Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2054: Shi Shi Shi

"Lu Chen, just forget it, they are fine!"

Feng He's heart was still gentle and kind. Seeing the life or death of the short man being abused by Lu Chen, he suddenly pulled Lu Chen's arm.

At this time, many people around saw the situation here, and they were watching the excitement.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, looked at the purple-clothed boy, and said, "If you changed before, now you are all dead... But since Feng He has spoken, I'll give you a chance, how to solve it yourself! Don't let me do it myself, I can't control it with strength..."


Just after hearing what Feng He said, the purple-clothed boy thought that the matter was over, and was thinking about how to find a place to avenge the short boy, but now listening to Lu Chen's words, this matter is still far away. It's far from over.

"I advise you to better not do things completely..." The purple-clothed boy looked at Lu Chen with a cold expression and said, "Some people, you can't afford it!"

"Hehe..." Lu Chen smiled contemptuously, and said, "Are you going to take your parents out? Hehe, it's a standard second generation!"


When Lu Chen said this, he paused slightly: "Do you think I care about this? Just to remind you, my patience is also limited. If you are chirping like this, I don't mind the activities!"

The purple-clothed boy suddenly changed color.

After so many years of family arrogance and domineering, he had never encountered a person who dared to provoke him so much. This miscalculation did not let his father assign his bodyguard to bring him, and now it is too late to regret. My own strength is not much stronger than that of the short man. If that person wants to kill himself, it will probably take a few seconds...

Thinking of this, the purple-clothed boy, with some fluke, kicked a few of his men, and ordered: "Kneel down, confess to that lady!"

How dare those people not listen, their legs were so frightened, they all knelt to the ground with a puff.

How could Lu Chen not see the thoughts of the purple-clothed boy?

"What about you?" Lu Chen sneered, making the purple-clothed boy's body tighten again.

"Are you sure you want to do everything right?" The purple-clothed boy's pupils shrank and stared at Lu Chen closely.

"What do you mean?" Lu Chen smiled indifferently, and said: "I still said that, I was asked to do it myself!"

The purple-clothed boy struggled twice, and finally, slowly fell to his knees.

Lu Chen didn’t look at the resentful expression of the boy in purple clothes when he was kneeling on the ground. He pulled Fenghe and walked into the second floor, leaving only a faint voice: "If you want revenge, come on, I will always Waiting, don't let me down..."

Out of the corner of the purple-clothed boy's eyes, he saw Lu Chen slowly walking away, lowering his head and slowly standing up. If you look through his loose hair, you can see that his twisted, hideous expression is like this to him. For the spoiled second-generation disciple, kneeling is arguably the biggest insult he has suffered in his life.

It's still early.

As soon as they were intermingled by the purple-clothed teenagers, Feng He no longer had the mood to wander around at this time, and accompanied Lu Chen to a small tea house on the second floor, comfortably, and ordered a pot of tea.

As soon as Lu Chen sat down, he felt his shoulder patted, and at the same time, he heard a very crisp sound in his ear.


Hearing this voice, Lu Chen looked back subconsciously.

A beautiful girl with a ponytail stood behind her.

However, unlike her delicate appearance, this girl was very lively, giggling and leaning on the back of the chair where Lu Chen was sitting, looking at Lu Chen.

"You call me?" Lu Chen pointed to his nose. If his memory is correct, he should have never seen this girl. Lu Chen was also a bit speechless for the tight gaze facing Feng He at this time. Hey, who makes their girls so good? There are girls who come to meet them at random. They are still the best, hehe, it seems that what the shop Xiaoer said is still good. There are still a lot of best products here. .

"That's right! Just call you!" When Lu Chen was yelling in his heart, the ponytail girl also smiled and replied: "Man! It was just good! Hero save the beauty! Hey, look at that **** Du Ziteng being abused by you. It feels so refreshing! Haha, see if he is still in front of me in the future! Humph!"

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, she just kept talking, making Lu Chen dizzy.

But speaking of it, Lu Chen's impression of this girl is still very good, and it can be seen from her conversation that this girl must be a carefree, lively and straightforward girl.


"Oh... I didn't know it, I said it for so long..."

It took a long time for the girl with ponytails to feel that she had been twittering for more than ten minutes without knowing it. She was a little embarrassed. She touched her braids and felt a little embarrassed. Look at Lu Chen and Feng. He said: "Um... sorry, I'm so happy to see that Du Ziteng was abused, haha, so I said so much..."

"Oh... After talking for so long, I have forgotten that we haven't introduced each other yet!" The ponytail girl pulled her long braid to her chest, and introduced herself playing with the usual giggles: "Um, you call me Shishishishi, Shishishishishi, Shishishishishi...it's a bit sloppy, hey, there is no way, my parents gave it..."

When Lu Chen looked at Shishi, he seemed to have the momentum to continue talking, and he immediately said, "That, Lu Chen! The land of Lu, the star of Chen!"

"Just call me Fenghe!" Fenghe also said with a smile, and he has a good impression of this straightforward girl.


Shi Shishi was very excited and laughed with arms akimbo: "I have met two more friends...My lonely life is like snow, and I finally found my head!"

Lu Chen Fenghe was ashamed.

This girl is really too lively.

And... that... it's a bit too verbose.

Shi Shishi sat beside them for a while, but his mouth didn't stop, two cups of tea, this lively girl couldn't hold back anymore, she threw the tea cup and said, "Hey! Since it's all here, Why sit here and drink tea! Walk around, let's go to the third floor and have fun there. What a lot of things are there! Speed, I'll treat you!"

Shi Shishi is not only lively and long-winded, but also anxious, standing next to the table bouncing around and looking like an impatient, Lu Chen who originally wanted to sit peacefully with the wind and he was helpless, but Able to follow her to the third floor.

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