy, her master was poisoned by the miasma, and it was the most violent one! If it's late, maybe even the body will be cold!

According to Wendy, her master has escaped from the Black Cloud Marsh. In the Purple Moon Mountains on the edge of the Black Cloud Marsh, the distance is actually not very far in a straight line, because this Black Cloud Marsh is Surrounded by the Purple Moon Mountains, as long as you walk in one direction in a straight line, you can reach the Purple Moon Mountains!


As Lu Chen gradually approached the marsh and approached the edge of the Ziyue Mountain Range, there was no miasma here, and the terrain gradually changed. The marshland was no longer just black mud, but a lot more standing. Stones, large and small, all over the black marshland, can be regarded as a spectacle.

In the stone forest of this marshland, Lu Chen stopped.

It wasn't that there was any danger, but Lu Chen felt a strange fragrance.

This kind of scent is very strange. It smells stinky at first, and it smells very uncomfortable. However, after smelling it for a long time, the smell is not very strong. Turn And it makes people feel a strange fragrance, this fragrance is not strong, but in this smelly swamp, it is very prominent!

"Isn't it a treasure of heaven and earth?" Lu Chen was a little strange. In this gloomy marshland, the most likely to be all kinds of poisons. Lu Chen had seen a lot of them before, but he didn't. It's only interest picking, but in this kind of swamp, if something can grow out of heaven and earth, it will not be easy, unless this kind of thing is a strange variant.

Lu Chen wanted to take a look at the probability of this variant.

After landing, Lu Chen was surrounded by the stone forest. Obviously, it was already very close to the Ziyue Mountains. The marsh ground was getting less and less, but the standing stones were getting more and more. , It seems like a maze.

Lu Chen walked along with the fragrance. The ground here was already very dry. At least one foot would not sink, and Lu Chen no longer floated in the air, but attached a little bit of true essence to his feet, stepping on Go on the ground.

There are natural materials and earth treasures, there must be spirit beasts guarding the heaven, material and earth treasures. Lu Chen didn't know what kind of creatures there would be here, so it was better to be cautious.

After passing a stone pillar more than ten meters high, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

Not far in front of him, there was a strange half-human stone. The stone was black, and the whole body was enveloped in a faint mist. In the center of the stone, there was a small area that was sunken. In this small depression, there is a half-foot-deep black liquid, and in this illusion, in which small depression, a black chrysanthemum grows...

Lu Chen looked at this black chrysanthemum with some surprise, and at the same time, he started to look for the information on this black chrysanthemum. Unfortunately, not only did he have not seen this plant, but also did not have any information related to this plant. The black chrysanthemum should be a mutated plant!

So Lu Chen called out Xiao Ling: "Xiao Ling, come and see, have you seen this kind of plant? What's its name?"

Xiao Ling frowned and glanced at it, shook his head, and said, "There is no information related to this black chrysanthemum. It seems that this black chrysanthemum is a mutated plant!"

"That's it?!" Lu Chen blinked his eyes and said, "Well, I always feel that this black chrysanthemum is a bit strange!"

"Strange? Why?" Xiao Ling looked at Lu Chen strangely, and said: "The master will take him off the quilt when he is curious. Xiao Ling can cultivate some for the master, and then the master can study it at will, and I feel that it is nearby There is no guardian beast, this black chrysanthemum should be just a mutant plant, it won't be very precious!"

As long as the precious plants are always occupied by various spirit beasts, when the medicinal materials are mature, they will swallow him as soon as possible, and there is nothing near this black chrysanthemum, so his value will naturally not rise. .

Lu Chen took a few steps forward, sniffed gently, and reached out to the black chrysanthemum, ready to take it off.

At this time, Lu Chen had taken precautions to prevent any spirit beasts from sneaking.

But Lu Chen was disappointed, knowing that he took off this black chrysanthemum, and nothing happened around him.

"What a strange feeling!"

This black chrysanthemum seemed to have no roots at all. Lu Chen pulled him out of the tan black liquid with only a slight force, and this black chrysanthemum had no roots in the underwater part. The beard, only the stem of Guanghua, doesn't look like Zhang was here, but like it was demolished here!

Lu Chen became more and more confused, what is this Nima?

Just when Lu Chen was about to stuff this black chrysanthemum into the Hongmeng Pearl, and then left directly, he suddenly felt something wrong!

It seems that there is always something I missed!

No, no!

Lu Chen thought, and brought the black chrysanthemum from Xiaoling who was about to multiply the black chrysanthemum in batches.

Holding Heiju in his hand again, Lu Chen finally felt it!

Although there is a strange energy in this black chrysanthemum, the black chrysanthemum itself has no sense of existence at all! It's as if what you hold in your hand is just a bunch of energy!

Lu Chen's eyes were focused on the black boulder, and he was sure in his heart! This half-human black stone! Absolutely weird!

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