Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2065: Mother Spider Nest


Lu Chen saw the cold girl, turned into an aurora and dissipated in front of him, and touched his head speechlessly.

Looking at the embarrassment of Lu Chen being ignored, Feng He couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and gave Feng He a happily smiling look. He muttered in his heart that he had to clean up the Aurora one time sooner or later. It was really disgusting to dare not give his master face.

Obviously, Lu Chen has given this girl who appeared for the first time aurora magically transformed a very suitable name, Aurora!

Lu Chen was at this level. The girl who condensed Aurora supernatural powers was called Aurora, which was too low level.

After discovering that Aurora's magical powers had entered the extreme realm, Lu Chen carefully checked. After finding that all his magical power seeds were not abnormal, he left the sea of ​​consciousness disappointedly.

Speaking of it, Lu Chen is really good enough. His supernatural powers have been in the extreme for so long, and he didn't realize it. After knowing how to use it, he felt that he was stupid and praised him.

After killing that spider, the entire underground poisonous spider lair seemed to suddenly calm down. Lu Chen and Feng He marched in the direction pointed by the spider stone for more than ten kilometers, without touching a single spider.

From the faint breath in the air, Lu Chen could feel that he was definitely not far from the mother spider without looking at the spider stone.

After entering a more spacious passage, Lu Chen couldn't help but frowned.

From here, the rocks above and below the channel are gradually invisible. The rock surface of the entire channel is covered with a thick layer of white spider silk and strange slime. Both of these, after the fermentation of time, there are 'S has changed into a grayish-white soft substance, like jelly...No, it's like internal organs.

The further forward, the thickness of this mixed substance gets higher and higher. From the very beginning, it can only cover the rock wall, and then the thicker layer, when you step on it, will sink a footprint. It can be said that it is getting disgusting.

Lu Chen and Feng He were walking in it, and they even felt that they were stepping on the internal organs of some kind of weird creature. In desperation, both of them began to levitate in the air to avoid stepping on that soft, disgusting substance. At the same time, the protective cover was opened to prevent the mucus above the rock wall from dripping on the body.

Moving forward, the thickness of these mixtures not only increased, but in many places, the entire passage was already blocked, and Lu Chen had to release sword energy or shattered magical powers to open the way from time to time.

Passing a corner, a squirming gray-white mass of material stopped in front of the two again.

Lu Chen habitually threw out a piece of sword energy, and wanted to chop the solidified mixture into smash.


Under the sword aura, these soft but extremely elastic mixtures gradually shrank and became smaller, and suddenly exploded when the thing was only half a meter in diameter.

Under the power of the explosion, countless pieces of gray-white slime splashed, covering the sights of Lu Chen and Feng He.

Among the white flowers, Lu Chen vaguely saw a dark shadow through the splashing mucus.

Out of vigilance, Lu Chen pointed directly in front of him.


Accompanied by the sound of air and slime being torn apart, a crashing sound came. The black shadow actually resisted the tearing of the broken magical power, but it was still blown out by the power of the broken magical power.

Lu Chen frowned, his true essence exploded, and all the grayish white mucus around him was shaken away, so that he could see the true face of this black shadow clearly.

This black shadow is actually a very small spider. Of course, this very small is compared to the rock spider poisonous spider. Its body shape is only about thirty centimeters in size, its shape is extremely strange, and its body is covered with off-white slime. , Take a closer look, its eight spider legs seem to have been broken. Looking at the fracture, it should be undoubtedly caused by broken magical powers.

"I actually encountered a new species of spider...What kind of spider is this? It looks like a young spider, but it's too strong, right?" Lu Chen said with some doubts.

"I think this spider should be similar to the invisibility spider before... The characteristics are hiding and sneak attack! Presumably, it is the guardian of the mother spider's lair?" Feng He analyzed.

"It should be right!" Lu Chen nodded. After such a long period of vacuum, he finally encountered a spider again. Moreover, the strength of this spider is much stronger than the previous spiders. This also shows that Lu Chen and Fenghe have already stepped into the range of the mother spider's nest.


The eight spider legs of the little spider were moving at a terrifying speed that was not clearly visible, and their figure turned into an afterimage, wandering around on the rock wall, as if ignoring gravity, bouncing up and down, flying at extremely fast speed. , Disappeared into the sight of Lu Chen and Feng He.

The significance of this kind of spiders is sneak attacks. Speaking of facing the enemy, they are not so powerful. Therefore, after a sneak attack fails, their retreat speed is unusually fast.

Feng He wanted to chase, but Lu Chen didn't stop him.

"Let's move forward slowly! With the insidious degree of this spider, maybe more spiders are lying in the direction it is fleeing!"


Feng He nodded as soon as he thought about it. This spider is not as scary as Jiang Xinxin said. At least, with the strength of the two, it is easy to deal with. For the sake of safety, now, for the two, the most suitable way , It is slowly advancing, until you know where the mother spider is, after killing the mother spider, you will find the place of the Holy League token.

With disgusting slime spider silk, and the ubiquitous little spiders hidden in the slime blocks, Lu Chen and Fenghe were extremely restrained, their speed was greatly slowed down, and they did not walk into a new passage. , You must be serious, cut all the slime blocks into smashes, and kill all the hidden spiders.

Fortunately, this place is already very close to the mother spider, so although this steady progress is extremely slow, it did not cause Lu Chen and Feng He to lose patience.

Finally, after killing four or five small spiders hidden on the wall, Lu Chen and Feng He broke through the sticky spider silk and entered an extremely spacious cavity with more than 100 square meters.

However, after walking into this void, Lu Chen frowned.

In this cavity, all kinds of mucus and spider silk were also covered. However, in these mucus and spider silk, Lu Chen clearly distinguished a few distinct colors, which were covered by spider silk. The muddy hole.

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