Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1735: Zhou Qing's attack!

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, colliding with the water element in the sky, the void is broken and reunited, and it is broken again.

However, no matter how hard the giant sharks worked, they still couldn't hurt Lu Chen a single hair, but Lu Chen's giant sword had already killed several heads again.

Lu Chen stepped on the water, and was about to rush straight towards the giant shark that was constantly accumulating water not far away. He was about to release the giant shark with big moves. With the big sword opened and closed, he would be able to cut it off in the next second. The head of a giant shark.

However, at this moment.

In the sea water that was originally stained with blood and turned into blood red, suddenly a layer of ink was stained.

This ink color rendered extremely fast, and almost instantly, it invaded this sea area, turning this sea area into black.

Lu Chen's heart was awe-inspiring, and sure enough, in the next second, a feeling of horror came from behind him.

Lu Chen took the sword back without hesitation, and the giant sword swept out aimlessly, with the domineering sword energy directly cutting through the ink-like black sea water within a hundred meters. ,

However, this sword was useless.

Behind Lu Chen was empty.

Death Zhou Qing!

A name jumped into Lu Chen's mind.

This strange black ink-like thing made Lu Chen seem to have known each other before. Is this obviously the black mist of the Black Cloud Palace, but I didn't expect that this black mist could melt into the sea, thinking that Zhou Qing could Following behind him without a sound for so long, and in the deep sea where strength is still extremely suppressed, presumably relying on the strange ability of this life black mist!

Moreover, what impressed Lu Chen most was the killing aura in the black mist, this aura, and it was so strong. Zhou Qing is no different

It's just that Lu Chen didn't understand why Zhou Qing didn't come from when he was in danger, but guessed it when he was about to end the battle, and he still hadn't revealed himself;

However, it was obviously not the time to think about these issues. The last few giant sharks, seeing Lu Chen motionless, suddenly roared and rushed over.

At this last juncture, the combat power of the giant sharks seemed to rise sharply, and the tacit understanding was also greatly increased. The auras of the giant sharks seemed to be integrated.

Moreover, this group of giant sharks unexpectedly released a terrifying whirlpool of water elements.

This vortex was spinning crazily and driving the water. Even Lu Chen, whose combat power was already comparable to that of Heavenly Sage, felt the terrifying suction power. Although he could not shake himself, it undoubtedly affected his speed.

Lu Chen watched Zhou Qing as he pounced on the giant sharks.

With the giant sword open and closed, Lu Chen easily resisted the joint efforts of several giant sharks and killed one easily.

The ink-colored sea water was still quiet.

Just when Lu Chen was about to tackle the sharks, his face suddenly changed.

That fierce aura suddenly seemed to fade a little.


There was a flash of inspiration in Lu Chen's mind, and immediately, his eyes were sharply looking away.

That is where the wind lotus stands.

By the way, Fenghe!

Lu Chen's heart jumped, and he didn't pay attention to the remaining giant shark anymore. He had already rushed towards Fenghe while his body was disillusioned.

However, it seems that Lu Chen is still a step slower.

Behind Feng He, a burst of ink suddenly diffused.

The ink spread extremely quickly, and almost instantly, it dyed a few meters of sea water black.

Immediately, in the black water, a black gas quickly condensed and turned into a human form. With a grasp of the human form, a huge sickle appeared in his hand. ,

The sickle was dark and ferocious.

It is Zhou Qing!

Zhou Qing just sneered and cut the sickle towards Feng He's neck silently.

All this, speaking, seems to be a long time.

However, all this happened only for a moment, and even after the giant shark was solved, the energy consumption was a bit excessive, and the wind and he who was adjusting his breath did not feel any!

"Wind lotus!"

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and looked at the slight smile on Zhou Qing's expressionless face. Lu Chen felt a murderous look in his heart.

Not yet, able to deal with his own woman,

No matter who it is, it won't work!

Otherwise, it is a dead word!

At this moment, Lu Chen, who was almost overdrawn, broke through a dimensional law in an instant and appeared behind Feng He. The killing giant sword in his hand was already blocked by the dark death sickle.

I have to say that Lu Chen's reaction was really fast enough. With the help of his intuition, Feng He seemed to escape the disaster.

Lu Chen couldn't help but relax a lot.

However, at this moment.

Zhou Qing, who clings to the death sickle, suddenly shattered.

It turned into a jet of black and penetrated into the sea. And Lu Chen's sword naturally didn't block anything, it just fell through.

Failed? Disappeared?

Lu Chen felt a chill in his heart.

But it was too late.

Speaking of it, almost at the moment when Lu Chen shuttled to Feng He, and then handed out the Killing Giant Sword in his hand, Zhou Qing appeared behind Lu Chen out of thin air.

Immediately, the lightning and flint-like sickle of the **** of death had silently hooked on Lu Chen's neck. ,

This speed was so fast that Lu Chen couldn't react.

Even if it is too late to activate any defense, it is too late to start the law of dimension and leave.

The only thing he can rely on is the intuition of Lu Chen's body.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's body was pretty reliable. He didn't hesitate to step on his feet. Suddenly, his body moved slightly upwards within that millimeter of time.

Maybe only a few centimeters, but it is enough.

Zhou Qing's death sickle, which was almost invisible, struck Lu Chen's collar bone.

This was also thanks to Lu Chen's physical instinct for combat.

Otherwise, the sickle wiped off Lu Chen's neck.

The sharp sickle blade passed between Lu Chen's clavicle, and immediately the flesh and blood were cut open, even the bones and the two clavicles were almost cut apart.

The feeling of separation of flesh and blood and broken bones came straight into my mind.

Right now, Lu Chen was still in the state of Tianhe Secret Art. His body had absorbed the power of the Hongmeng Holy Sword, and it had become much harder. If it weren't for this, it is estimated that Lu Chen would have split into two stages now.

In an instant, Lu Chen also got the time to react.

The Killing Giant Sword rolled back, evoking a storm of sword blades, and strangling it crazily behind him. Even the sea water turned into nothingness... and Zhou Qing's figure clinging to the sickle was also instantly shattered. When it opened, it turned into black fragments and dissipated in the sea.

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