Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2028: The first sword of horror!

Lu Chen's figure was constantly floating backwards to avoid the ever-increasing explosive aura of the forest giant, while extending his right hand.

From the sea of ​​knowledge of Lu Chen, a white light ball shaped like a sword floated out, spinning in the air, swaying a few times, and then, staying in the palm of Lu Chen's hand.

This is the seed of magical power that reached the realm of Mahayana, the sword slashes the three corpses.

If you look closely, you can see that in this white sword-shaped light group, there are faintly, there are three light spots of different colors, and these three light spots are all one. The shape of the small sword floats and moves in the sword-shaped light ball.

Speaking of which, compared to other magical powers, this sword-slashing three-corpse magical power hardly needs to be manipulated by Lu Chen. The only thing Lu Chen needs to do is to continuously input true yuan into it. The size of the yuan also determines the power of the three-corpse magical power released by the sword.

At this moment, the whole body's strength is already bursting, and between every gesture, it can set off a blast that tore the surrounding air away. The mighty forest giant that shakes a hundred miles around is already roaring in the direction of Lu Chen, Smashed over.

With a fist the size of a small mountain bag, coupled with such a terrifying power, if it were hit, even with Lu Chen's physical strength, it would not be good.

However, Lu Chen did not pay much attention to such a purely physical opponent. Although such a power attack is indeed very powerful, it is very difficult to lock Lu Chen's position. Lu Chen Pulling Feng He's hand, he surrounded the giant of the forest, and kept jumping in space. Every time, it passed by the edge of the giant's fist. Although the giant of the forest was angry, his eyes were already raging. It was about to burn, but there was still nothing to do with Lu Chen.

In between flashing and moving, the magical power of Sword Slashing Three Corpses was still ready.

Above the head of the forest giant, a bunch of jet black clouds began to condense. Among them, there was not a shining light, all kinds of radiance, even the extremely slow-reacting race like the forest giant felt that kind of From the top of the head, the sense of crisis is straight down.

This feeling made the Senling Giant suddenly feel that his actions have become a lot more constrained, and he couldn't help but blasted towards the clouds that filled his head with a fist.

Although the giant of Senling is very tall, with his arms raised straight up, the height is almost 150 meters, but there is still some distance from the clouds in the sky.

But don’t forget, the forest giant at this time is in that extreme explosive state. Even if it doesn’t move, the energy aura on its body can shake everything a few hundred meters away. Not to mention, it was a mass he blasted out with energy. Under the bombardment of such a fist wind, the magical power of the sword cut three corpses, the clouds condensed, unexpectedly also constantly fluctuated.

Lu Chen frowned.

The power of this forest giant is also too strong, right?

A punch from the void can actually cut the clouds condensed by the magical power of the three corpses with a sword above a kilometer high in the sky, close to dissipating, this kind of power, even if it is the full blow of the earth sage, it cannot do it Come on?

Lu Chen did not dare to delay any longer.

Sword Slash Three Corpse's magical powers, which are extremely focused on attack power, are not very good in terms of stability. The cloud condensing magical powers is not so stable.

If the magical powers have not been released, if this forest giant is blasted away with a few fists, it will be embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's divine consciousness moved, and the sky was flooded with three-color light, the ultimate sword-splitting three-corpse magical power, and immediately rolled more violently, and a white and flawless brilliance still gathered.

In less than a second, a vague sword-shaped shadow was vaguely seen in the clouds.

At the same time, Senling Giant also blasted a second lap against the cloud above his head. This punch was obviously the Senling Giant. Seeing that the first punch had no effect, he was angry, no matter what. Whether it is momentum or power, it is much stronger than the previous punch.


With the punch of the giant Senling, everything before his fist, air and space, shattered one after another. The entire space was shattered like a mirror. A twisted wave of air followed a straight trajectory and went straight. Flew high in the sky.

Just right, a snow-white giant sword also crashed down.

According to the principle that the magical power of Sword Slashing Three Corpses will become stronger and stronger with the number of attacks, this sword is the worst sword among the three swords, but it is also comparable to the attack power of the Heavenly Sage level.

The air wave blasted from the fist, the corpse sword, the two collided.

At that moment, Lu Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes with the blazing brilliance.

Strangely quiet.

That piece of space, in such a collision, was directly shattered. In the space, a black hole was directly broken. Everything around, including air, dust, trees, and even sound, was sucked by the black hole. Entering, this is also the reason why the two collided, but there was no sound even a little bit.

After the short vacuum period passed, the black hole, which was not very stable, shattered suddenly.

The matter attracted and condensed by the black hole, at that moment, at a faster speed, was impacted by a powerful repulsive force, and the shocking air wave like a nuclear bomb explosion swept away dozens of miles away. This piece of forest was all torn apart by this air wave. The huge piece of forest disappeared in an instant. I don’t know how many trees were torn and annihilated, and I don’t know how many creatures were directly here. In the shock wave of terror, it turned directly into dust.

Within ten miles, all that was left were the towering forest giants, and the unharmed Lu Chen, Fenghe.

Lu Chen couldn't help but smack his lips.

What a powerful force!

This is only the first sword! It seems that I still underestimated the magical powers of the Sword Slashing Three Corpses after Mahayana! This power is simply sturdy enough to burst!

In fact, the strength of the Sword Slashing Three Corpses is just one of them. The most important thing lies in Lu Chen. Lu Chen, who has advanced to the level of Earth Sage, also corresponds to the Hongmeng Art. He has been promoted to the initial stage of the fifth level of integration. With the support of the strength of the true essence, it is not surprising that the magical power of the three corpses of the sword can play such a terrifying power.


The forest giant loosened his arms covering his head and glanced at the clouds above his head. There was a trace of fear in his eyes.

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