Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2094: Can't leave

The old man didn’t pay attention to this fairy stone. The reason why he auctioned off the wine essence in his hand was to play around. The two people in the bar didn’t really plan to sell them the wine essence in his heart. Enough play, just eat the essence of the drink directly in front of them.

The old man never thought about whether he would cause trouble for himself if he did this.

First of all, the old man's own cultivation is very high, and he is not worried about what the two of them will do to themselves.

Second, here is the fantasy city. There are regulations in the fantasy city that no fighting is allowed. If they dare to do something, not to mention themselves, they are the law enforcers of the fantasy city, the clan members of the source insects, and they are enough to destroy them. This is also the old man has determined They will not have the premise of the worms.

After all, the number of Origin Insects is already very small, and they are very united within them. To put it bluntly, they are partial to their own people. In the fantasy city, very few people will provoke the Origin Insects, because no matter what happened. The clan members of the Origin Insect clan don't care about who, only knows to help their clan members and teach that person.

But now, since the two of them are reluctant to buy their own things, the old man will of course not have any dissatisfaction, just a little less fun of playing. When he heard this, the old man shook his head and glanced at the talking. The man shook his head directly.

Then, he squeezed the essence of the wine into his mouth. The essence of the wine instantly turned into a clear stream and poured into the old man's body. The old man closed his eyes and became drunk.

In a short time, all the essence of the wine in Lu Chen's hand has been sold.

Lu Chen didn't even look at the 100,000 top-grade immortal stones sold, so he stuffed it directly into his ring, and didn't put this thing in his eyes at all.

But Lu Chen didn't put it in his eyes, it didn't mean other people, and he didn't put it in his eyes.

Those who can’t afford the essence of alcohol, once you follow, watching those who have bought the essence of alcohol, swallowing hard, while looking at Lu Chen with wolfish ambitions, to be precise, it depends on Lu Chen. The ring in their hands, if you don't know it, you know what they are thinking.

Lu Chen squinted slightly, looking at these wolf-ambitious saints, his heart was full of disdain.

For those who can't afford the essence of wine, Lu Chen doesn't have to worry about them.

There is no cultivation resource, unless you have a pig's foot halo on your body, otherwise no matter how high your cultivation base is, what can you do, a sage, a hundred top-grade immortal stones can't be given, you still count on him, what is his power? ? So Lu Chen doesn't have to worry about those who can't afford the essence of drinks.

Lu Chen’s only concern was that those who could afford the essence of wine had cultivation resources in their hands. In a world where top-quality celestial stones were scarce, they were willing to spend a hundred top-grade celestial stones. For them, just Can only solve temporary greedy things.

This shows that the power behind them is definitely not small and doesn't care about this at all.

If they bought something like this from Lu Chen now, and then started to deal with Lu Chen, it shows that their ambition and the city are too deep, and this is what Lu Chen fears.

After selling a thousand drinks essence, Lu Chen didn't plan to continue staying here. It was late, and he was going to leave.

What makes Lu Chen regret is that for so long, he still hasn’t inquired any information about the source insect clan, although he knows that this fantasy city is the settlement of the source insect clan, if you come to attack the source insect clan tomorrow, I am afraid it will be an attack. Here it is.

But now, in Lu Chen's heart, he suddenly felt a little unwilling to attack the Origin Insect family.

Because he found that, in comparison, the Black Mountain Clan of Mieyan, instead of the Clan of Origin Insects, were more suitable to be the ruler of this dark swamp.

The Black Mountain Clan of Mieyan, they also have cities, but their city can only be entered by their own people, and Lu Chen did not see the existence of other races at all. At least, Lu Chen flew from the Clan of Mieyan Black Mountain to On the road to the magic city, no other races existed.

Perhaps this is why Lu Chen didn't find it.

The Origin Clan is different. The cities they built provide convenience for other races, and there is no such thing as atrocity.

In this way, there is a sharp contrast. The tyrant is definitely a benevolent man and is more popular with people than a benevolent monarch.

However, Lu Chen had already agreed to the Mieyan Heishanjia clan after all. If he refused so, it would be impossible to justify.

So Lu Chen, who had just walked to the gate of the magic city and was about to leave the city, stopped once again, and had another thought in his heart: It's better not to go back for the time being, and explore the origin insect family.

Lu Chen's main purpose was to find the Saint League token. If he could get the Saint League token without touching the Origin Insect family, Lu Chen would of course not be willing to do it.

At that time, if the Mieyan Heishanjia clan really attacked, it would be a big deal. Find a place by yourself and check the battle situation while playing soy sauce.

If the Mieyan Heishanjia clan questioned them, they would say that they had reached a critical juncture in their cultivation, and they would just go to retreat.

The people who followed Lu Chen, who wanted to wait until Lu Chen left the city, started to deal with Lu Chen. Seeing that Lu Chen suddenly stopped and walked back, they were a little unclear for a while, but it was the first time. , Hide it, ready to see what Lu Chen does.

There was only one person, who didn't hide, but approached Lu Chen with a smile.

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, why is this old man in front of him here again? Didn't he disappear just now? How can you keep following behind yourself?

"Brother, why are you walking in such a rush?" Lu Chen stopped, not knowing what the old man was going to do, but found out that the old man met him directly and said with a smile.

"Stay here, there is nothing to do, of course I am going to leave? Old man, I don't know what you are looking for me?" Lu Chen squinted his eyes and was wary in his heart. He always felt that this old man was really wrong and didn't dare to relax. Be wary of the old man.

"Who said you are fine! I said, brother, the first time you came to Magic City, the purpose is definitely not simply to understand the City of Magic! From your mouth, you have always wanted to know some information about the Origin Clan, I am afraid your purpose , It’s for the Origin Insect family. Now you don’t even understand the origin of the Insect family. Go back now. Isn’t it a bad deal?"

The old man said with a smile on his face, but Lu Chen always felt that there was murderous intent in the old man's smile.

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