Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2077: Cooperation

"You are smart..." Lu Chen snorted coldly, and said, "It seems that you mean very clearly, that I want me to kill the Black Mountain Clan of Yan Yan as a thug!?"

"You can say so..." The Mieyan Black Mountain Jia didn't mean any rebuttal. Instead, he smiled and nodded and said: "Even so, but speaking of it, this is just mutual use! Presumably, no matter how powerful you are, Breaking into the enemy’s nest alone is an egg and a stone, and there is no return, right? But if we cooperate, it will be very different. We eliminate the enemy, and you can take advantage of the situation and take the holy alliance token!"

I have to say that the words of destroying Yan Heishan Jia are still quite tempting.

However, Lu Chen would not lose his mind because of that little temptation. It was the first time I met this Mieyan Heishanjia, who is sure, what he said is true or not?

If it is true, its plan is feasible.

Therefore, at the moment, the most important thing is to determine whether what Mieyan Heishanjia said is true.

Mie Yan Heishan Jia is not low in wisdom. Seeing that Lu Chen bowed his head and said nothing, he probably guessed Lu Chen's mind.

"Although I promise, everything I say is from the bottom of my heart, but if it is true or false, I can't prove it to you. Therefore, everything depends on you, whether you are an enemy or a friend, it all depends on how you decide. !" Mieyan Heishanjia interjected.

"Feng He, what do you think?" Lu Chen thought for a while and looked at Feng He.

"I think..." Feng He slapped his mouth and replied: "I think that what Mieyan Heishanjia said is really more likely...After all, the Mieyan Heishanjia clan is very powerful. The strong ones are like clouds. Even if we are going to find the Saint League tokens, we will take a very big risk! It is absolutely impossible to destroy the arrogance of the Yan Hei Shan Jia clan, because the two of us are so scheming. of……"

Feng He's analysis was similar to what Lu Chen thought.

Seeing that Lu Chen seemed to have moved, the Mieyan Heishanjia immediately said, "Actually, the enemy sun hangs above my head. I Mieyan Heishanjia clan is already ready to die. It's a battle! It's just that none of them are sure of winning. If a war starts, I will destroy the Yan Heishan Jia family, and the whole army will be wiped out!"

"So, for decades, I have been rehabilitating and strengthening the strength of the Black Mountain Clan. Today, my aura is still at its peak! If you fight hard, you can win some win rates! In this case, one more chance! The winning percentage is one more hope. That’s why I found your Excellency..."

Mieyan Heishanjia said sincerely.

Lu Chen thought about it, but couldn't realize that there was any malice in this Mie Yan Hei Shan Jia, but in the end he decided to listen to this guy once.

If this guy lied to himself, then let him lead the way. After all, if he cooperates, he always takes himself to the lair of Mieyan Heishanjia. Even if there is an ambush, at most, it is just a fight.

And once what Mieyan Heishanjia said is true, then in the case of cooperating with Mieyan Heishanjia, where its natural enemies, the probability of finding the Holy League token is extremely high.

After all, the benefits outweigh the harms.

"Okay! I believe you!" Lu Chen waved his sleeve and said decisively.

"I did not misunderstand your Excellency!" That Mieyan Heishanjia's voice suddenly became happy, and said: "Then you will come with me, the war will be here soon, we still have to make a good plan!"

As he said, the filthy air beneath Mieyan Heishanjia's body disappeared, and his body pulled out a long phantom, fleeing towards a rock wall. ,

Lu Chen pulled Fenghe and followed closely. ,

A densely packed rock wall that looked like a honeycomb, the Mieyan Heishanjia directly slammed into the rock wall.

Without the slightest sound, the rock wall was cut open like water, and a black curtain wall was condensed. The Mieyan Heishanjia directly entered through the black curtain wall.

The black curtain wall surging twice, once again restored to its original state.

At this time, a faint voice came from inside the curtain wall: "Your Excellency, the curtain wall is open, you can come in!"

Lu Chen walked in now.

The curtain wall was really like water. It had just touched Lu Chen's body. It immediately melted away like running water, and then retreated to the surroundings. Lu Chen and Fenghe did not feel any resistance, and they had already entered the curtain wall. in.

When Lu Chen and Feng He approached, the curtain wall gradually solidified. Once again, it turned into a honeycomb-like rock wall, no different from the rest of the rock wall.

Looking at the rock face gradually returning to its original shape, a strange smile appeared on one's face.

"Weird, weird! It's weird that the Black Mountain Clan of Mieyan didn't use their swords... It seems that the Black Mountain Clan of Mieyan is really going to fight against the natural enemy! Originally, there were more people in the battle of pebbles. I know, will there be any changes... I just didn't see the battle that I wanted to see before!"

The sound gradually disappeared, leaving only a long-lasting clear stream.

To Lu Chen's surprise, he crossed that curtain wall, and wherever he went, it was not what Lu Chen did for him. The underground caves and the like were actually a splendid palace.

Of course, it is a palace, but in fact, the style is weird. Compared with the palace of human beings, it is far worse. However, the lair of Mieyan Heishanjia is actually like this, and it really made Lu Chen eat a lot. shock.

"Surprised!" Mie Yan Heishanjia's voice came. Lu Chen looked back and saw that the behemoth was like a beast with a huge mountain. It turned out to be a 1.9-meter tall, long beard, long hair and green body. Robe, a person dressed as a Confucian scholar.

"In this gloomy swamp, we can be said to be the most unique family of the Black Mountain Clan. Because of our admiration for the culture of human monks, most of the environment and habits have gradually become closer to human cultivation. !"

Lu Chen nodded. Indeed, let's just talk about this palace. Although it is inferior in terms of specifications and styles, it is also resplendent and magnificent. Presumably, it was also spent on destroying the Yan Heishan Clan. effort.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the leader!" That Mieyan Black Mountain Jia, after taking Lu Chen around for a while, said.

"I haven't asked your name yet!"

Walking on the road, Lu Chen smiled and talked to Na Mieyan Heishanjia.

"Hey, my name is my own. Don't laugh at me!" Mieyan Heishanjia said, touching his head.

"You said!"

"Cao Liliang!"


Mie Yan Heishanjia's accent was a bit weird at first, but it took a long time for Lu Chen to react and almost burst out laughing. I finally held it back.

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