Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2070: Mother Spider

Between the dense underground stone forests, this kind of extremely thin spider silk that could not even be detected by God's consciousness was covered in each stalagmite, and Lu Chen had to clear the way with the Hongmeng Holy Sword to pass safely.

The more you move forward, the more rugged the terrain, and this underground space has become higher, wider, and in the dark space, there is a rustling sound, which is exceptionally strange.

However, what puzzled Feng He was that after walking so far, he did not see the shadow of a spider.

"Lu Chen..."

Feng He still couldn't help it. He pulled Lu Chen and said, "These spiders have put up so many traps before, just to hide the location of this underground space. Logically, it shouldn't be the spider like this one. You can’t even see the shadows? Could this underground stone forest also be the trick of those spiders who are suspicious!?"

Lu Chen smiled, did not speak, but took out the spider stone and shook it in front of Feng He's eyes.

Above the spider stone, the color is rich, it seems to be dripping out.

"See it!?"

Lu Chen smiled and said: "No matter how cunning the spiders are, it is impossible to escape the spider stone's induction. The mother spider's nest is indeed hidden in this underground stone forest... It's just that it's not underground. !"

"You mean..." Feng He was not stupid. When Lu Chen was reminded like this, he immediately guessed the answer. He couldn't help but looked up.

I don't know how high this underground space is, and when I look up, I can only see a dark area.

However, as far as Feng He could see, he still saw a few filaments hanging down.

This filament is obviously spider silk.

Just as Feng He was about to speak, the end of the filaments suddenly flashed one after another, and those dark shadows fell quickly along these filaments.

These shadows are naturally the poisonous spiders.

Lu Chen had always been in the state of preparing for battle. When the dark shadows just appeared on the top of his head, the Hongmeng Sacred Sword had already appeared in his hand, turning into a sword shadow with thunder light in the sky, shrouding it overhead.

Under the ten thousand swords and ten thousand thunder tactics, most of the spider silk was cut off, many spiders were directly penetrated, and some spiders, because the silk was cut, there was nowhere to borrow , Falling down one after another.

As only one spider fell, Lu Chen and Feng He were immediately surrounded.

Lu Chen grinned, he was waiting for these spiders to fall to the ground.

The spiders, after falling to the ground, had just stabilized their figure, and immediately rushed towards Feng He and Lu Chen with their teeth and claws.

It’s just that they just moved, the rocks on the ground waved strangely, one after another, one after another, the rocks shattered and rolled, one after another, thorns sprang out from the ground, and suddenly, the whole ground, As if turned into purgatory, the spiders were buried in it one after another.

"Let's go, let's find the mother spider lair!"

As soon as Lu Chen pulled Fenghe, he ignored the spiders struggling on the constantly fluctuating ground and flew directly upwards.

This underground space is still very high. On the ground of this underground stone forest, there are also a lot of stalagmites. In addition to those stalagmites, they are densely covered with spider silk.

Lu Chen followed the thread of the spider silk and flew towards the mother spider's lair.

Before long, a huge three-dimensional "building" appeared before Lu Chen's eyes.

This three-dimensional "building" is obviously the mother spider's nest.

In fact, it’s just a spheroid composed of densely packed spider silks. These spider silks are also loosely connected. The gap between each spider silk is enough to fight. However, for those For spiders, this is enough.

This spherical body is connected to each stalagmite, and on the crisscross spider silk, one by one spiders are constantly crawling around.

Lu Chen didn't say a word, and with one move, he imagined slices of sword shadows and cut them towards those spider silks.

These spider silks were originally connected to each other. The focus is on the hanging stalagmites. Lu Chen's sword shadow cut over. Not only did he cut off a lot of spider silks, but also a lot of stalagmites. , Was also cut off. Suddenly, the spherical body connected by this huge spider silk lost its support and broke loose. Of course, the spiders on it could not escape the fate of falling.

Such a nest of female spiders really lacks the ability to defend against enemies. Perhaps these spiders think that the defenses of their subordinates outside the nest are already strong enough?

Immediately blasting down a few spiders struggling on the spider silk, Lu Chen took Feng He and flew towards the broken nest, and began to look for the mother spider.

In this sow lair, the strongest creature is naturally the mother spider, and if the Saint League puts the Saint League here, the most likely place is naturally by the mother spider.

The mother spider is a mother spider, in addition to its strength, but also because she is responsible for reproduction. Therefore, the mother spider is usually the core of the entire spider colony. All spiders exist to protect the mother spider. .

Therefore, even though the entire nest had been destroyed by Lu Chen, the spiders still rushed towards Lu Chen as much as possible to block Lu Chen's footsteps.

Of course, to Lu Chen, these sparse spiders were nothing more than death.

Soon, the figure of the mother spider appeared before Lu Chen's eyes.

It was an unusually large spider. Among three huge stalagmites, in a nest woven with spider silk, the spider that was more than ten meters high was crawling in anxiety and anxiety. When I saw Lu Chen, a bloodthirsty light suddenly released from the cold eyes.

He immediately killed the rock spider that had been rushing over, and Lu Chen stood in the air, facing away from the mother spider.


Naturally, the mother spider could see Lu Chen’s threat to it. When she shrank her body, a white spider silk spurted out. Actually, this spider silk hadn’t formed yet. When it entered the air, It condensed at a very fast speed and turned into the shape of a spear.

The white spider silk spear possesses a speed and sharpness that is asymmetric to his size. It easily broke through a sword shadow that Lu Chen released from the past to resist, knowing that it hits the shield of the sky star. It was broken.

A hint of surprise flashed in Lu Chen's eyes. This mother spider was much stronger than the ordinary poisonous spiders and rock spiders. It seemed that it had reached the holy level!

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