Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2089: The best old man

But obviously, this is impossible. After all, the old man in front of him also has the cultivation of a saint. As a saint, even if his character is good, he is not allowed to lose his dignity!

While Lu Chen was curious, the old man in front of him took a sip of wine and looked at Lu Chen with a smile on his face: "Boy, it's the first time to come to Magic City! Do you want to know something? Ask the old man directly. Come on! I drank your wine and ate your food anyway!"

"Oh! Father, how do you know that I have come to Magic City for the first time?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Isn't it obvious!" The old man turned his mouth to the side and pointed to the happily drinking guests over there and said: "Look at them, how happy they are eating and drinking, but you! So good What a waste, but you are motionless!"

As he said, the old man also took a large chopsticks dish and put it in his mouth, with a happy expression on his face, as if he hadn't eaten such a delicious thing in a long time.

Lu Chen curled his lips, his heart was amused. Lu Chen couldn't eat these dishes. As a result, the old man still ate so much with gusto. He really hadn't seen the world before!

If the old man knew that Lu Chen thought of him this way, he would definitely be very disdainful and scolded: Old man, I am also a saint-level figure, and you stink boy said that I have never seen the world! Have you seen anything in the world? The old man I have drunk more water than you have ever seen!

"Couldn't I just because I have eaten too much of these things and I'm tired of eating them, so I don't want to continue eating?" Lu Chen asked with a smile.


"Oh, you can't waste it, you can't waste it!"

As soon as the old man heard Lu Chen's words, the wine in his mouth spurted out, and the old man immediately stretched out his hand and waved it in the air seemingly flustered. All the wine spewed out by him was leaked by the old man. Take it back to your mouth.

Seeing the old man's actions, Lu Chen suppressed the impulse that was pouring out of his heart, and he was even more disdainful in his heart: I'm going, it's not a good drink, is it so economical? If I give you the fine wine I cherished, wouldn't you be able to directly become a dog, waving your tail around me constantly?

"How to drop, shouldn't it be economized?" The old man glanced at Lu Chen and said coldly.

"Yes, yes! You should save! But, father, who are you?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Who am I? I'm the one who gave you information!" The old man said with a sip while pouting.

"Well then! What is going on in this fantasy city?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

"Illusion City is Illusory City, nothing happened!" The old man glanced at Lu Chen, and said, "Alright! Let's not tease you! This Illusion City is the settlement of the Primordial Insect family, as one of the two major forces in the Dark Swamp The source insect clan naturally needs to settle down with the surrounding races, so this fantasy city has become a city for the source insect clan to communicate with all races within his sphere of influence.

Just like the human cities within the sphere of influence of the Holy League, there is no difference, they are all places for benefit exchange! However, in this fantasy city, only people with a cultivation level above the sage can enter. Around the fantasy city, naturally people below the sage cultivation level are places where they can set up a stall! "

Lu Chen glanced at the old man weirdly, nodded, and continued to ask: "Then, listen to what you mean, the Origin Insect family, the ruler of this fantasy city, lives in this fantasy city? Why, I didn't see a Origin Insect. Does it exist?"

The old man, who had always been expressionless on his face, heard Lu Chen’s words, suddenly changed a little, but quickly converged, and said flatly, “Don’t you know that this origin insect family has unique skills? It is transfiguration, so they can transform into creatures of any race, the purpose is to hide themselves, after all, the power of the source insect clan is relatively weak!"

"As for what you asked, do all the source insects live in this fantasy city? I am not sure. After all, I am not a member of the source insects clan, but what is certain is that in this fantasy city, the source insects belong to the clan. Clan members, there will be no less than one hundred. As for where they are, I also don’t know!"

While the old man said this, although the expression on his face has not changed, Lu Chen still vaguely saw something from the old man's gaze, and suddenly felt something was wrong in his heart. A strange thought suddenly came from deep in his heart. , Flashed past like thunder.

Is this old man in front of him a member of the Origin Insect family?

And it's a relatively high-ranking tribe?

But if this is the case, then why is he like a beggar, begging for wine and food everywhere, is this the so-called egg pain?

Lu Chen shook his head and gradually hid the thoughts in his heart. Regardless of whether the old man in front of him was the so-called Origin Insect family, Lu Chen could not show any footwork right now, otherwise, with Origin Insect family, that strangely changing magic skill, And where Lu Chen is currently, it is not impossible for Lu Chen to be inseparable from this magic city!

Lu Chen carefully released his divine consciousness, shrouded the old man in his divine consciousness, and began to discern the old man’s life energy fluctuations, hoping to find out the life energy fluctuations he was familiar with because of this, so as to distinguish the old man’s. Timing identity.

However, the result made Lu Chen quite regretful. The old man’s life fluctuations were very special. They seemed to be similar to human life energy fluctuations, but in fact, there was another slight deviation, that is, this slight deviation. , It means that this old man is definitely not a human being.

And Lu Chen had never seen such a life energy fluctuation, so it was very regrettable that Lu Chen could not see the specific identity of the old man.

"Old man, are you human?" Lu Chen was stunned and asked aloud.

The old man glanced at Lu Chen, smiled, and said, "Yeah! What's the matter? I think little brother, aren't you also human?"

The old man didn’t know that Lu Chen’s divine consciousness also had the ability to discern life energy fluctuations, so he didn’t know that his cover had already been seen by Lu Chen, so he smiled, took a sip, and answered directly. Tao.

Lu Chen curled his lips, full of disdain for the old man’s answer. He had vaguely guessed that the identity of this old man must have something to do with the source insect clan. Even if he is not a member of the source insect clan, he must also belong to the source insect clan. Not a small source, otherwise he would not try to hide his identity.

Lu Chen smiled weirdly twice, without saying anything, took out a bottle of wine from his ring and handed it to the old man.

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