The dark swamp, located at the extreme edge of the source **** forest, is the darkest and most filthy zone in the source **** forest, in which, I don’t know how many dark creatures have been brewed, this is also the secret place in the source **** forest. One of the reasons. However, although the Dark Swamp is extremely dangerous, the gloomy atmosphere in it has also nurtured countless treasures. Therefore, there are still many monks who are eager for this area.

Therefore, compared with the no one cares about the poisonous spider lair, this dark swamp is still very lively.

Lu Chen and Feng He sensed many monks on the way to the gloomy swamp.

Obviously, the journey to the Dark Swamp to find the token of the Holy League is not as smooth as the poisonous spider lair. In addition to dealing with the dark creatures in the Dark Swamp, there are other monks who compete all the time. .

Crossing a filthy sewage river, the two finally entered the boundary of the dark swamp.

A sewage river is like a dividing line, dividing two areas of the Gloom Forest and the Gloom Swamp. On the Gloom Forest, although it is humid and dark, at least, sometimes the sun can be seen, but the Gloom Swamp is Different.

In the dark swamp, there is no sunshine all year round, and the rain is continuous. In this dark area, everywhere is filled with wet swamp mud. If you are not careful, you may be hidden in the swamp. Biological, swallowed.

Even Feng He and Lu Chen became more cautious after entering the gloomy swamp.

Jiang Xinxin also reminded the two of them that in the gloomy swamp, nothing can be measured according to common sense. Sometimes, a small bug that seems to be inconspicuous all the time may be a holy monk forever. Stay in the dark swamp.

In the dark swamp, the deeper the place, the more dangerous it is. In the same way, the possibility of hiding the Holy League token is higher. Therefore, after the two entered the dark swamp, they said nothing. It flew directly towards the deepest part of the swamp.

Along the way, there are countless poisonous insects, mosquitoes and flies, and they are also full of all kinds of aggressive vines. Even some beautiful flowers may shoot a poisonous thorn or flower mist at any time, and these things are all fatal.

In line with the principle of finding the Saint League token at the fastest speed, Lu Chen saw a lot of rare and exotic treasures along the way, and he was completely unconcerned.

In the dark swamp, rare and exotic treasures and medicinal materials are not so easy to obtain. Maybe, in the marsh mud under a certain rare medicinal material, there are hundreds of terrifying creatures hidden.

The two got close all the way, knowing that they were approaching a weird "forest",

It is better to say that it is a forest than a vine bush.

It's just that this piece of vines grows extraordinarily luxuriant, and, covering a very wide area, the dancing vines seem to form a vast wall of vines, blocking the steps of the two.

Jiang Xinxin also talked to Lu Chen about this situation.

This piece of vine cluster can be one of the strange creatures bred in the dark swamp. Its attack power is extremely terrifying, and it also has the strange ability to absorb physical strength. Within the speed, it was absorbed and swallowed by the vines. In the end, it didn't even have the strength to struggle. In the end, it turned into a pile of dead bones.

Moreover, this vine has an extremely terrifying recovery ability. Even if you continue to bombard this vine wall, it may not be of any use in the end, because perhaps your attack speed is not as fast as others' recovery speed.

To get through this vine wall, there is no other way. The only way is to forcibly break through. At the fastest speed, blast the vine wall out of a hole, and penetrate into it before it has healed.

This bizarre wall of vines is like a moat. I don’t know how many monks’ steps have been blocked. There is no strong explosive power. I definitely don’t want to pass here. Because of this, most monks with weak strength , I can only hit the soy sauce on the outside of the wall of vines to look for something ordinary.

However, now at the stage of the battle for the token of the Holy League, there are still many cultivators who set their sights on the hungry depths of the gloomy swamp. I don’t know how much this wall of vines was forcibly broken. Back, although it has been restored, from the messy swamp ground in front of the wall of vines, it can be seen how many monks have fought here.

In addition to the messy scene in front of the wall of vines, there are also many bones scattered in the wall of vines.

Danger and opportunity coexist, and everything depends on choice.

Lu Chen had no choice. He had to break into this dark swamp if he wanted to win the Saint League token.

Lu Chen didn’t know how strong this vine wall was and how fast it would recover. Therefore, before really breaking through this vine wall, Lu Chen still had to try the strength of this vine wall. .


Lu Chen first imagined the Hongmeng Sacred Sword, and with a casual move, the Sky Thunder Pearl also appeared in his hand.

In a short while, the power of the holy thunder that continuously emerged from Lu Chen's left hand quickly switched to the Hongmeng Sacred Sword.

Under the stimulation of the thunder light and the true essence, the Hongmeng Sacred Sword zoomed in rapidly, and while the electric light flickered, it rushed towards the wall of vines.

The sacred sword of Hongmeng is sharp and nothing can be done. Although the wall of vines is constantly arrogantly dancing with teeth and claws, it is still blasted out by the power of the sword of Hongmeng, and a big hole with a diameter of three or four meters is instantly blasted out. Zhiwei also burned a lot of vines near the big hole.


There was a loud explosion, and the entire wall of vines began to dance quickly, and countless purple and black auras filled the big hole in an instant, and the power of the holy thunder on the big hole was also extremely fast. In the speed, it was corroded.

The purple-black breath disappeared in a flash, but the vine had returned to its usual appearance. If Lu Chen hadn't felt that the Hongmeng Sacred Sword was still on the other side of the vine wall, Lu Chen would have doubted whether he was right. The wall of vines launched an attack.

"I'm going! Such defense! Such recovery speed! This is too abnormal, right?" Lu Chen stared at the wall of vines dumbfounded and said.

"If this were not the case, there would not be so many holy monks blocked behind this wall of vines!" Fenghe comforted: "This kind of wall of vines is absolutely unstoppable. Ours, we still have so many explosive skills that are useless!"

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