Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2066: Hide under your feet

The reason why Lu Chen frowned was not because of this empty place and the environment that was more disgusting than before, but because of the opening of the branch in all directions in this hollow.

This is obviously a pattern of selective mazes.

Each entrance leads to a different place, and they must be extremely far apart and do not want to communicate with each other. There are countless dead ends inside. Once you make a mistake, it is estimated that it will be difficult to come back.

Although Lu Chen had the guidance of a spider stone, he would never go too far, but even so, it was still a waste of time to eliminate every passage.

For Lu Chen now, time is still extremely important. Although the token battle lasts for a full month, there are so many cultivators competing, and the time is too late. It is estimated that the Liansheng League token shadow, Can't find it.

However, no matter how unwilling Lu Chen is, these two passages still need to be explored one by one. Moreover, there is only one spider stone, and Lu Chen and Fenghe cannot be separated. They can only gather together and explore each cave entrance. .


After cutting the cobweb of the nearest hole to Lu Chen, two people stepped into it

Compared to the previous passages, the passages after these openings are smaller and darker, and they have become more winding and winding. Sometimes, after three or two steps, you have to turn around. Moreover, the crossroads are extremely Many, scattered branches make people feel dizzy.

With Lu Chen’s ability to record the path he traveled, there is still no problem, and with the guidance of the spider stone, Lu Chen can also see that this road is really the road to the mother spider’s lair, or a road. Used to divert the enemy's false road.

After walking dozens of kilometers, Lu Chen took out the spider stone again.

Above the spider stone, there was still a purple-black mist floating, but Lu Chen still keenly discovered that the aura of the spider stone seemed to fade a little.

In order to prevent any accidents, Lu Chen continued to move forward, until the spider stone dimmed, Lu Chen was sure that this road must be a false road to lure the enemy, and going further, it is estimated that it is a dead end. .

Fortunately, in these confusing caves, there were no poisonous spiders lurking, Lu Chen and Fenghe, who were advancing with all their strength, could be regarded as swift, and soon, five or six fake cave openings were eliminated.


Coming out of the seventh hole, Lu Chen focused his gaze on the last hole that was sealed by the cobweb, frowned, and said, "Our luck is really bad! There are a total of eight holes. We even guessed seven times without guessing it right..."

"it's okay!"

Feng He hugged Lu Chen's arm and said, "It didn't take much time! Besides, after excluding the seven holes, the seventh hole left now is the only passage! Let's go in from here. It must be able to find the trace of the mother spider!?"

"I hope..." Lu Chen did not show that he was as happy as Feng He, but frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Let's go, let's go!" Feng He pulled Lu Chen to see how he was standing still, so he pulled Lu Chen directly and flew into the last hole.

I don't know how long it takes to fly out.

Lu Chen, who had been in a daze all the time, suddenly stopped. At the same time, he also held Feng He, and then, casually took out the spider stone.

"Sure enough!" Lu Chen touched his head and sighed.

"What's the matter!?" Feng He turned his head and saw that the spider stone seemed to be darker again. This was obviously a sign that it was moving away from the mother spider's nest.

"Isn't it!? Isn't this the last hole? How can I stay away from the mother spider's nest?! This is too strange?" Feng He also frowned in confusion, after a long time, he guessed: "No, this one. The road is the kind of back-shaped road, right? Maybe, if we go a little further, we can go back again!"

Speaking of it, it is indeed possible, but Lu Chen did not take a step, but said: "According to what you said... Isn't it possible that there are eight channels? Those poisonous spiders are trying to confuse the invaders. , It is entirely possible to make those passages into a roundabout shape, so that after a long distance away, they will suddenly turn back and return to the nest of the mother spider..."

"Wait...it's not right!" Lu Chen thought for a while, and then overturned his previous thoughts: "This is unreasonable. After all, not everyone is like us who owns spider stones. This strategy is only right. The person who owns the spider stone works...so..."

Lu Chen thought about it, frowning tightly, and suddenly unfolded: "It turns out that it is...I think I understand..."

"What do you understand!?" Feng He asked curiously: "You know, which one of the eight channels is true!?"

"Haha, I don't know..." Lu Chen shook his head and smiled: "I only know that these eight channels are all fake!"

"What? It's all fake? Then don't we wander for so long in vain!?" Feng He stared in disbelief, "What the **** is going on?"

"Let's go back to the stone cave first, then it should be clear!" Lu Chen smiled and took Feng He's hand.


Which empty stone room to return to. Feng He looked at the eight openings exposed by the cobwebs, then looked at Lu Chen again, his eyes full of confusion.

"Are these eight channels really fake!? Lu Chen, how did you know!?"

"It must be fake!" Lu Chen smiled and said, "I still underestimate the IQ of those spiders. If my guess is good, all the eight channels are used to confuse the enemy! Otherwise, Why are they so obvious that these eight holes are exposed? Remember? When we first came into this stone room, we distinguished eight holes at a glance because it was so obvious, and you look at the wall The slime! So thick, they can completely hide the eight stone caves. In this way, wouldn’t they be able to hold the invaders more time!? But they don’t, because they have to rely on these eight. An exposed hole, go to cover up, which one is really hidden!"

"Is it the real hidden hole!?" When Feng He heard it, without a word, he released dozens of spells, burning all the slime on the surrounding walls, but after the slime was burned clean, it was exposed It's still just a black wall.

"No!?" Feng He was puzzled.

"Of course not..." Lu Chen smiled, "If I didn't guess wrong, the real channel should be...under our feet!"

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