Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2076: Mieyan Heishanjia's calculation

Incorporating the power of the void and the broken magical powers of the law of dimension, the power rose to an extremely terrifying state.

Although this broken magical power is extremely difficult to enter, Lu Chen has never made it to the realm of Mahayana until now. However, the broken magical power that has been alienated after merging all kinds of powers can be said to be powerful. It is no less inferior to the broken magical power of Mahayana.

The black trajectory spreads vastly.

The entire space in front of Lu Chen instantly turned into powder.

Mie Yan Heishan Jia, although his body strength was extremely high, he was also instantly timid in front of such a terrifying broken magical power.

Being involved in such horrible fragmentation, even if you are not dead, you have to get rid of half your life.

Ever since, Mie Yan Heishanjia's body moved a bit at that moment.


In the air, there seemed to be a faint buzzing sound, and the slight movement of the Black Mountain Armor of Mieyan moved several tens of meters away, far away from the edge of the broken supernatural power.

The breaking power spread straight out, but failed to capture the body of Mieyan Black Mountain Jia, but slammed straight into the other side of the rock wall.

Silently, the breaking force annihilated the rock wall into an extremely huge cavity.


Mieyan Heishanjia made a weird personal relationship, and his body was weirdly suspended in a black fog that condensed under his feet, his eyes burning on this extremely threatening human being. Lu Chen also stared coldly at the huge creature with tight body and threatening eyes.

"Who are you!?"

The two faced each other for a while, and there was a wave of energy fluctuations around Mieyan Heishanjia's body, which actually formed a sound wave and made a hoarse voice.

"You can utter words!?" Lu Chen looked at this Mieyan Black Mountain Jia with great interest.

This Mieyan Heishanjia is really peculiar. Although it does not have the ability to speak, it can actually cause the vibration of the air by divine consciousness to make a sound. It can be seen that its wisdom is definitely not low, and it is not inferior. Ordinary humans.

"Who do you think I am!?" Lu Chen was silent for a while before replied.

"How do I know who you are!?" Mie Yan Hei Shan Jia, with an idiotic look, gave Lu Chen a look, and simulated a cold snort. It can be seen that this Mie Yan Hei Shan Jia, absolutely No one has dealt with people less.

"Although, I don't know who you are, but I know exactly what your purpose is!" Mie Yan Heishan Jia looked at Lu Chen with blazing eyes, and said, "Breaking into the dark forest at the risk of heavy risks. Can open up a wall of dark vines, come to the dark swamp, think with your toes, risking such a big risk, to come here, surely not for the huge but not extremely precious resources here, right? Only Shengmeng tokens have such an allure!"

"You are smart!" Lu Chen laughed. Unexpectedly, the wisdom of Mieyan Heishanjia actually reached this level, and he easily guessed his purpose.

"Absurd!" Mieyan Heishanjia grunted twice, and said: "Every ten years, there are always monks with such a purpose who come deep into the Mieyan Heishan cliff, always thinking that I am Mieyan Heishan cliff. , Hiding one of the Saint League tokens... But speaking of it, I really want to disappoint your Excellency. There is no trace of the Saint League token in Mieyan Black Mountain Cliff..."

"How do you know?" Lu Chen wondered.

"Why don't I know!?" Mieyan Heishanjia looked at Lu Chen weirdly, and said: "How do you say, I Mieyan Heishanjia is also the overlord of this area. Under the circumstances, leave something here! You know, I kill the Heishan Clan, but I am the best at detecting and finding objects! For example, you, although you are extremely cautious, you are already eight hundred miles away. I feel your trail!"

"Eight hundred miles away!?" Lu Chen was also surprised.

You know, this is not an ordinary world, this is the Forest of Origin God.

It is Lu Chen, a strong man of the earth saint level. Under the rules of this world, his spiritual consciousness has also been suppressed to an extremely outrageous state, and this Mieyan Heishanjia can actually sense himself from eight hundred miles away. The traces... I have clearly hidden the Qi machine very well!

"Don't underestimate the perception ability of my Mieyan Heishanjia clan!" Na Mieyan Heishanjia said with a sneer: "I advise you to leave Mieyan Heishanya quickly! There are not many Mieyan Heishanjia who speak to me like this!"

Lu Chen shook his head and sneered: "For the Saint League token, I will definitely get it!"

"Didn't I already say it!" Mieyan Heishanjia was obviously impatient: "At Mieyan Heishanya, you are determined to find no trace of the Holy League token! But if you really want to find it, I can point you to a place..."


"Three hundred kilometers to the east, there is another race's territory...With your strength, presumably, it is not difficult to find the Holy League token!" Mieyan Heishanjia said slowly.

"Three hundred kilometers east!?" Lu Chen's eyes narrowed: "Do you think I don't know... That should be where your mortal enemies are located! How do I know that you don't want to borrow me to weaken their strength!? "

Before coming to this Mieyan Heishan Cliff, Lu Chen had already carefully read the information Jiang Xinxin gave him, and had a very detailed understanding of the Mieyan Heishan Clan.

Of course, I have read some information about the Black Mountain Mieyan, the only mortal enemy in this gloomy swamp.

At that time, Lu Chen had also planned that if he couldn't find a trace of the Saint League token in the Black Mountain Cliff of Mieyan, his next stop was to go there.

"If you think so, I can't help it!" Mieyan Heishanjia sneered, "However, if you are really determined to fight against my Mieyan Heishanjia clan, I can't help it, but gather me Mieyan. The strength of the Black Mountain A clan is based on the two of you... There is absolutely no return!"

Lu Chen lowered his head in thought.

I always felt that this Mieyan Black Mountain Armor appeared a little coincidental.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, this Mieyan Heishan Jia didn't seem to want to start a war by himself. In his tone, there was a taste of wanting to cooperate with himself.

Lu Chen changed his mind and thought of a possibility.

"You Mieyan Heishanjia clan, don't you want to go to war with your mortal enemy!?" Lu Chen looked up, staring at the Mieyan Heishanjia and said.

"Hehe..." Mieyan Heishan Jia made a few weird laughs, and said: "Aren't you as dull as I thought..."

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