Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2039: There is something inside!

Feng He obviously did not expect this. Seeing a wicked smile on Lu Chen's mouth, Feng He thought with his feet, and knew that Lu Chen must be making some bad idea again.

Seeing Feng He hesitating, Lu Chen deliberately agitated his general and hummed, "Hey, there are times when you don't dare! You don't look as good as me, just say it!"


Feng He was really fooled, stomped his feet, pouted and said: "My eyesight is much better than you! Who will lose to you! At that time, I have found something good, don't cry! Let's talk, the bet is yes what!?"

Lu Chen pretended to hesitate, thought for a while, and said, "Well, um...or else it would be better, those who lose, those who promise to win, one condition, no regrets!"

"Ah?" Feng He was taken aback, a little unconfident, how do you look, how do you feel that Lu Chen's expression is something wrong, his fingers pinched the corner of his clothes, and he hesitated.

"Don't you dare?" Lu Chen tilted his eyes and glanced at her.

"Gamble!" Feng He stomped his feet, pouted, and ran to the street in front of him. It seemed that he was going to be in front of Lu Chen and search all the shops. Take it away.

Lu Chen looked at Feng He's slender back, without anxious, swaying forward slowly.

Lu Chen didn’t care about winning or losing. Naturally, he didn’t care. Feng He took advantage and went to Taobao first. Lu Chen just enjoyed her embarrassed and stupid appearance when she molested Feng He, a fairy who usually comes out of dust. At this time, Just like the little girl next door, she has a breathtaking taste.

Randomly, after visiting a few shops, Lu Chen didn’t find anything worthy of his stay. Many shops didn’t even have anyone to watch the shop. A lot of messy things were just thrown in the shop. One is clearly marked with a price, or the item to be exchanged is indicated, and the formation is set up, as long as the white crystal or the exchanged item is left, the item can be taken away. But how could Lu Chen show those ordinary things? Basically, just look around and leave.

In this way, after walking half a street in a row, Lu Chen didn't encounter anything that could make his gaze stay for more than a second. To be honest, Lu Chen's interest in Taobao had been exhausted, if not. He Fenghe's bet, Lu Chen probably wanted to go back to sleep.

Inadvertently walked into a shop again.

This shop is much smaller than the few shops that Lu Chen walked through before. Many things were thrown on the ground, and there was an old man beside the counter, but he probably knew there would be nothing. Business, I was lying there sleeping, Harazi glued his beard into a ball.

Lu Chen yawned and looked casually.

Medicinal materials, ore.

They are all ordinary things that cannot be more ordinary.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's eyes froze on a rock. The laziness in the eyes was swept away.

This is a grey ore. If you don't look carefully, this ore is no different from the stone on the side of the road.

However, Lu Chen noticed that on the side of the ore, a small piece of crystal clear color was exposed.

A little curious, he squatted down and touched the dusty dirt on the small piece of crystal clear color. Lu Chen couldn't help being disappointed again.

In the dust underground, that little crystal is just a small piece of white crystal exposed.

There is no doubt that this is a white crystal mine.

It is estimated that this white crystal ore was picked up unintentionally, otherwise, if it was in the hands of the mining people, the stone would definitely be opened.

But this white crystal is not very valuable, and the white crystal exposed from the ore is only that small. Therefore, the owner of this white crystal mine didn't bother to split it and threw it directly. In the middle of this mess of groceries.

"What? Interested in this stuff?"

The old man opened his eyes in a daze, glanced at Lu Chen, yawned and said.

"Haha! I haven't seen the white crystal ore, I'm a little curious!" Lu Chen smiled and turned his attention to other things.

"Curious!" The sloppy old man wiped his chin with his sleeve, and said, "I picked this thing from the side of the road. I didn't care how big the white crystal was inside. The texture of the ore is not worth the money! If you are interested, just buy something, and you can take this stone!"

Lu Chen hesitated for a while, pointing to a white-flowered tree root on the ground that looked like lime, and said, "How can this thing be sold?"

"Is it a good vision?" The old man glanced at Lu Chen with some appreciation, and said, "Baiyan tree roots, this is the best thing in my pile! If you want to buy, thirty thousand white crystals, take it. !"

"Bai Jing? I really don't have that thing..." Lu Chen didn't bargain, and directly took out thirty divine senses from the ring.

After the bigger beard trade, Lu Chen also knew that Bai Jing, a general-purpose unit in the Origin God Forest, had a ratio of one hundred to one divine sense, perhaps a little more, but Lu Chen didn't care about this.

Thirty sacred stones are more than 30,000 white crystals in value. When the old man saw that Lu Chen was generous, he was naturally not embarrassed to be stingy. He smiled and grabbed a divine stone, rubbing it in his palm, and pointed his other hand to the ground, and said, "The roots of the Baiyan tree are now yours... Take that white crystal mine and play with it! The old man is too embarrassed to take advantage of you. You can pick a few of these miscellaneous things on the ground!"

Going out to the roots of the Baiyan tree, there are really few valuable things on this ground, otherwise the old man would not be so generous, but in the mentality of not taking the white, Lu Chen still grabbed a few fairly good herbs. , Stuffed into the ring.

A few smiles appeared on Lu Chen's face after leaving the old man's shop.

As for the white rock roots, Lu Chen definitely lost money. A piece of white rock roots of that size can't do anything at all. The size is too small. The reason why Lu Chen bought it was just for the white crystal as a gift. The ore is nothing.

Actually, Lu Chen didn’t know what was in the white crystal ore. The reason why he bought it around the bend was just because he was curious, because Lu Chen’s spiritual sense felt that there was a small piece of white crystal ore in it. Hollow, his own spiritual knowledge can't even sense it.

Presumably, after the old man picked up the white crystal ore, he didn't care at all! Otherwise, it is impossible for him to fail to notice such an important detail.

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