Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2040: Sensible little girl!

Before the chapter, let me talk about the bag in the previous chapter (that is, Chapter 2039). Well, the ratio of the sacred stone to the white crystal should actually be 1:1000. I made a mistake and made it 1:100. , Um, sorry.

He held the piece of white crystal raw ore the size of a half head in his palm and turned it upside down. Finally, Lu Chen put it away.

Hehe, Lu Chen hasn't forgotten that He Fenghe's bet, this white crystal ore, is so extraordinary, when the time comes, in front of Fenghe, untie it by himself, it will definitely make Fenghe shocked.

Although this white crystal raw ore, Lu Chen was basically able to affirm its extraordinaryness, a substance that his own spiritual consciousness could not penetrate, could it be something bad?

It’s just that everything is possible, and nothing can be determined before the true appearance of this white crystal ore is clearly seen. Therefore, if Lu Chen wants to secure the victory in He Fenghe’s bet, it’s better to do it again. Look for a baby, otherwise, when the time comes, if nothing can be opened in the white crystal ore, it will be miserable. Lu Chen still has some evil plans in his mind. When the time comes, he will not even have the opportunity to implement the plan. Up.

Walking slowly, Lu Chen frowned when he walked to the next storefront.

It’s not because of how shabby or sloppy this shop is. In comparison, this shop is much better than the old man’s shop before, and at least the things are neatly arranged and a little flustered. On the wooden counter. The reason why Lu Chen frowned was that there were too few things in this shop, and moreover, the few things were too little.

In dozens of square shops, the goods Lu Chen saw did not exceed ten fingers. Moreover, at first glance, two of the medicinal plants were already slightly dry and yellow. It seemed that it was because they were left for too long. For this reason, Lu Chen also noticed the few ore on the other small table at a glance. They were all ordinary goods. They belonged to the goods that Lu Chen didn't bother to bend over to pick them up.

The light inside the shop is a bit dim, and the things inside are somewhat indistinguishable.

Although Lu Chen was very disappointed, he still walked towards the inside of the shop. If it were changed before, Lu Chen would definitely turn his head and leave, but now in this situation, Lu Chen also knows that in a sparsely populated place like Ziye City , Wanting to Taobao is definitely not a simple thing, so Lu Chen will not let go of anything, at least it can increase the probability?

The furnishings in this shop are extremely simple. There are only four tattered wooden tables and a low counter, empty. After a slight glance at the things on the three tables in front, Lu Chen He didn't want to look any more, but the thing on the table at the back, near the counter, attracted Lu Chen's attention.

Between the two ordinary blue ore, there is a ceramic object that looks like a handicraft. It is probably wiped frequently, and it is shining with water.

The ceramic object was elliptical. From the side, it looked like an upside-down plate, but after a lot of it, Lu Chen was sure that this object must be solid, because the bottom of this object is also round. Bow a small margin.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, always feeling that the gloss on this ceramic object had a breathtaking taste, so he couldn't help but picked it up, turned it over, and started playing with it.

This thing is oval, like two floppy disks buckled together. The upper and lower sides of the thing are squiggly depicting lines radiating from the middle point, densely packed together. It makes people's eyes dizzy, but it's like a graffiti accidentally made by a child.

Things were quite strange, and Lu Chen didn't feel any special energy in this ceramic object. It seemed that this was an ordinary craft.

But in Lu Chen's heart, there was always a faint feeling that this thing was definitely a good thing.

Holding this weird feeling, after watching for a long time, Lu Chen still didn't see any clues. Even after consulting Xiaoling's opinion, Lu Chen still found nothing, and Gein Xiaoling couldn't see how extraordinary this thing was. different.

Lu Chen thought for a while and looked up at the counter.

There is no formation protection on these things. Presumably, this shop must be watched by someone, otherwise why do people open the door to do business?

"Anyone!?" Lu Chen couldn't help but shouted without seeing the figure.


The answer to Lu Chen was a loud crash. The sound came from under the counter.

Lu Chen looked in amazement, just to see a round little face, coming out of the counter.

Although it was just a small head, it made Lu Chen a little bit unable to remove his eyes. It was a girl who was about seven or eight years old, who emerged from the counter. Her little dusty face could not hide her water spirit at all. The lovely breath of the spirit.

The girl’s head is a bit messy, with a ponytail on her head, but because the hair is a little short, the ponytail doesn’t have the softness of hanging down at all. Instead, it slightly lifts up, but this gives her a breath. Lively feeling. Looking down further, the two big Yingying eyes are watery, as if there are tears in them.

Yes, you can see from the girl's appearance. One hand is holding a rag, while the other is touching his little head. It seems that he has just cleaned under the counter and heard Lu Chen's shout, subconsciously. When I stood up, I bumped into my little head.

Seeing the little girl's aggrieved face, holding his head with tears, Lu Chen moved in his heart, a bit unbearable, uncontrollable, so he took a few steps forward and gently touched the little girl's head. After rubbing a few times, he asked softly: "Does it hurt?"

"No...it doesn't hurt..." The little girl cowered a little, looked up at the stranger Lu Chen, and nodded for a long while.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know you were below... Did you scare you!?" Lu Chen said apologetically. If it weren't for the sudden shout, the little girl wouldn't be surprised and bumped. It's too big.

"It's okay..." The little girl shook her head and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore! And, uncle should be a guest... I'm the one who said I'm sorry... I didn't entertain you just now, that... That...I was mopping the floor under the counter just now..."

"You are so sensible..." Lu Chen looked at this young but sensible girl, and liked it very much, touched her head again, and said with a smile.

"You! You bastard! What are you doing! Quickly let go!" Lu Chen's words were not over, a murderous voice came over, shocking the two of them.

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