Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2095: The identity of the old man

"Old man, what do you mean?"

Lu Chen's eyes were already narrowed. Although he was not afraid of the old man in front of him, he did not want to fight the old man in this fantasy city. But if the old man said that he really didn't care about anything, he had to fight him. Lu Chen would definitely not shrink back.

"What do you mean? Hey, what can I mean?" The expression on the old man's face suddenly became extremely cold, and with a flick of his right hand, a huge, dust-like thing appeared in an instant, flashing and thundering, directly towards the landing Chen Fei swept over, and countless gray rays of light made the entire air gray, as if in a dust storm.

Fortunately, Lu Chen had been watching the old man vigilantly. Seeing the old man's movements, he moved lightly and quickly, his hands shaking in the air, shaking quickly.

The gray sky rippled in the rapid shaking of Lu Chen's hands. The purple-gray light directly caused the gray, rippling air to be like the waves of the water surface, centering on Lu Chen, dissipating towards the surroundings, no After a long time, the distance of 100 meters around Lu Chen returned to the original state again.

At the same time, it became empty. The only thing she had was the old man standing face to face with her.

I don't know, what exactly are the building materials in this fantasy city, under Lu Chen's methods, there is no impact at all.

Lu Chen's fight with the old man had already attracted the attention of people around him, looking at the two in the fight.

Unknowingly, they all showed a look of pity, after all, in the fantasy city, fighting is absolutely not allowed, unless in a ring similar to an arena. In their opinion, the two people in the fight are probably out of luck.

But those who knew it were all gloating, especially those guys who were following Lu Chen just now and wanted to do something to Lu Chen.

At the same time, there are still some regrets in these eyes. What they regret is naturally the immortal stones in Lu Chen's hands and the essence of the wine. As for Lu Chen himself, they didn't care.

As long as Lu Chen is caught by a member of the Origin Insect family, the end will definitely be very tragic.

"Boy, how dare you do it?" The old man smiled cheerfully.

"Why didn't I dare to do it? Besides, wasn't you the first to do it?" Lu Chen smiled slightly, his eyes filled with coldness.

"I have told you that in this fantasy city, the clan members of the source insects will only favor their own people. If I am a member of the source insects clan, are you not afraid?" the old man still said with a smile.

"Why should I be afraid?"

Lu Chen still said this, "Even if you are really a member of the Origin Insect clan, why should I be afraid of you? Are you in the Origin Insect clan very powerful? In addition to illusion skills, do you have other skills? In my opinion, your source insect clan is scum!"

Lu Chen's words made the old man's smiling face suddenly become gloomy, but there was nothing to say.

He knew that what Lu Chen was talking about was the fact that they had no other abilities except for the illusion ability.

But when they transformed into a certain race, they absolutely possessed the skills of that race. Is this also a scum?

But at this moment, Lu Chen had already determined that the old man in front of him must be a member of the Origin Insect family.

What is the life energy fluctuation of the original source insect family? Lu Chen nodded secretly in his heart.

"Do you know what the consequences of what you just said will bring to you?"

The old man's body exuded an ice-cold aura and a chill aura, rushing straight towards Lu Chen, as if he wanted to smash Lu Chen.

Lu Chen grinned disdainfully, the old man's aura had no effect on him at all, and with a light wave of his hand in front of his face, the already shaped aura, like a thin layer of paper, was easily cut by Lu Chen's hand. After an opening, the old man's aura slowly spread from the middle to both sides.

At present, Lu Chen and the old man are facing each other, and within a distance of less than one meter, they have become a "vacuum" state, but the small purple-gray lightnings are "cracking" in this "vacuum", constantly exploding. .

Whenever a small purple-gray lightning exploded once, the old man's face would become paler, and when he looked at Lu Chen's face, he would also be scared.

He couldn't think of how he used his awe-inspiring move to overwhelm Lu Chen, but Lu Chen easily cracked it, but instead found a chance to hit him.

For their saints, fighting with each other is already a battle between rules.

In the "vacuum" where the two face each other, small purple-gray lightning flashes constantly, which is a kind of regular force.

No, it cannot be said that one kind of rule power, but many kinds of laws, the power of rules together, this makes the old man who only understands the power of a few laws, can't face it at all, yes, that purple-gray power, In fact, it is the most superficial manifestation of Hongmeng rules.

Everyone around saw Lu Chen and the old man standing face to face, motionless for a long time.

At the beginning, I didn't have any idea what the two were doing. I thought they had an eruption and fell in love at first sight.

But then, someone suddenly noticed that the old man’s face was constantly turning pale. After his firm legs began to tremble slightly, he realized that the two had already faced the strength of resisting the rules. In the circumstances, the old man must have suffered.

This result surprised everyone around him.

They could clearly find that Lu Chen's cultivation base was one level lower than the old man, but now, the old man had no resistance at all in front of Lu Chen.

You should know that when you reach the stage of saints, every level you raise indicates that one or even several kinds of law powers, and even the comprehension of the powers of the rules, the strength increases exponentially.

In common sense, one Heavenly Sage can kill a hundred Earth Sages, but the combination of a thousand Earth Sages may not be able to kill the Heavenly Sage, of course, except for people like Lu Chen.

Except for one kind of people, that is, people who understand more advanced rules, even the power of rules.

At this time, everyone looked at Lu Chen with different eyes. It could make the old man one level higher than him suffer. There was nothing he had done. The rules must be very strong, but they had never seen Lu Chen's kind. The power of rules, what exactly is it, I just know that if I face Lu Chen, I am afraid I can't beat Lu Chen at all!

At this time, the people who were following Lu Chen just now, who wanted to do something to Lu Chen, were all scared and rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, the old man appeared in time, otherwise they might be the ones who are at a loss now!

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