Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2071: Token in hand

Seeing that his spider silk spear didn't have any effect on Lu Chen, there was a hint of surprise in the mother spider's dark eyes, but immediately, the surprise turned into a more intense killing intent.

"Swish swish!"

The mother spider jumped a few times, and left the nest constructed by the spider silk directly, and climbed onto a stalagmite on the side. At the same time, her mouthparts opened, and a dozen white flowers were sprayed out of a semi-solidified body. , In the air, turned into spider silk spears, lasing towards the direction where Lu Chen and Feng He were.

While Lu Chen resisted the spider silk, the mother spider had already left the stalagmite that it had just clung to, and moved towards the other stalagmite. In a short time, it had already jumped several times, leaving Lu Chen’s The distance has become farther.

"Want to run!?"

Lu Chen allowed the dozen or so spider silk spears to blast on the shield constructed by the sky star, and at the same time his divine thought moved.


With a humming, a mist of Ruoyouruowu light and misty mist instantly emerged from Lu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and in an instant, it approached the fleeing mother spider.

The mist was so fast that it couldn't even catch the divine consciousness. Before the mother spider had time to react, she felt another sharp aura covering its body.

The sharp sword aura completely locked the mother spider, making it impossible to escape.

"Stab! Stab! Stab!"

After several bursts of sound, on the mother spider's shell, several radiances suddenly exploded. The sharp brilliance, without a trace of resistance, was like cutting tofu, and the mother spider's shell was cut open. Black liquid splashed from the incision.

The mist retreated lightly, avoiding the smelly body fluid that sputtered.

The mist turned, the light and slender, erratic and godlike figure appeared before Lu Chen's eyes again.

However, what made Lu Chen speechless was that the pretty figure just glanced back at Lu Chen, and a fragile hum from inside his throat, then disappeared without a trace.

The faint hum, seemed to be dissatisfied with Lu Chen calling her out when something was okay.


Lu Chen touched his nose, and thought that this girl was really arrogant, and that Qingyou was inferior to her at all!

Need to be adjusted! Need to be adjusted!

The Aurora’s attack is indeed sharp enough. A few random swords have completely broken the mother spider’s defense. Although it has not caused fatal damage, it is enough. The current mother spider has a few shells broken. One of the spider legs was broken from the wound, and his strength was still greatly damaged.

Lu Chen did not hesitate to make up the knife, and the Hongmeng Sacred Sword slashed repeatedly, directly nailing the mother spider who was still trying to struggle on a stalagmite.

The poor mother spider hadn't tried her best to fight, it was because Aurora's attack that was reaching its extreme was completely defeated.

"Next, whether you can find the Saint League token depends on your character!" Lu Chen exhaled, feeling a little nervous inexplicably.

"I think it's a little overwhelming..." Feng He said nervously, "This mother spider lair, for a saint-level figure, there is no difficulty at all! It seems that it does not meet the requirements of the holy alliance to place the holy alliance token. what!"

"It's also..." Lu Chen sighed, and said, "No matter what, let's look for it! After all, it's already here, and it's not my habit to return empty-handed!"

However, Fenghe's words seemed to be fulfilled.

The two of them wandered around the mother spider's lair twice, scraping the ground three feet. Although they found a lot of rare materials, they did not see the shadow of the Saint League token.

"Sure enough... there is really no challenge here! I think it's better to find another dangerous secret place... If it doesn't work, you can only risk intercepting other monks!"

Lu Chen sighed and said.

Also, there are so many cultivators in the Origin God Forest, but there are only so many Holy League tokens, and they are hidden in various secret places. It is indeed extremely difficult to find.

"Since we can't find the Holy League token here, let's set off quickly and head to the Dark Swamp. The Dark Swamp in the depths of the Dark Forest is much more dangerous than here. Presumably, it is still possible to find the Holy League Token. The trace of the card!" Lu Chen thought for a while and decided to leave this ghost place.


Feng He suddenly grabbed the corner of Lu Chen's clothes.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen turned his head in confusion.

"We seem to have forgotten to search for the most important and most likely place..." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Feng He's mouth.

"You mean..." Lu Chen patted his head, and flew towards the mother spider that he had nailed to the stalagmites.

At this time, the mother spider hadn't completely died, and the mother spider who was seriously injured was still twitching its legs.

"Swipe!" The Hongmeng Sacred Sword in Lu Chen's hand was swung several times in a row, and the struggling mother spider's body was immediately cut open.

Dozens of corpses fell.

Lu Chen's divine consciousness sharply captured two flashes. Without a word, Lu Chen stretched out his hand, and the two true essences spread out, grabbing the two inexplicable substances into his hands.

These two inexplicable substances are both diamond-shaped spars.

One is the size of a fist, and it is filled with a purple aura, and it has a strong smell of smell. You can see at a glance that it is the spar formed in the mother spider, and the other is transparent, but it gives a square and square. a feeling of.

With a move in Lu Chen's heart, he drove a piece of true essence into the square spar. Suddenly, the spar turned milky white, as if it turned into a flawless jade. At the same time, a The faint brilliance was revealed, condensed into a gorgeous font on the spar.


Sure enough, it is the Saint League token!

Lu Chen was pleasantly surprised, this Saint League token was unexpected! Unexpectedly, in a place like the mother spider's nest, one could be found!

Now, with a Saint League token, Lu Chen also felt a lot easier.

It's still a long time, as long as you find another piece of it during this period of time, you and Fenghe will be able to safely enter the Holy League. At that time, it will not be too difficult to leave this Origin God Forest.

Feng He is also hard to hide the surprise, but she still has some doubts.

"Didn't Shengmeng place tokens in extremely dangerous places!? This female spider lair seems to be totally unqualified!?"

"That's not necessarily..." Lu Chen said his guess: "Although the mother spider's nest is not dangerous, it is extremely complicated, with so many twists and turns, and all the suspicious formations... If there is no spider stone, and our luck, I guess, I can’t find here at all!

Feng He was relieved and nodded in agreement.

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