Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2092: Cause and effect

As soon as the red-faced man finished speaking, the one standing next to him immediately opened his mouth and shouted: "|Two hundred and ten best immortal stones!"

"Two hundred and twenty!"

The red-faced man roared again after another.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, Lu Chen really felt meaningless. He curled his lips and turned his head to the side, wanting to see how the others reacted.

However, Lu Chen found that although the people around were also very interested in the essence of the drink, it was obvious that the price of the two hundred top-grade immortal stones was too high for them. There is more than enough but not enough. Obviously, that's what describes them.

At the same time, Lu Chen also discovered that many of the people watching around were not paying attention to their body, and a trace of malicious gaze flashed in their eyes, which made Lu Chen a little wary.

He understands very well that although he has done a very low-key skill with his skills, some actions at the beginning, and now, because of the old man’s stimulation, the higher and higher prices of the essence of wine, let those people treat Lu Chen. He must be ill-intentioned and want to get some benefits from Lu Chen.

Naturally, Lu Chen would not be afraid of such things. It can almost be said that he, who has nothing to do every day, likes these people to make trouble, so that Lu Chen can get good things from them, unless, that’s it. People at the level of the genius, the sage, and the sage come here.

Of course, Lu Chen is also a troublesome guy. If there are too many trouble-seeking guys, Lu Chen will feel very upset and don't want to bother them.

Seeing that at present, the people present who are unkind to themselves account for about 70% of all people. If these people go out and talk about it, I am afraid that more people will be interested in Lu Chen. In that case, Lu Chen's troubles were obviously too much.

Therefore, Lu Chen was ready to find an opportunity for a while, ready to bugger!

I don’t know if the old man has been paying attention to Lu Chen. He seems to have seen what Lu Chen is thinking at this time. He has no longer tempted and stimulated the interest of the two guys who are lifting each other. His eyes narrowed slightly. The light from the corner of his eyes swept towards Lu Chen from time to time.

Lu Chen also noticed the old man's behavior and felt something wrong in his heart, but what was the specific reason? Lu Chen couldn't guess the old man's behavior for a while.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Lu Chen suddenly thought of an idea. The corner of his mouth curled slightly. He glanced at the group of people with good intentions cheerfully and seemingly at random, and his consciousness sank safely into the ring.

Looking at the medium, thousands of bottles of the old man’s wine are the same as the essence of the wine. Lu Chen separated a hundred bottles from it, and each bottle was extracted by Lu Chen from the wine bottle and gathered into one piece. Begin to use the same technique as the old man to condense all the drinks into a thousand drinks essence.

Looking at these thousand essences of wine, the smile on Lu Chen's face became even more wretched, and he took out a small bottle from the corner of the ring.

This small bottle was filled with a mass of red and white powder. After Lu Chen got it out of the small bottle, the powder automatically gathered together with the thousand wine essences.

Although there was red in the powder, when it was gathered with the essence of the wine, the red color disappeared directly, and the essence of the wine remained unchanged, and remained the original color.

| "Quack" Lu Chen couldn't help but let out a strange laugh.

"Master, you are so wretched! Too bad!"

Xiao Ling naturally knew what was in the little bottle with red and white powder. Seeing the smile on Lu Chen's face, Xiao Ling couldn't help but said with a smile in his heart.

Hearing Xiao Ling's words, Lu Chen curled his lips and said with a smile, "Am I nasty? I'm not nasty at all, okay! Who told them to treat me with bad intentions, if that's the case, don't let them suffer. Can it work?"

The red and white powder in the small bottle was a kind of miasma that Lu Chen had collected in the copy space before, and condensed after it had condensed.

Miasma is naturally highly poisonous. If it is a person on the Dragon Soul Continent, if you touch it a little bit, you will probably die directly.

But here, after all, it is the Forest of Origin God, within the ring of the city. Those who can enter are all existences with cultivation bases surpassing saints. For them, such miasma is not fatal. Some, just can Cause some small problems and make them suffer.

Just like ordinary people who suddenly contracted a virus, caught a cold, or had a diarrhea, it would only be a little uncomfortable.

And if you encounter those who specialize in poisoning, the dust gathered by the miasma will not even affect them at all.

Lu Chen was not prepared to kill the people present. They were all saints. Although Lu Chen would not get into cause and effect for killing innocent people, he was not such a cruel person. After all, these people, It is not so easy to cultivate one by one to a saint.

Since they have not done anything now, of course Lu Chen would not choose to do it on them, but after all, they had unruly thoughts about Lu Chen, so Lu Chen decided to punish them and torture them well. They are uncomfortable.

But if some of them, after receiving this small punishment, still don't give up and still want to do something to Lu Chen, then at that time, Lu Chen will definitely not be soft.

Cause and effect cause and effect!

Although Lu Chen would not be affected by cause and effect, these people, but all, as long as they don't touch the cause, naturally they won't eat the effect.

Of course, when it comes to cause and effect.

It's not that Lu Chen really won't provoke cause and effect, but because the existence of Xiaoling is too strong, so powerful that Lu Chen's current strength is not enough to provoke those cause and effect.

But after Lu Chen, his strength became truly powerful, he entered a truly powerful world, and when he met a truly powerful person, that cause and effect would naturally come into contact with Lu Chen.

Therefore, Lu Chen does not need to consider cause and effect now, but in the future, it will still be needed.

If Lu Chen's future is still the same as it is now, then the cause and effect he got in trouble will definitely not be less!

Xiao Ling originally planned to tell Lu Chen directly about these things, but think about it, now Lu Chen has not yet reached that level, Xiao Ling does not want to tell Lu Chen these things, wait until the right opportunity, if Lu Chen Chen himself is able to comprehend this truth, naturally Xiao Ling wants to see it most, if it is not possible, Xiao Ling will remind!

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