Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2052: Little girl heart

Lu Chen was helpless.

Why do girls stop walking when they see something that is shiny or cute?

I won’t talk about other girls, Feng He is also a master of Earth Saint level, right? Why, it's like a kid?

Also, that doll is really cute... but are you a little reserved? Haven't you seen others staring at you?

Lu Chen stood behind Feng He, complaining in his heart.

"That... girl..." The vendor, looking at Feng He with gleaming eyes speechlessly, said, "You...I can't do business anymore..."

Feng He's face turned red, and then he noticed that he seemed to be lost, touched his forehead awkwardly, said apologize, and retreated to Lu Chen's side.

Seeing Lu Chen's suffocating smile, Feng He blushed even more fiercely, as if taking revenge, and suddenly came on Lu Chen's waist.

Given the thickness of Lu Chen's skin, such an attack would naturally have no effect. However, he still pretended to be very painful and grinned.

Feng He doubled his eyes, and muttered in his mouth, "I know how to pretend!" However, the hand pinched on Lu Chen's waist was quickly released, and at the same time he gently rubbed it.

Just when Feng He retracted his hand, Lu Chen grabbed her little hand.

Feng He stared at him: "What are you doing?"

Lu Chen smiled, flipped his hand, and a cute crystal doll appeared in his hand.

"Wow! So cute..." Feng He exclaimed, snatched the doll over, holding it in his hand and looking left and right in surprise.

"Like it?"



After all, Tianquan City is the main city, and it is very lively. Whether it is a large resource exchange or a shop selling top magic weapons, it has everything you need. However, Fenghe doesn't seem interested in those, but likes to sell small things. Lu Chen could only follow her behind her with a wry smile.

There are three floors above ground and three floors underground. There are so many shops that are frightening. Looking at Feng He’s interesting look, Lu Chen is really worried that she will go shopping around the entire Tianquan City... For women, Lu Chen knows very well, once Go shopping and have fun, it's endless!

Therefore, when passing by a large teahouse, Lu Chen didn't hesitate to pull in the pouting Fenghe.

This shop is said to be a tea house, but it’s actually very large. Whether it’s eating, drinking or staying in the shop, it’s okay. It just so happened that it was getting dark at this time. Lu Chen was also going to stay here, so he was looking for the teleportation array. To go to the west of the Yuanshen Forest, it is better to hurry up, and wait until tomorrow morning. ,

I found a table and sat down. There was a pot of tea and some small snacks. Lu Chen ate and drank leisurely, but Feng He sat with his chin on. Looking at her expression, it was obvious that there was an unsatisfactory taste. Come on, still thinking about going shopping.

"Lu Chen..."

Seeing Lu Chen, he would finish off all the tea on the table in a while. Feng He blinked at him and said, "Well, it's not dark yet! Why are we going later? ?"

"What are you doing?" Lu Chen turned up his mouth, and asked Feng He back: "What do you want to do?"

Although this sentence was normal, but Lu Chen was "doing" the self-upper, a little aggravated his voice, and suddenly it seemed extremely weird. Feng He blushed instantly when he heard Lu Chen's words, and glared at Lu Chen with annoyance, and said, "Who...who wants to be with you...that ah! I'm serious!"

"I'm serious too!" The smile on Lu Chen's face converged in an instant, with a serious look, and said: "You want to be crooked, right? I just ask you, wait a minute. What do you want! Where did you think of it!?"


Feng He was dumbfounded for an instant, and his mind was a bit unable to turn around. Could it be that he was thinking evil?

After a long while, Feng He reacted, knowing that he had been tricked by Lu Chen, and suddenly, groaning, he rushed towards Lu Chen, and raised his hands on Lu Chen's body, constantly looking for the fragile body of Lu Chen. Pinch somewhere.

"That... guest officer..."

At this moment, a slightly embarrassing voice sounded: "Is there anything else?"

The two looked up and saw that Xiaoer from the shop was standing next to him, and his head was slightly sideways, as if he was not looking for evil.

Feng He took a look at himself, and was shocked to find that he was tired of Lu Chen's arms at this time. Because of the laughter just now, both of them looked a little disheveled.

"Cough cough cough..."

Feng He immediately got up from Lu Chen, blushed and sat down, pretending that nothing happened, holding the empty teacup in front of him, turning it twice, and changing the subject: "That... I don’t need anything, oh, yes, I’ll ask you, is there any fun in Tianquan City?"

"interesting place?"

The second year of this shop is also very young, and the True Yuan fluctuations on his body are not very strong. The cultivation base is not very high. For the two earth sages, Lu Chen and Fenghe, they also look extremely respectful, and replied respectfully: "In Tianquan City, it is very lively at night. There are many night markets, many wine shops, and casinos. If you two want to wait a while to go out, whether it is Tianquan Main Street or the nearby small streets There are a lot of fun places, um, and Tianquan Casino. The two of you must have come to Tianquan City for the first time? For you, there is also a good place, although it is a casino, but there are many other entertainments There are also..."

After listening to Xiao Er's introduction, Lu Chen and Feng He had a better understanding of Tianquan City. The two discussed it and decided to go to Tianquan Casino.

According to Xiao Er, Tianquan Casino is the most lively place in Tianquan City. Although it is called a casino, in fact, only the third floor and above have anything about gambling.

For going to Tianquan Casino, the two really have their own minds. Fenghe is because I heard from Xiaoer that there are many small things for sale in Tianquan Casino, there are many small entertainment booths, and there are clothes selling on the second floor. Locally, Lu Chen is completely because Xiao Er said that there are so many beautiful women in Tianquan Casino... Uh, it is said that there are still some activities that men can only participate in. Lu Chen hadn't seen anything like this for a long time, so he was going to take a look. Moreover, in places with a lot of people like Tianquan Casino, you can also give Lu Chen a chance to inquire about the gossip. Although Jiang Xinxin gave herself a comprehensive information, there are also many places that are not detailed enough, especially about her upcoming Information about the dark forest to go.

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