Although this spider web covered with spider venom could not hurt Lu Chen, it blocked Lu Chen's pursuit of the spider.


At the same time that Lu Chen smashed the spider web with a sword, that spider had also readjusted its posture, and faced Lu Chen away.

Speaking of it, although this spider is much stronger than the poisonous spider, it still cannot pose any threat to Lu Chen. This spider, speaking of it, is somewhat like a mixture of poisonous spider and rock spider. , Not only has the speed and toxicity of a poisonous spider, but also has the defense and power of a rock spider.

However, poisonous spiders that neutralize the characteristics of poisonous spiders and rock spiders have balanced abilities, but they have also lost their own characteristics, because in any aspect, they cannot surpass Lu Chen at all. Individually, it was destined to be completely abused by Lu Chen.

And this spider seemed to understand, the gap between the two, became a little cringe and dare not move forward.

Lu Chen grinned, his figure moved, and he disappeared into the spot instantly.

The spider's small eyes shrank and his body became tighter.

When it had just captured Lu Chen's figure from the air, it was stunned to find that in front of Lu Chen's fingers, black smashing marks continued to spread.

Broken magical powers!

These traces of space shattering did not give the spider any reaction time at all, and in an instant, they had already blasted on the spider's shell.

Even if its shell is strong, it is impossible to withstand the breaking power of the broken magical powers. Under the corrosion of the black light, the spider's shell instantly shattered. In its body, several large holes suddenly appeared, one after another. The smelly sap was constantly sprayed out of it, and it was extremely disgusting.


The spider's body trembled violently twice. Obviously, the damage from the broken magical powers, although not fatal, had already caused it to feel pain.

Seeing Lu Chen getting closer and closer, the spider completely lost his fighting spirit. While continuously spraying the venom and spider web, he quickly moved his eight spider legs and retreated towards the back passage.

Lu Chen would naturally not spare him.

The more spiders you kill now, the less resistance you will encounter when you enter the mother spider's lair.

Seeing, that spider was about to retreat to a corner at the end with the help of the cover of venom and cobwebs, and at this time, Lu Chen couldn't penetrate in facing the heavy cobwebs and venom.

In desperation, Lu Chen could only release the Hongmeng Sacred Sword, and suddenly the golden rays of light crisscrossed, and all the spider web poison was swept away into nothingness in an instant.

At the same time, a faint phantom also appeared in the air.

The phantom was pale white, and instantly condensed in the air, as light as a cloud of smoke.


There was only a faint buzzing of the air, and the phantom disappeared into the air in an instant. Perhaps it was because the phantom was too fast, or because the phantom’s originally hidden attributes were extremely high, even Lu Chen’s. The eyes can only see a bunch of unrecognizable afterimages.


At the end of the vanishing shadow, two soft noises came.

When Lu Chen put away the Hongmeng Sacred Sword and turned around the corner, he saw that there were only four spider corpses. The corpse was cut off by a sharp sword, and the fracture was extremely smooth. Flowing out from the fracture, flowing across the ground, black and white, disgusting extremely.

Beside the spider, a snow-white figure stood still.

This snow-white figure is a woman holding a sword.

Lu Chen and Feng He gathered together a large number of this woman, three thousand green silk draped like brocade on her shoulders, a pair of willow eyebrows curved like crescents, her beautiful eyes were so dark that they could not see the bottom. The shadow adds an inexplicable and mysterious color to the whole face; the nose is straight and elegant, and the beautiful face is divided into two sides, making the face extraordinarily rich in lines; a small cherry mouth is ruddy in color, as if silent Temptation. The beautiful facial features are led to the pointed jaw by the perfect facial line. Wearing a long white skirt, white clothes like snow, his eyes are chilling. Coupled with the long sword glowing in her hand, it gave her a bit of murderous temperament.

"This...this...this is?"

Feng He looked at the spider limbs on the ground, and then at this cold and murderous woman, a little startled. ,

"Don't you feel it..." Lu Chen smiled bitterly, and said, "This woman is transformed by my aurora supernatural powers!"

"What? Aurora magical power!?" Feng He's mouth grew in surprise, and looked at Lu Chen incredulously. When Lu Chen released the aurora magical powers, she did feel it, but she didn't expect that the aurora magical powers could actually be imaginary. Such a beauty with cold temperament, like a thousand years of ice.

After staying in the ancient world for so long, Feng He has no less understanding of various supernatural powers than Lu Chen. She also knows a little about the various supernatural powers of the aurora. It is said that the supernatural power of the aurora is a condensed aurora illusion. Flying swords form a sword formation. After the Hinayana, you can imagine a fairy holding a sword, and the moves are even more subtle.

Moreover, it is said that the more mysterious the realm of Aurora supernatural powers, the fewer aurora fairies can be imagined. After reaching the super realm, all supernatural powers will transform into an aurora sword fairy.

At that time, all the power of the aurora, the mystery of formation and the aura of swordsmanship of the aurora magical powers will be integrated in it, and the power, moves, and mysteries will reach the extreme.

Of course, all of this is just a legend, and no one has truly achieved it.

It is precisely because of these that Fenghe is so surprised.

In fact, speaking of it, Lu Chen felt a little incredible that he was able to cultivate the Aurora magical powers to the extreme. You must know that the magical powers are not comparable to spells. As long as the spells are talented, the true essence is solid enough to practice. It's not difficult, and the power of supernatural powers will be much worse.

For example, if it weren't for Lu Chen's thorough comprehension of the Dimensional Law, and if he had obtained the Canglan Rod, he might still be a waste skill. And the reason why Jian Zhan Three Corpse's magical power entered so quickly was purely because it relied on the special nature of his true essence and spiritual consciousness.

And the aurora supernatural power realm rose so fast, it made Lu Chen feel a little strange.

Presumably, it's probably because of too many supernatural powers that I have mastered, and all kinds of supernatural powers merge together. This is a special situation that happened?

Thinking about it, Lu Chen's gaze focused on the Aurora Fairy again.

Although she should be regarded as her master, looking at her expression, she did not look at her master at all. It was cold and cold. When Lu Chen greeted her embarrassingly, he disappeared and returned to Lu Chen's. In the sea of ​​knowledge.

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