Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2073: Clear stream

"It's also..." Lu Chen smiled and said, "How can a wall of vines stop me from Lu Chen's footsteps!? Speaking of which, for me, this wall of vines is more beneficial to me. Yeah! The trash fish that it is blocking and saving has interfered with me!"

"Although the explosive power of the Harmony Sacred Sword can break through the wall of vines, it cannot stop its regeneration...Speaking of which, the recovery ability of the wall of vines is really abnormal a bit too much! But the defense power is not that great. The powerful appearance, in this way, seems to prevent the regeneration of the vine wall, which is more important than explosive power..."

Lu Chen analyzed it. The defensive power of this vine wall is indeed not very high. The most important thing now is to prevent its regeneration after destroying the vine wall.

Thinking about it, Lu Chen stretched out his hand and imagined the Canglan stick.

Holding the Canglan rod in his hand, Lu Chen looked like a monarch who ruled everything. An awe-inspiring aura radiated from him. His absolute control of the power of the void made him the supreme person who ruled this space.


Lu Chen Canglan's scepter was a little empty.

A force of the void that shattered everything, surging ahead, the violent force of the broken force of the carrier, instantly blasted the wall of vines through a large transparent hole.

At the moment when the big hole appeared, the sky full of vines began to dance wildly, and a piece of purple-black aura spread from the vines, covering the huge hole, giving Lu Chen no chance to penetrate.

Lu Chen let out a cold snort, and the Void Scepter shook. With absolute control of the law of space, that piece of space was directly frozen. Suddenly, the vines that had recovered extremely fast became extremely stagnant, and those that had just resumed growth. The vines and beards that came out were transformed into nothingness by the unparalleled breaking power of the void.

Lu Chen pulled Fenghe and walked straight into the hole in the vine wall.

After a long while, the strength of that layer of space that seemed to solidify gradually faded away. Then, the wall of vines that had been suppressed for a long time broke out, and the purple and black aura was madly permeated, and the hole was in a moment. The time was filled, and the vines were still surging fiercely, as if to find Lu Chen to crush them.

In the distance, a clear stream split the miasma in the swamp, and in the misty swamp, the clear stream knocked out a big transparent hole, as if it had formed a huge corridor.

At the end, a delicate figure walked in slowly.

The man played with his hair, between his eyebrows and eyes, looking at the crazy dancing vines, there was a hint of curiosity and warlike light in his eyes.

"Is this the power of the void...interesting, interesting..." The man smiled weirdly, and as he walked, there was a clear current, avoiding the miasma, and went straight to the wall of vines.


The wall of vines seemed to have seen something extraordinary, and they actually pushed back. In an instant, the wall of vines gave way to a huge passage, and the man walked straight in as if he couldn't see the vines.

Knowing that the clear stream had disappeared, those vines still flinched and dared not move, and it took a long time to slowly return to their original state.

After strolling through the wall of vines, what appeared in front of Lu Chen was almost another world.

The swamp that was tumbling like magma, among the bubbles that burst out, was filled with jet black gas, contaminating the air with turbidity.

Above the swamp, there are few plants, and only occasionally, can we see a few corroded withered branches, and under this swamp, we can always smell a few dangerous breaths, just like under this swamp. , Ignoring the uncut, there are fierce beasts like a shadow.

Lu Chen walked with Feng He for a while.

Suddenly, Lu Chen stopped, frowning.

"What's wrong!?" Feng He asked suspiciously.

"Something is following us..." Lu Chen faintly replied, "We should solve it first before continuing, otherwise, if this thing suddenly emerges when we are in danger...I don't want to see such a situation! "

"it is good………"

Feng He nodded.

Before the two of them had finished speaking, Lu Chen had already blasted into the muddy water of the swamp under his feet.


A sludge splashed tens of meters high, and the filthy breath in the sludge rose up, contaminating the air in this piece of air into a black color.

As the muddy water splashed, there was also a huge "mud ball"!

This mud ball is about ten meters in diameter. It looks round, and it is clearly thick muddy water. It is agglomerated. This thing is like a kind of beast called slime. It is constantly creeping and huge. On the body, filthy muddy water was dripping constantly, which seemed disgusting.

The moment Lu Chen got out of the mud ball, he had already launched an attack. He poked his fingers back and forth, and in that instant he made several large transparent holes in the mud ball.

However, in the big hole, there was still only sludge, the mud squirming twice, the two big holes disappeared without a trace.

The mud ball seemed to feel Lu Chen's threat, and suddenly squirmed, a large ball of mud hulled towards Lu Chen, head and face.

Lu Chen flicked his hand, and a real essence violently blasted away the huge pile of mud. But then, Lu Chen could no longer find the figure of the mud ball just now, as if it had disappeared in an instant.

Obviously, the mud ball ran away with the mud just now.

Lu Chen frowned and looked at the swamp mud rolling under his feet. Subconsciously, he pulled Fenghe and retreated two steps to the side.

Sure enough, at the same time Lu Chen left the place where his combat power was just now, a large cloud of mud suddenly burst out of the swamp, and the mud splashed everywhere. If Lu Chen hadn't opened the shield, he probably should have been covered with the disgusting Muddy.

"court death!"

The mud strength of this large group is not very good, but it is indeed extremely difficult to deal with, because it has no entity at all, but is composed of swamp mud. As long as the swamp exists, it is basically immortal.

However, this does not mean that it is so invincible. According to Lu Chen's knowledge, although such a thing is extremely difficult to deal with, it still has some shortcomings. Although this thing has no substance, it must have a core. Killing its core, this muddy water will completely become a dead thing.

However, it is precisely because of this weakness that usually this type of creature hides its core extremely deep, and Lu Chen may not be able to find it.

Lu Chen, Lu Chen decided to fight a war of attrition with this guy. Looking at the squirming mud, Lu Chen stretched out his hand, and a pale flame rose up, burning in the palm of his hand.

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