Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1734: Destroy the power of the sword!

The great sword cut down.

The gorgeous golden light seemed to cut open the sky.

The sharp blade broke through the sea, shattered the void, and pulled out a dark pattern.

The sword light cut straight into the giant shark's head.

A flash of brilliant light flashed, and Lu Chen continued forward without stopping. The sword light opened and closed, raging in the sea, and the three-meter-long purple-gold sword had swept the four giant sharks in an instant. body.

The giant shark, hundreds of meters long, suddenly stiffened after being swept by the sword light.

Knowing that after Lu Chen had slashed four giant sharks in succession, the body of the giant shark that was swept by the sword light suddenly split into two parts, and crimson blood filled the sea.

The bodies of the remaining three giant sharks were also transformed into two halves one after another.

Suddenly, thousands of meters of sea area was filled with the stench of the giant shark's blood.

After beheading four giant sharks in a row, Lu Chen was also a little tired.

This killing sword was regarded as Lu Chen's strongest combat power at this stage.

The strength of the giant shark has almost reached the peak of the gods, and their flesh, which has long lived in the deep sea of ​​nearly a million miles, is also powerful and terrifying.

Being able to kill four consecutively in an instant, this kind of combat power has surpassed Earth Saint.

Moreover, Lu Chen is far from reaching the limit.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Lu Chen Zhenyuan vigorously emerged from his feet, and suddenly his body broke through the sea water, and he jumped out like lightning.

The huge sword in his hand swept across.

The giant sword that combined the power of the Hongmeng Holy Sword and the Sky Thunder Orb could hardly meet any resistance.

There are dozens of giant sharks, under this fierce giant sword, turned into only zero broken corpses.

In this sea area, it seemed as if it had become the Shura Hell, the sea water turned into a strange crimson color, and among them, blood clots and broken meat, as well as various internal organs fragments, floated everywhere.

Those ferocious and meaningless giant sharks finally felt horror.

The smell of blood of the same kind no longer made them feel angry, but rather chilled.

There were even two giant sharks, already flapping their tails and preparing to slip away.

But Lu Chen would not give them a chance.

The giant sword broke through the sea, and the latter came first, and the giant shark had been fragmented between the sword light.

This was probably the most fun battle Lu Chen fought.

But he also knew that his own time was running out, and the requirements for the true essence of these two magic weapons possessed by the Heavenly Secret Art were really outrageous.

It is not only the consumption of true essence, but also the cultivation base of Lu Chen's majestic power will definitely not impoverish the true essence. The key is that the two magic weapons of the Heavenly Secret Art will cause more damage to the body.

The sacred sword of the Hongmeng has nothing to do with its own blood. However, when the sacred sword of the Hongmeng is mixed with some ferocious thunder power, that kind of power will damage the body a lot at once. Doubled.

Especially Lu Chen just got the Sky Thunder Orb, although he can use it freely, but the fit is very poor.

In this way, the power of thunder that merged with the sword aura gave Lu Chen a powerful force when it raged in Lu Chen's body, but at the same time, it also harmed Lu Chen's body.

This kind of celestial sage-level combat power can only be maintained for a few minutes.

Therefore, Lu Chen could not leave any future troubles. All of these giant sharks must be killed, otherwise, after the state of my Heavenly Secret Art disappears, even if another giant shark comes, he will definitely be killed in seconds!

The gorgeous sword light raged even more fiercely.

One after another giant sharks were chopped and crushed under Lu Chen's sword.

The group of giant sharks was completely terrified.

There were less than half of the forty shark groups left at this time.

This group of strength is at the peak of the gods, and even in the deep sea, the giant sharks who can be on par with the earth saints, when in the past, in the depths of this blue sea, weren't they jealous? These fierce beasts that have been horizontally and horizontally for tens of thousands of years, under Lu Chen's sword, look like ants!


These giant sharks, as 10,000-year-old deep-sea giants, are always somewhat bloody.

After being chased by Lu Chen for a while, they also knew that they couldn't escape.

Therefore, almost in an instant, this group of giant sharks with great understanding suddenly changed their posture. Turn around collectively, showing sharp fangs towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took a few steps forward, his sword aura was full of energy, and he instantly stirred in from the mouth of a giant shark that wanted to bite Lu Chen, strangling his head to pieces, and then coldly watching the group of sudden fierce auras A huge shark.

"Want to fight to the death? Haha, it's a pity, you have no chance!"

The giant shark could not understand Lu Chen's language, and roared towards him. Around his body, countless water elements turned into water blades, also silently lasing in the sea water as an assist.

More than a dozen giant sharks a hundred meters long, carrying water blades overwhelming the sky, seemed to submerge Lu Chen.

"Small bugs!"

Lu Chen, who was swelling in strength, didn't take this monstrous offense in his eyes.

The huge sword in his hand was slashed, and immediately, countless subtle sword auras separated from the huge sword, and the countless subtle sword auras turned into a miniature version of the Hongmeng Holy Sword.

The sword aura and the water blade collided in the deep sea, and the group of giant sharks had already rushed to Lu Chen with their endless sword aura, scarred.

Each of these giant sharks looked like a mountain in front of Lu Chen.

With one mouth, they all seem to lose their color, and their huge suction power even **** the seawater within a range of hundreds of meters into their mouths.

And Lu Chen, in the midst of this shocking tide, stood still. Just simply wielding the three-meter-long giant sword in his hand, with the vertical and horizontal sword aura, mercilessly beheading this group of ten thousand year monsters.

This group of giant sharks now poses no threat to Lu Chen.

If this group of giant sharks had realized earlier and counterattacked together earlier, they might be able to escape a few more.

But now, under Lu Chen in full condition, it took less than a minute to solve these dozen giant sharks, and even this group of giant sharks did their utmost to have no chance of winning.

Stepping on the sea water, Lu Chen moved quickly among the waves and water blades created by the sharks. Every sword could create a terrible wound on the giant shark's body, even directly It is cut into two paragraphs.

The giant shark was rolling and roaring, and it had fallen into the decline of being slaughtered, but Lu Chen was the rise of killing.

However, what Lu Chen didn't notice was that in this sea area that had been completely stained red with blood and internal organs, a dark cloud of smoke gradually appeared in a piece of sea water, and quickly filled Lu Chen's side. .

The ink color quickly rendered in the sea water, like an ancient fierce beast dispatched at an opportunity...

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