Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2053: Step on people!

As Xiao Er said, Tianquan Casino is indeed the most lively place in Tianquan City.

When you stepped into the first floor, you saw the bustling crowd.

On the left side of the first floor, there are rows of shops selling gadgets, while on the right side, there is a semicircular circle, similar to a counter on the earth.

Seeing Feng He's eyes full of light, Lu Chen walked towards a small jewelry booth, Lu Chen smiled helplessly, did not follow, and walked to the other side of the bar.

This wooden round table indeed functions like a bar on the earth. Lu Chen casually found a seat and a waiter came over to greet him.

"Sir, what kind of wine do you want?" The waiter Bingbing bowed politely and asked politely.

"This..." Lu Chen didn't know what kind of wine there was, and pointed to the person next to him casually, and said, "Just like him!"

A few minutes later, a cup of dark purple liquor was brought up. What made Lu Chen curious was that in this glass of wine, there was a crystal stone the size of a crystal thumb.

Lu Chen couldn't help taking a sip after smelling the wine's strong scent. Suddenly, he felt a kind of coolness that came to his heart, and his limbs and skeletons were flooded in an instant.


Sitting in front of the bar for a while, Lu Chen couldn't help but question what Xiaoer said in his heart. He also said that there are so many beautiful women. After sitting here for so long, there are not many women! Not to mention beauties.

After drinking the last sip of wine in the glass, Lu Chen lifted his leg and walked up.

Just as he walked up the stairs to the second floor, Lu Chen frowned slightly.

He was extremely sensitive in divine consciousness, and he seemed to smell a faint familiar energy fluctuation.

Frowning for recognition, Lu Chen's expression changed.

Wind lotus! This is the true element fluctuation of Fenghe! Moreover, looking at the degree of fluctuation, it seems that Fenghe is in a state of tension before the battle! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to release the true essence to this degree!

While feeling tense in his heart, Lu Chen rushed to follow the direction of the fluctuation of the true essence.

In five or six seconds, Lu Chen saw Feng He's figure.

That seemed to be a clothing store. Feng He was standing at the door of the store at this time. Looking at her appearance, it seemed that nothing happened. This made Lu Chen relieved. However, look at the few people around Feng He. At that time, Lu Chen didn't have such a good face.

Hearing those people's twittering and talking unbearable words, Lu Chen clenched his brows, strode over, pushed a person away, walked to Feng He's side, grabbed her little hand and squeezed it twice, and asked Said: "What happened?"

Feng He, who was grasped by Lu Chen's little hand, couldn't help feeling a lot more relaxed, and said softly in Lu Chen's ear: "The man in purple clothes wants to strike up a conversation with me... I slapped him... …As it turned out, that’s it... Well, I’m sorry, I was impulsive..."

"Excuse me? What are you talking about? Besides, I don't feel impulsive!" Lu Chen snorted coldly, "This kind of person is just a fan!"

"What did you say about MB?" A young man beside the purple clothes heard Lu Chen's unconcealed words, and became furious. Then he looked at Fenghe again, and said with a snort of disdain. "I said, how dare you do more Zi Shao! It turns out that you have a concubine!"

Others echoed.

The guy who was called Zi Shao by everyone was holding his shoulders with a smile on his face. Looking at Lu Chen and Feng He, there are cold expressions between his eyebrows. It seems that he wants to see a joke between them. , Or in other words, just want those little brothers to solve this problem. ,

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes, and beckoned to the short young man who was talking tall, and said, "Come here!"

"Cao! You let me pass and I'll pass!? You MB, who do you think you are!?" The short young man was extremely arrogant. If it weren't for a long distance, I guess he could poke him with his fingers. Lu Chen's face.

A cold smile appeared on Lu Chen's face: "Since you don't want to come over, then I'll go..." While speaking, Lu Chen took a big step and walked towards the short young man.

"What? Do you want to do something or something? Brothers..." the short young man yelled, and he said, but he saw a big fist before he finished speaking.


With a muffled sound of skin and flesh clashing, the short young man was stuck in his mouth after half of his words were said.

Lu Chen's strength was well controlled. Although this fist was heavy, he didn't take the short young man into the air. He just shook it twice and didn't even fall down. The dark energy he carried directly knocked out the short young man's teeth.

By the time Lu Chen took his hand back, the short young man was already completely dizzy, his mouth opened to talk, but he spouted a mouthful of black blood and full of teeth.

"I... my CAo nick code beep..." Although the short young man was fainted by the beating, he still said dirty words in his mouth, and he staggered two steps forward, reaching out his fist. Chao Lu Chen's face was smashed.

Lu Chen sneered and handed his left foot forward.


There was a muffled sound.

The short young man was already dizzy. When Lu Chen stumbled like this, he directly knelt on the floor with his head down.

"Teach you for free today...Sometimes, with a clean mouth, you can live longer..." Lu Chen has never been merciful to such a person who opens his mouth and shuts his mouth and numbs you. Seeing that short youth is dizzy Falling in front of him like this, Lu Chen directly kicked and slammed on his head that was stuck to the floor.

How strong is this kick?

Compared to Lu Chen, it is not much, perhaps less than half the strength, but for these second-generation children, the existence of the Earth Sage level can kill them in seconds with a finger.

They provoke the mistake!

If they were replaced by their saint-level parents, they might still have the power to fight Lu Chen, but as far as their words are...hmph, they are basically the same as ants.

The other people saw Lu Chen step on most of the short young man’s head and plunged into the floor. The blood was flowing, and they didn’t know their life or death. All of them suddenly turned pale. The mouth that was cursing and grinning was closed at this time. When they saw the short young man being beaten, they wanted to rush up to beat Lu Chen to avenge the short man, but now they are all shaking their calves. He didn't dare to move. The only person who was still calm was the purple-clothed youth who led the head. At this time, the coldness on his face disappeared without a trace, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

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