Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2051: Heavenly power!

Farewell to Jiang Xinxin, and accompanied Feng He to look at Xiao Lingling. After that, the two of them left Ziye City, this small city without a break.

From the map, Ziye City is located at the southern edge of the Yuanshen Forest, and the two of them are aiming at the Dark Forest on the western edge of the Yuanshen Forest. The area is not small, and such a long distance is enough for two people to catch up for a while.

Fortunately, there is still a period of time before the token competition. Probably the Saint League is still laying out specific matters about the assessment once in this decade, right? Such a long period of time was enough for Lu Chen and Feng He to find the Dark Forest. What's more, on the map Jiang Xinxin gave him, many cities with fixed-point teleportation were also marked. If the coordinates of the destination are found accurately, the teleportation array will be faster.

Stopping randomly on a lawn in a clearing, Lu Chen took out the purple spar the moment Jiang Xinxin gave him.

This spar, which is less than the size of a thumb, looks like a small crystalline mineral, but it is not. This small purple spar is actually a piece of work that Jiang Xinxin has spent a lot of effort on. Magic weapon, this small crystal-shaped magic weapon contains countless kinds of information about this source **** forest. Among them, not only information about token competition, but also other aspects, maps, secrets, sects , Forces, resource points, and even rumored treasure burial locations!

When Lu Chen first saw this purple spar, he was also sighed. Jiang Xinxin’s ability to collect intelligence is really too strong. The total amount of information in this small spar is zero. , It is so scary.

The finger lightly touched on the spar, and suddenly, a purple light burst from the small spar, a bright light like the vast starry sky, in front of Lu Chen and Fenghe’s eyes. Continuously rotating and spreading.

After a few seconds, that piece of light gradually evolved into a very detailed, three-dimensional map! The virtual map condensed by the illusory light is extremely detailed, it is like a miniature forest of Origin God.

On the map, there was a small red dot, very eye-catching, and it was exactly where Lu Chen was now.

Looking down from high to low, the topography of Yuanshen Forest is clear at a glance, and Lu Chen quickly glanced around the area where he was on the map.

At this time, Lu Chen had moved far away from Ziye City, and had gradually deepened into the central area of ​​Yuanshen Forest. However, there was still a long distance from the central area, and around Lu Chen, the city, or the strength There is not much. On the map, the nearest place is actually a bandit den.

On that terrain, Jiang Xinxin marked a big exclamation mark with a piece of information left on it, presumably that this area may be the area of ​​a certain power, and the monks in this power are just a group of bandit monks who do no evil.

Lu Chen was naturally not interested in this. He looked further away, his eyes locked on the nearest big city, and then he made a route. Of course, this route slightly avoided the bandit's den, and Lu Chen didn't want to ask for trouble.

The accuracy of Jiang Xinxin's map is naturally undoubted. After flying along the planned route for a short half an hour, a vast area surrounded by forests caught the eyes of the two.

What is the most in Yuanshen Forest? Nature is a tree. Basically, it can be said that there are all kinds of trees everywhere, and no open space can be found, and these cities are also opened up in the forest.

According to the map, this city, named Tianquan City, is really domineering. According to the information Jiang Xinxin left on the map, this city is considered the largest within 100,000 miles.

This Tianquan City is a city directly under the Saint League.

In this source **** forest, there are forests everywhere. If you want to live a comfortable life, you must open up a piece of land yourself. Maybe this is just a matter of waving hands for the saint, but how can it be that simple? After opening up your own place? How can you resist those hostile beasts?

Therefore, in the Forest of Origin God, those who dared to build cities were all big powers and big families, and remote towns like Ziye City were nothing more than the property of small families. Judging from the desolate state now, it might not be long. , It should be abandoned.

Regarding the power of the Saint League, it can also be easily seen in the construction of the city. In the Forest of Origin God, it can be regarded as the main city, but only 17 cities. Among them, the Saint League is It's one! I won’t mention the other large and small cities.

Tianquan City is indeed worthy of the name of his main city. It is surprisingly big, and the way it is constructed is quite artistic. The city has three floors above ground and three floors underground, forming a shuttle shape.

There is another saying about Tianquan City, that is, the Holy League has refined the entire Tianquan City into a magic weapon. When needed, the entire Tianquan City will float in the air... However, this is just a rumor. No matter what, everyone should be a joke, no one really believes it.

There are a total of 108 entrances and exits in Tianquan City. Normally, only thirty-two are open. This is not the mortal realm, and there is not so much population at all. Therefore, even if Lu Chen walked through the gate, he did not see How many people look like.

Tianquan City is huge. If it weren’t for a map, it is estimated that Lu Chen and Fenghe would have lost their way in this huge six-story building. Following the signs on the map, after walking on the main street, the surrounding area gradually The hustle and bustle of the city, although it has not reached the point of bustling, but there are already a lot of people walking around on the street. You know, most of these people walking on the street are holy figures! This amount is already considered terrifying.

When she reached the main street, Fenghe became a lot more lively. Originally on the way, she was verbose and said she wanted to quickly find the teleportation formation and head to the Dark Forest. Now she saw a dazzling array of fun things all around, and she immediately took I forgot what I said just now.

"Lu Chen! Lu Chen! Look! What is this?"

"And this one! Wow, so beautiful!"

Lu Chen rolled his eyes silently.

Feng He was so excited, not because she saw the precious magical ore, her eyes glowed and she kept playing with amazing things. It should be said that even magical weapons are not even considered as crafts!

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