The weird smile on Lu Chen's face lasted for a short while, before turning into an aggrieved look, with a trace of reluctance, looking at his ring.

This made the people around, who had been paying attention to Lu Chen, were very curious and didn't understand what Lu Chen's expression was, but immediately after that, the movements in Lu Chen's hands made everyone's faces a look of ecstasy.

I saw Lu Chen slowly taking out one bottle after another from his ring, which resembled a small medicine bottle containing a pill.

Lu Chen did not cover up the medicine bottles, and in order to let these people know what exactly was in these small medicine bottles, all Lu Chen deliberately let the essence of the wine directly release the rich aroma. .

The aroma of the wine radiated from the mouth of the small medicine bottle a little bit, so that the whole restaurant was filled with a strong fragrance.

This scent is different from just now, although it also permeates the entire restaurant, but in comparison, the concentration of the wine is now hundreds of times richer than just now, even...thousands of times.

It's almost like entering the brewery's brewery.

At this time, if anyone still didn't know what was in the small medicine bottles in Lu Chen's hand, it would be too much.

Everyone's eyes were already full of ecstasy. They vaguely saw something from the reluctant expression on Lu Chen's face, so they were all waiting, and Lu Chen spoke.

Suddenly, not only the other people, but also the three people who were currently in focus, all stopped what they were doing, and their eyes gradually shifted to Lu Chen.


Lu Chen coughed twice. When everyone, at the first moment, focused their eyes on him, Lu Chen said with an embarrassed expression:

"Little brother, it’s the first time I came here, and I don’t understand many rules. I don’t know the value of drinks here. I just took a bottle of drinks when my master left. I didn’t plan to drink it. , Because the number is too small, and the teacher has entered a higher world.

Next time I want to meet my master, I don’t know when, but this old gentleman, I just told me so many things, I am very grateful to him, and the old gentleman looks like he likes drinks very much. Something, so I was going to give a bottle, but where did I know that such an accident would happen.

And this accident caused this drink to attract everyone's ideas. Having said that, this is my first visit to Magic City today, and everyone is very "gentle" to my brother. Therefore, my brother decided to sell all the drinks left by my master to everyone. Anyway, I don't like drinking very much, brother! "

"Master, you are too shameless!" Xiao Ling scolded very contemptuously when he knew Lu Chen's decision in his heart.

She thought that Lu Chen would give the essence of the drink for free for the yin group of guys, but how did she know that Lu Chenyin and the others wanted to make another comparison.

You know, based on Lu Chen’s character, the price of this essence of wine is certainly not cheap, but even if it is expensive, it is impossible to sell more than two hundred fine stones for the price of a single essence of alcohol. The essence can only be sold for the price of 200,000 fine stones.

These immortal stones have no effect at all for Lu Chen, because the spar he owns, not to mention immortal stones, are holy stones. They are all calculated in billions. What's more, they are less than holy stones and know how many times they are lower , Lu Chen's number is even more innumerable, probably more than one trillion.

But such a large number of immortal stones is a big expense for the people in the source **** forest. If they are placed in the source **** mountain range, it will make countless great forces and jealous.

If they spend so many immortal stones, the things they buy are really worthwhile, but they are all added by Lu Chen, and they will never find out with the help of Xiaoling. , As long as they take it, they will definitely be recruited.

In other words, they are completely spending useless money and are uncomfortable buying.

"These wine essences, I don't collect too many celestial stones from everyone. The two auctioned just now, and the current price is three hundred top-grade celestial stones. I will remove half of them. Only one hundred and fifty top-grade celestial stones will be fine..." As Lu Chen said, he glanced at the people in front of him.

It turns out that although the price is relatively cheap, it is still a bit expensive for those present, so he licked his lips and pretended to be very reluctant, saying, "Forget it, one hundred and five. Ten may be too exaggerated for you. I'm losing fifty. As long as you have a hundred top-grade immortal stones!"

Obviously, the price of a hundred top-grade immortal stones is just right for the people present.

People who can enter the fantasy city, although they don't say how expensive they are, they are at least saints. The price of a hundred finest immortal stones can still be taken out, but it may make them feel painful.

Of course, this is also because, in the Origin God space, the most advanced spar that Lu Chen knows at present is nothing more than a **** stone. It is still a low-grade, very few in quantity, only a few pieces, so this is why, although There are saints in the source **** space, but it seems that all of them are weaker.

Without a good cultivation environment, no matter how high the cultivation base is, I am afraid there is not much chance of winning.

"One hundred finest immortal stones, now I only have a total of 1,000 beverage essences. Those who want it, come to me immediately and exchange them. If there is no immortal stone on my body for the time being, I can wait for a while, up to two In an hour, I need to leave here!"

As soon as Lu Chen said what he said, everyone looked at each other with their companions around him. It seemed that they were considering whether they should buy this one in Lu Chen's hands.

"Give me ten!"

After only a few seconds, a voice sounded first.

Lu Chen turned his head and followed the sound to look at the voice. It was at the beginning of the conversation that he wanted to ask the old man, the red-faced man who bought the essence of wine.

After the red-faced man yelled at Lu Chen, he waved his hand to the man next to him who was bidding with him, and said, "Boy, I won't compete with you for this drink essence. If you are happy, take it yourself! Haha !"

When the man heard the red-faced man's words, his mouth moved slightly, and in the end he didn't say anything. He narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the old man, and then his gaze swept directly at Lu Chen, with a suspicious expression flashing past. , Then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said loudly:

"Give me ten too, old man, if you also give me the price of one hundred, I will take it, otherwise, forget it!"

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