Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2067: Underground scenery

"...The real passage should be...under our feet!"

As Lu Chen said, his right foot suddenly lifted.

The right foot, carrying the boundless strength and true essence power, fell quickly, deeply, and plunged into the thick layer of white flowers on the ground, composed of cobwebs and mucus, and then hit the rocks. Above.


After a loud crash, there was another continuous "click" sound.

Suddenly, Feng He felt his body shook, and then, the entire ground began to sway continuously. The whole person seemed to have fallen into a weightless state and halfway through, he couldn't stand still at all. .

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

This cracking sound became denser and denser. With the final tremor of the ground, the whole ground was finally completely shattered and collapsed. The two fell together with the gravel.

When the body is suspended and stabilized, Fenghe has the mind to observe the surrounding environment.

The hole that was kicked out by Lu Chen was huge. It can be said that the entire stone chamber of more than 100 square meters just now collapsed, and the huge cave that collapsed is almost endless. When I looked up and looked down, I could only see a dark landscape. Even with the divine consciousness, it was the same. I couldn't explore what was at the bottom.

Lu Chen and Feng He slowed down, just looking at the gravel beside them, slowly falling into the endless abyss.

When the rubble disappeared at the end of the darkness, the surrounding area suddenly became silent and terrible. The whistling wind that could have been heard also dissipated. In the deep bottomless pit, it was like A dead zone in general.

"Is this really the mother spider's nest!?" Feng He couldn't help but asked, "I don't think such a place is like a spider nest at all!"

Lu Chen frowned, looked around and touched his head in confusion.

Indeed, spiders are just pure arthropods, and they don’t have the ability to fly. Such a bottomless nest is simply not suitable for spiders to survive! ? Could it be that there is something wrong with your own guess, or this bottomless pit is just a blinding method for those spiders?

After thinking about it, Lu Chen overturned his idea just now.

Spiders are spiders after all. Even if they are more cunning and insidious, they still can't achieve this kind of IQ. It's not that Lu Chen underestimated these poisonous spiders, it was just a matter of fact.

After all, the probability that this pit is the mother spider's nest is still very high.

With that said, I still missed a place... Lu Chen frowned and thought, his whole body just suspended in the air and stopped moving. Originally, the wind lotus, which was slowly falling, looked at Lu Chen. It moved, and stopped with Lu Chen, floating in the air.

"Did you find anything!?" After waiting for a long time, Feng He couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked in a low voice.

Lu Chen's eyes were wandering around without focus, as if concentrating on thinking, but not paying attention to the environment at all, Feng He saw Lu Chen ignore him, curled his lips, and stopped talking.


I don't know how long it has passed, Feng He looked at Lu Chen in a daze, and started picking his fingers boredly.

Suddenly, Lu Chen, who had been hanging his head in deep thought, suddenly tightened his body, and at that moment, he, whose eyes had been distracted, gathered his gaze and stared in one direction.

Feng He was shocked by such big movements of Lu Chen. Just when he wanted to ask something, he saw that a bright purple-golden light suddenly appeared in the palm of Lu Chen's palm. This extremely terrifying speed spread, and in front of Lu Chen, a splendid golden sword rain was condensed, wrapped in lightning and lightning, and then lased towards the front.




A continuous weird sound came.

Feng He was startled. Even though her perception power was far inferior to that of Lu Chen, she had already smelled the unusual smell in the air. There was a sour smell in the fishy smell, Feng He In the poisonous spider's nest, there is already a lot of smell, which is the smell of the dirty liquid that the poisonous spider is shattered and cut. Feng He, who had reacted, immediately took out the Secret Book of the Medicine Sect, with one hand, the Secret Book opened a few pages, and a few colorful brilliance rose from the pages of the book.

In fact, as early as when Lu Chen released the Ten Thousand Swords and Ten Thousand Thunders, Feng He had already observed some clues through the sword light and thunder light. Around this huge pit, it seemed that it was not a bare rock wall.

Therefore, the first thing Feng He did after taking out the Secret Book of Medicine Sect was to use magical powers to release a very brilliant and dazzling colorful light.

The colored light turns into strips of light like silk and satin, flying in the air, dispersing all the darkness in this deep pit, and a radius of hundreds of meters is presented in a dazzling light. in.

Under such bright light, everything that was hidden in the darkness around him was immediately invisible.

And Feng He, after seeing things around the rock wall, couldn't help but opened his mouth wide.

Put your eyes on the surrounding rock walls. Originally, it should be a bare rock wall. Now it is occupied by a dense layer of cobwebs. These cobwebs are extremely thick. You can see that they are spiders. It is piled up, and those spider webs are not simply stacked together, but are stacked regularly except for patterns.

These patterns constitute a strip of existence similar to a road, and many spiders are constantly moving up and down along these patterns.

In addition, Feng He also saw that on the wall covered with cobwebs, some places seemed very smooth, but these places showed a strange bulge, and Feng He I can also feel that there are some bulges, bulging and bulging, as if something is creeping in it.

But just now, at the place where Lu Chen Wanjian Wanlei Jue was facing, the spider webs were already torn to pieces. On the walls, there were many spider webs and broken spider limbs, and more spiders, But it has already been blasted down by the Ten Thousand Swords and Thousand Thunders. Such a deep pit, presumably those spiders, even if they are still alive, will definitely be smashed to pieces, right?

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