Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2090: The tragedy caused by a bottle of wine

Lu Chen didn’t know the exact identity of the old man in front of him for the time being. Although he had guessed that the identity of the old man was definitely not simple, but

It’s that Lu Chen didn’t want to. He told the old man directly about the guess in his heart. Instead, he used another method to let the old man tell his own.

True identity.

Therefore, Lu Chen saw the old man’s habit of drinking, and thought of an excellent countermeasure. He took out a bottle of wine directly from his ring, although it was not the best wine in Lu Chen’s ring. Compared to the wine that the old man robbed Lu Chen drank just now, a wine that was many times more delicious came out and placed it in front of the old man.

The old man looked at Lu Chen suspiciously. He didn't understand what Lu Chen meant, but when he looked at the wine in front of him, the mellow aroma of wine, a little bit of wine poured into his nostrils from the bottle, the old man just I feel that the wine bug in my heart has been aroused alive.

The old man’s red eyes, looking at the wine in front of him, made Lu Chen very proud of him, and he thought to himself: Old man, aren’t you very awkward! I'll let you keep going! If you have the ability, you see the drink I gave you, don't drink it!

The sneer at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth quickly concealed it, so that all of his attention was focused on the old man who was on Jiu Shui, and he did not find anything wrong.

In the end, the old man couldn't help it anymore and stretched out his palm to the wine bottle in front of him.


Lu Chen suddenly took the drink in front of the old man and picked it up. At that speed, the old man didn't have any reaction at all. He could only move along with the location of the drink in Lu Chen's hand. There was obviously saliva in his throat. , Keep sliding over.

"Ahem!" The old man rubbed his palms and looked at Lu Chen with a flattering smile. His lips kept moving, "I said, brother, what is this thing in your hand! How come it smells so good? ?"

The smile of the old man made Lu Chen laugh inwardly, pretending to be ignorant of the old man’s thoughts, raising the wine bottle in his hand and taking a sip, his face showed a very refreshing expression, but In fact, there are too many such drinks in Lu Chen's ring, and Lu Chen has no interest in them at all.

Although it is possible, compared to many drinks, the taste of the drinks in his hand is very good, but in fact, Lu Chen doesn't like it at all!

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, the old man showed a more eager look on his face, and he hadn't directly started to take the wine bottle from Lu Chen's hand!

When Lu Chen drank, more and stronger aroma of wine wafted into the air from the gap between the corner of Lu Chen's mouth and the mouth of the bottle.

The old man’s crazy longing, with his nostrils facing the sky, suddenly sucked the smell of wine in the air, so if someone with a discerning eye observes carefully, he will surely find that the smell of wine in the air is not leaked by the old man, and everything is smooth. He held his nostrils and sucked into his body, showing a more obsessive look on his face.

Seeing the old man's crazier appearance at this time, Lu Chen raised his brows lightly twice, seemingly inadvertently, the hand holding the wine bottle suddenly slipped, and Lu Chen just took a sip. The bottle of fine wine fell to the ground.

In fact, according to the old man’s reaction, he should be able to detect the small movements in Lu Chen’s hands, but one is because the old man is intoxicated by the smell of wine in his nostrils at this time. Chen directly confined the surrounding air. Unless the old man opened his eyes and looked at it, he couldn't feel the tiny movement in Lu Chen's hand.

Just after the wine bottle fell to the ground, it fell into countless fragments, and after the wine was splashed on the ground, the wine was immediately released into the air, and at the same time, Lu Chen also lifted the air restraint.

So, in an instant, a larger and stronger aroma of wine poured directly into the old man's nostrils, and the old man's fascinated face seemed even more intoxicated.

But soon, the old man seemed to have realized that something was wrong, and quickly opened his eyes to see. Suddenly, the broken bottles all over the floor and the scented wine caught the old man's eyes.

The old man's face suddenly became extremely pale, as if someone had died at home, and the look of regret almost made Lu Chen think that if he did this, something was really wrong.

In fact, not only the old man, but also the other people drinking in the entire restaurant, all at the same time, looked at the place where the incident occurred, that is, the ground covered with broken bottles and the ground soaked with wine.

The old man had explained to Lu Chen before that the people who went to the restaurant to drink were all alcoholics who were addicted to alcohol.

After all, for them, they currently have an endless life span, so they have to think of some way to solve their boring life.

So, drinking, spanking, chatting and bragging in restaurants has become a great pleasure in their lives.

In this way for a long time, even people who don't like to drink have become alcoholic drinkers.

Lu Chen's drinks, let alone these people, have infinite temptations to the holy ones who don’t drink. When facing these alcoholics, the natural temptation becomes even greater, all in a moment. Becoming like an old man, as painful as a dead relative.

"Waste, waste!"

"The one who suffered a thousand knives, threw such a good drink to the ground!"

"Mom, did that brat make trouble on purpose?"

So, in the whole restaurant, I remembered a large number of shouts of anger one after another, as if the person who broke the bottle was the one who killed their father and enemy.

Lu Chen couldn't help but shrank his head, his face showed a trace of fear.

Of course, it’s not that Lu Chen was really scared. With Lu Chen’s fearless personality that day, how could he be frightened by this posture, he just felt that this group of people, no, it should be said that this group of alcoholics are really Lu The craziest group of alcoholics Chen had ever seen. Facing these crazy people, Lu Chen felt that he had better retreat temporarily.

Otherwise, if you are a little arrogant and really make everyone crazy, then even if you can safely retreat, you can’t guarantee that you will not change in the face of the crazy alcoholics who are attacking in groups. Very embarrassed!

"Brother, brother, what the **** are you doing? How can you break such a good drink!"

The old man who reacted in time, ignoring Lu Chen’s astonished expression, squatted down directly, waving his hands constantly, the drinks spilled on the ground and gradually merged with the ground, just like that, the old man was a little bit more touched. One point, from the ground, it's all collected.

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