Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2068: Deep into the nest

"How did you find these!?"

When the colored light slowly passed away, the underground deep pit suddenly returned to that dark state. Feng He looked back at Lu Chen and asked with some doubts.

"Guess it!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "As you said, the probability of these spiders living in this deep pit is really that small, then their nests are most likely on this rock wall. !"


Perhaps it is because the two of them are still very close to the top of the pit. The poisonous spiders attached to the rock walls here are extremely weak, and those young spiders that are still wrapped in white silk are even more so. They were vulnerable, and they hadn't grown up yet, they didn't have a trace of resistance at all. Lu Chen easily killed them all in seconds.

The more down, the poisonous spiders that are attached to the rock wall and crawling around along the spider silk become stronger, but this kind of semi-suspended terrain is really disadvantageous for them, Lu Chen is very Easily, the poisonous spiders can be blown into the air, and the poisonous spiders that have no time to bounce back to the rock wall or eject the fixed body of spider silk are directly bombarded and fly down.

Flying down all the way, I don't know how many poisonous spiders were divided by Lu Chen's sword aura, and I don't know how many poisonous spiders were directly bombed down.

At the beginning, Lu Chen still felt that killing these poisonous spiders was like trying to get something from a bag. It didn't take much effort at all, but gradually, Lu Chen couldn't hold it anymore.

Mainly the number of poisonous spiders is increasing.

Moreover, below, those poisonous spiders, whether they were venom or silk, gradually became more powerful. In a pit with a radius of more than 100 meters, some cobwebs that crossed the entire pit began to appear gradually, blocking it. On Lu Chen’s downward route, many poisonous spiders slid along these silks, spewing silk and venom in the direction where Lu Chen was. The densely dense spider silk venom made Lu Chen feel that too Some are in a hurry.

In the end, the helpless Lu Chen could only release the Ten Thousand Swords and Thousand Thunders Secret Art for several times, and with the sky of sword rain and thunder shadows, the spider silks and poisonous spiders were completely turned into fly ash.

All the way down.

He didn't know how many meters he had penetrated into the pit. Lu Chen only felt that the underground had begun to become more and more spacious, and some unknown spider species had also begun to appear.

For example, a flying spider with thin wings, although its defense is extremely poor, and it has no attack power, but its extremely agile flying ability and spitting spider silk everywhere also brought a lot of trouble to Lu Chen.

In addition to flying spiders, there are several kinds of spiders, all of which are mutated species, possessing all kinds of strange abilities. Although these spiders have various defects, they are also the most troublesome.

Raising his hand with a broken magical power to smash a spider, Lu Chen turned over and continued to fly down. Who knows, he just fell a little bit, but he heard a clicking sound, and at the same time, he felt the feet touch the real thing.

It's the end!

Lu Chen's heart moved, and he repeatedly tapped broken magical powers to smash the poisonous spiders around him who were trying to attack, and at the same time he took out the spider stone and placed it in his palm.

Above the spider stone, the faint purple accumulating energy kept rolling around, faintly, and even asked for a stench.

This state indicates that the distance to the mother spider is very close!

Sure enough, after passing through the deep pit where countless poisonous spiders lived, the bottom of this deep pit turned out to be the real mother spider lair, and the passages in that stone room before were really deceptive tricks!

"Is this the mother spider lair!?" At this time, Feng He had already killed all the poisonous spiders that attacked her, and stood beside Lu Chen, while constantly observing the bottom of this empty pit, said.

Lu Chen put away the spider stone, nodded gently and said, "Yes, it should be here for sure... and, according to the spider stone, we are definitely no more than one kilometer away from the mother spider's nest! With the mother spider’s character, the defense here should be the most rigorous... It can be seen from this deep pit. If you want to reach this deep pit, you must kill it bit by bit. This is almost Use the entire race to protect yourself..."

"If I guess right, the next one will definitely be the elite army of poisonous spiders. It is estimated that they are some very powerful mutant poisonous spiders. We have to be careful!"

With that said, Lu Chen took Feng He's hand and sacrificed the defense of Tian Yaoxing. After guarding the two of them, he continued to walk inward.

The same as Lu Chen guessed.

At the bottom of this deep pit, there is a **** that goes down at an angle of about 30 degrees. Although this **** is not very steep, it is extremely spacious. Moreover, from a distance, Lu Chen can see the dense masses. Of poisonous spiders on patrol.

Take a closer look, thin-winged poisonous spiders, rock spiders, and other kinds of spiders are almost formed into a large group, densely occupying the slope.

Lu Chen grinned at the corner of his mouth, without saying anything, it was just a ten thousand swords and ten thousand thunder tactics that blasted over.

In this unprepared situation, the power of a large-scale attack can undoubtedly kill a lot of poisonous spiders in seconds. Moreover, most of the spiders staying in this **** are the kind of mutant spiders. Although it is said that the combat effectiveness is very strong and it is also very good at certain aspects, but the defense power may be. This round of sword rain sweeps down, similar to the thin-winged poisonous spider spider, and it is half dead. And the rest, more or less, suffered some injuries and greatly reduced their combat effectiveness.

The spiders instantly captured Lu Chen's figure. Suddenly, a wave of spiders resembling a turbulent wave, rushing towards Lu Chen.

The current terrain is not the narrow tunnels before, but the incredibly spacious slopes. Lu Chen couldn't use corners and other terrains. Now he has to directly face the terrifying number of poisonous spiders!

Seeing the surging spider tide getting closer and closer, Lu Chen grinned, and calmly took out the Five Elements Emperor's Book.

To say that facing such a number of spider tides, the Five Elements Emperor Book is the most suitable. In the Five Elements Emperor Book, almost all are the spells of group attack, and one is stronger than one, and one is stronger than the other.

The spider tide is getting closer.

Seeing the dense clusters of spiders, Feng He was also a little nervous, and could not help squeezing the Secret Book of Medicine.


It was only two or three seconds later, and Feng He was able to clearly see the fangs of the front spider. When Feng He couldn't help but want to attack, suddenly, a rumbling sound came from the ground. With a loud noise, the ground suddenly burst open, and a giant hand stretched out from the ground!

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