Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2029: Kill or not!

Even a race such as the giants of Senling, which is physically strong and explosive, has left many scars under the indirect collision of the magical power of this sword to slash the three corpses.

Moreover, the giant of Senling could feel that even more powerful power is still brewing in the weird clouds above the sky! This power seems to be more than twice as powerful as before!

This feeling made the Senling Giant feel fear.

For the first time, facing the forest giant who was fearless in everything, I felt this feeling for the first time.

The Senling Giant had already put away the contempt in his heart earlier, and now he even lost most of his confidence in facing the enemy.

So, he did what he did for the first time in his life-escape!

With the huge long legs of tens of meters, plus the extreme strength after the explosion, if you want to escape, basically, not many people can catch up. In the blink of an eye, he can run. Dozens of kilometers away.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

After taking huge steps, the Senling Giant rushed in the opposite direction to Lu Chen without turning his head back, moving extremely fast, like a huge figure like a hill, covering this piece of ground, They were all stepped on and shook constantly, and even a lot of the ground had huge openings that were exaggerated.

With the support of the explosive force, the Giant Forest Mountain ran out of a range of tens of kilometers in just a few seconds. At such a distance, it was already far away, where Lu Chen was before. The position, even with the height and eyesight of the giant Senling, can no longer see the tens of kilometers of barrenness left by the previous explosion shock waves.

Senling Giant couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He was still planning whether he wanted to return to his racial settlement, solicit a vote of his companions, and avenge himself for the shame he had just done.

However, the Senling Giant, who had only stopped shortly, suddenly felt something wrong.

The surroundings seemed to be too quiet, and the air was stagnant and terrible, and there seemed to be a strange pressure covering this piece of woods.

Even with the dullness of the Senling Giant, he felt such a big change, and he couldn't help but look up.

At this look, the face of the giant Senling immediately changed.

A thousand meters above his head, there was a turbulent cloud, a strange light brewing in it! It is the magical power of Sword Slashing Three Corpses!

Senling Giant seemed to feel something. He glanced back, and sure enough, above the sky several hundred meters away, Lu Chen and Fenghe were floating, holding their shoulders and looking at him with a smile.

The Senling Giant has the urge to swear, but the sword slashes the three corpses magical powers, which already does not give him any time. The next moment, a huge brilliance, in an instant, it condenses into shape and turns into a handle 100 meters long. The big sword crashed down.

Around the big sword, the space was shattered into bits and pieces.

Senling Giant, even if his reaction is slow, he knows it, if he doesn't work hard, he must die under this sword! You know, the power and momentum of this sword is twice that of the sword just now! The sword that indirectly hit the Senling Giant's body just now was all on his body, leaving many large and small wounds, not to mention this sword.

At the moment when the corpse sword took shape, the giant Senling also made a move. With a rapid bow of his body, a donkey rolled, and then flashed to the side.

However, this sword slashes the three corpses, but it can lock the enemy. It belongs to the kind of magical power that does not kill the enemy and swears not to give up. If not, the cloud condensed from the sword slashing the three corpses just now will not I chased it straight for dozens of kilometers.

The Corpse Sword, even though it was fine-tuned at the moment when the Senling Giant dodged, it still allowed the Senling Giant to avoid the sharp edge.

The Senling Giant's combat consciousness is also good, knowing that he is not safe, and the two fists brewing momentum, quickly pinched together, and blasted towards the corpse sword.


There was a loud noise.

The powerful punch of Senling Giant's whole body indeed smashed most of the power of the second sword corpse slicing sword, causing the corpse slicing sword that was facing him to deviate a lot, and directly penetrated into the ground. However, he was still uncomfortable, and was directly blown away by the explosive force for several miles away.

After rolling, I don’t know how many laps, that huge size, and how many trees were crushed. The body of the giant forest dragged a long trajectory on the ground, rolling out for a long time until it hit A giant tree just stopped.

At this time, the giant of Senling was already completely wounded.

In particular, the pair of fists that directly touched the Sword Sword had already drooped on both sides, and it appeared to be broken. What's more miserable was that there were **** on the left hand, and they were even directly sharpened by the Sword Sword. It was cut off.

Seeing the cloud group still shrouded above his head, the giant Senling had no strength to resist.

The Senling Giant had also completely lost hope, his eyes were full of sorrow, and he sat paralyzed by the giant tree, panting weakly.

Lu Chen sighed. He, who used to be angry, couldn't bear to see how sad the Senling Giant was now.

However, Chi Zesheng changed. Lu Chen was really afraid that other forest giants would come to support him. At that time, it would be more troublesome. He hesitated in his heart. Lu Chen was still ready to sacrifice the last corpse sword to kill this forest giant. , Behead as soon as possible, and then leave here.

Feng He felt unbearable in his eyes and couldn't help but pull Lu Chen's sleeve gently.

"Lu Chen...or else, let's not kill him?" Feng He said with a soft voice, embarrassed.

"Actually... I don't want to kill him if I can... It's just..." Lu Chen paused and sighed.

"We can subdue him!!" Feng He blinked and said, "You are worried, other forest giants, come and support! Now this forest giant is already very weak, if so If you subdue him, there will be no problem at all!"


When Feng He said so, Lu Chen also thought of this.

This forest giant is undoubtedly a very powerful combat power! If you accept it, it will be of great help to yourself!

And... Lu Chen suddenly had a very bold idea-to use Earth Fiend Fire Lotus to strengthen this sturdy giant of the forest!

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