Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2075: Mieyan Black Mountain

The terrain of the gloomy swamp is very strange.

After crossing a swamp, the surface gradually hardened.

However, this hardened surface is not land or rock, but a weird surface that is condensed after the thick and heavy gloom and filthy air settles.

If a monk with a slightly lower strength walks on this, it is estimated that in less than a moment, there will be no bones left to erode by this extremely filthy land.

So, where is the strength of a creature that can survive on such a surface? Not to mention it is a race like Mieyan Heishanjia, who can travel freely in the depths of such a land.

And the strength of Mieyan Heishanjia is also inseparable from such an environment.

Walking through such an evil and filthy land, Mieyan Heishan Jia will not only not be corroded by the evil air, on the contrary, those evil airs are constantly sacrificed and strengthened. A body.

As soon as he stepped into this area, Lu Chen and Fenghe felt that the filthy air rising from the ground was eroding towards their bodies all pervasively, and the two had to release their true essence. , To force away the foul air.

The true essence came out through the body, confronted the filthy air, slowly consumed, the speed is not fast, but it is by no means slow, and, in such a place, the true essence is hardly replenished. , Lu Chen and Fenghe absolutely suffered.

It has to be a quick decision.

Lu Chen and Feng He thought so, and gradually accelerated their pace.

After Lu Chen and Fenghe left, the filthy air was inexplicably freshened, and a clear stream pushed away all the filthy air.

An indifferent figure appeared suddenly.

Seeing the figure of Lu Chen and Fenghe gradually disappearing at the end of the darkness, the man seemed very boring, pulling off a few hairs to play, and muttering with interest in his mouth: "Hey, it's not surprising that I want to Are you going to trouble Mieyan Heishanjia? But a pity...you are destined to be disappointed...hehehe..."

The laughter became shallower, the clear current gradually dissipated, and the endless foul air once again completely covered the space.


If it weren't for Jiang Xinxin's map guidance, Lu Chen and Fenghe might have really lost their way in this dark and vast area.

Along the way, the two of them completely ignored the mobs who were looking for trouble, and went straight all the way, heading straight towards Mieyan Heishanjia's nest-Mieyan Heishan Cliff.

Mieyan Heishan Cliff. Speaking of a cliff, it would be better to say that this is a huge crack. Such a geographical environment, appearing in the gloomy swamp, is really strange.

Standing on the edge of the cliff of Mieyan Heishan, Fenghe glanced at the bottom of the bottomless cliff.

"Huh! Unexpectedly, Mieyan Heishanjia's lair is actually in the cliff...but fortunately, I thought before, like this fierce beast, the lair must be underground! This time, always Drilling into the ground makes me all phobias!"

"Such a terrain is no different from underground, right?" Lu Chen said with a wry smile.

"So too!" Feng He stuck out his tongue.

"I hope this Mieyan Black Mountain Cliff can give me a surprise!" Lu Chen sighed, and then jumped directly towards the bottomless cliff.


With the sound of the wind in his ears, Lu Chen was observing the environment on the cliff while his body was falling freely.

Mieyan Heishan cliff should indeed be a naturally occurring crack. The cliffs on both sides are very close, and there is only a space of more than 100 meters. The rocks on both sides of the cliff are all showing a strange kind of petrification. Appearance, black and shiny with a unique luster.

Lu Chen looked around, and quickly recognized that the dark rocks were actually whole pieces of Mingyuan Stone, although it was said that this kind of spar was formed by the power of Yin and evil, and It’s not very precious, but, you know, under this cliff, there are whole pieces of the stone. Although I don’t know how deep these crystals are, just looking at the surface, there are at least ten thousand tons. Up.

Although Lu Chen was a little greedy, but after thinking about it, let it go.

After all, this is the lair of Mieyan Heishanjia, and the degree of danger will not be mentioned. Moreover, if so many of the Mingyuan Stones are to be mined... I don't know how much time will be wasted!

After a few minutes.

He didn't know how many meters he had fallen, until Lu Chen saw that the rocks on both sides of the cliff gradually changed, and then he stopped his falling figure and stayed in the air.

Looking at the cliffs on both sides, the originally brilliant, black and shiny rocks now present an appearance like briquettes full of tiny holes. Moreover, the rock walls are all condensed from the Mingyuan Stone, and they are completely gone. Kind of luster, appearing gray and sudden.

According to Jiang Xinxin's intelligence, this should be the nest of Mieyan Heishanjia.

These rock walls that look like briquettes are all caused by Mieyan Heishanjia.

Of course, these tiny holes were definitely not drilled by Mieyan Heishanjia.

Under the influence of the filthy air, the Mieyan Black Mountain Armor, living in the endless dark and filthy air, has long given birth to a strange talent-absorption.

The reason why these Mingyuan Stones appear to be all holes is because most of the dark power in them has been absorbed by Mieyan Black Mountain Armor.

Therefore, as long as you see such a Mingyuan stone, it means that there must be Mieyan Black Mountain Jiao nearby.

Although I don't know how far it is from Mieyan Heishanjia's lair, but at least, there is a goal now. Lu Chen thought so, and approached the rock wall full of holes.

"Om! Boom!"

Lu Chen's figure just moved, and a loud noise suddenly came. Before Lu Chen could react in the future, he felt that his body seemed to be completely out of control. He was blown away by a strong force. .


With a loud explosion, Lu Chen’s body flew directly into the cliff on the other side, leaving behind a huge pit of tens of meters on the cliff, one after another of broken stones, constantly facing Fall to the bottom of the cliff.

Fortunately, when Lu Chen approached the territory of Mieyan Heishanjia, he turned on the protection of Tian Yaoxing. Otherwise, such an impact would probably not be easy for Lu Chen.


Lu Chen had just pulled out his body that had been embedded in the cliff, and he felt a sharp breath, rushing towards him.

Lu Chen sneered.

Attack yourself once, and want to attack yourself a second time! ?

Lu Chen pushed with both hands, the straight line space in front of him shattered vastly, and a black mark with a diameter of more than ten meters continued to spread forward.

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