Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2074: Who is more cunning

This pale flame seems to be extremely weak, but if anyone with a discerning eye is here, he will be surprised and shout, this is not the blazing fire, what else can it be!

Speaking of this blazing fire, it can be said that many practitioners don't know its origin, but its power is obvious to all who know it.

Compared with the sacred fire, the power of the blazing fire is not so small, and it has a very peculiar place, that is, its flame is not extremely hot, but can be similar to the freezing effect, freezing everything, Then, little by little, the "frozen" stuff was wiped out.

Of course, Lu Chen didn’t think that this Cangzhi fire could directly kill the mud mass in front of him, but as long as it was “frozen” and then the hidden “core” was found, it was much easier for Lu Chen Up.

It's just that the moment the "cang blazing fire" appeared in Lu Chen's hands, the mud ball seemed to feel a crisis, and his figure instantly shrank and dived into the muddy water of the swamp below him.

Although Lu Chen's movements were extremely fast, he still couldn't catch up with the speed at which the mud ball melted into the muddy water of the swamp. The blazing fire spread ragingly. Although it was contaminated with the mud ball, it only froze. A small part of its body, the mud ball was also clever, and it directly separated its body, which had been contaminated with the blazing fire, from the main body.

A large block of jet-black mud, after being blazed, turned into pale and pale colors.

Immediately, the originally extremely thick mud mass, like sandy soil, began to gradually collapse, turning into a sky full of powder, and dissipating with the wind.

When the mud mass was dissipated by the dust annihilated by the blazing fire, the mud mass had already dived into the swamp mud and disappeared.

"What a cunning thing!"

Fenghe divine consciousness turned, but there was no trace of the mud ball anymore. Suddenly, he pouted and said with some dissatisfaction.

"This mud ball was originally born in the dark. It is cunning, because of its nature. To say it, the strength of this mud ball is not very good. If it is not cunning, in this dark swamp, It doesn't even want to survive!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Feng He nodded and said: "Then, what should we do next? The mud group has been hidden, and I don't know if it will suddenly appear and attack us again. We have found the mud group to solve it... still is……"

"Don't worry!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Although that thing runs fast, but the blazing fire that has been on it, it has not escaped clean. In his main body, I still retain a trace of blazing fire. The fire, as long as it dares to approach again, the power that bursts out after the blazing blaze is completely enough to burn it out!"

After Lu Chen said these words, he suddenly felt that the strange sense of crisis around his body disappeared a little.

Although in the Dark Forest, Lu Chen’s power of divine consciousness was suppressed to a very low level, but Lu Chen’s own sense of crisis did not diminish too much. As the pressure dissipated, Lu Chen suddenly understood that the mud ball had run away.

In fact, what Lu Chen said just now was just nonsense.

Although the blazing fire is powerful, Lu Chen was in a hurry and did not realize that a trace of blazing fire should be implanted in the main body of the mud group as a guide. Therefore, the blazing blaze inside the mud group's body The fire didn't exist at all, it was purely Lu Chen's threat.

Speaking of it, Lu Chen is also cunning, knowing that this mud ball is difficult to deal with, and because of its cunning nature, it is not only extremely difficult to kill it, but also a waste of time and energy. So, he simply talked about it and scared it.

Lu Chen’s guess is indeed correct. The IQ of this mud group is not low, at least it can understand Lu Chen’s words, and, because of its cowardly nature, it feels that life-threatening things are in control of Lu Chen. After holding his hands, he immediately flees away, and it is estimated that as long as Lu Chen is there, it will never come close.

Feng He couldn't help giggling after hearing Lu Chen's subsequent explanation.

"I also said that the mud ball is cunning! It seems that you are much more cunning than the mud ball!"

"How can this be cunning!" Lu Chen rubbed his head speechlessly, and said, "This is called smart, don't you understand!?"


Not to mention the mud, in this dark swamp, there are more weird, cunning, dangerous, and difficult creatures than the mud!

But I don't know if it was because of Lu Chen's good luck or because of the problem of the route the two of them took. Along the way, they walked very smoothly. Basically, they did not encounter anything difficult.

It's just that the deeper you go, the worse the environment here becomes.

The most troublesome thing is the weird creatures condensed from the muddy air in the swamp. They are invisible, innocent and ubiquitous. Although their strength is extremely low, Lu Chen can extinguish them with a single flame, but the number of those things, But it was really amazing. Along the way, Lu Chen basically had to continuously release flames in order to maintain his advancing speed.

After releasing a curtain of fire, Lu Chen took out the purple spar that Jiang Xinxin had left him after burning all the creatures condensed by the turbid air.

Unlike other secret places, such as the Poisonous Spider Lair, the dark swamp covers a huge area. Among them, the dangerous areas are not concentrated. Lu Chen wants to find traces of the Holy League token in this dark swamp. It takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, Lu Chen also has information about Jiang Xinxin.

Inside the purple spar, this large dark swamp is divided into three major areas. Among them, the area where Lu Chen is located is at the very edge of the dark swamp. Relatively speaking, it is the most peaceful place. , The probability of finding the Shengmeng token is also the lowest.

However, in this area, because of the unique geographical environment, many strange creatures and medicinal materials have been born. These are very precious things. Most of the monks who broke into here are also concentrated here, looking for various geniuses. Dibao.

It's just that Lu Chen is not in the mood to find the treasures of heaven and earth now, so next, Lu Chen is going to go deeper into that area.

In the purple spar label, this large area is almost a biological territory. Any other creature is just its vassal and completely surrender to it.

Mie Yan Heishan Jia.

This powerful race, if it weren't for the checks and balances of another creature, would definitely be the overlord of this dark swamp.

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