Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2096: did not expect

The old man whose face turned extremely pale, finally couldn't bear it. With a "poof", a mouthful of golden blood sprayed directly from his mouth.

The old man's face was extremely pale, because of this mouthful of blood, it became paler, like white paper.


At the same time, Lu Chen cut off Hongmeng's rules and looked at the old man with a smile on his face.

The old man coughed twice, looking at Lu Chen's eyes, he was already full of surprise, "What kind of regular power was that you just now? Why have I never seen it before, and I can't turn it out at all?"

At this moment, the identity of the old man was revealed instantly.

The old man in front of him was indeed a member of the Origin Clan.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, and thought to himself: Nima, originally thought he was out of luck, and after traveling a lot in the fantasy city, he didn't meet a member of the Primordial Insect clan. Where did he know that after entering the fantasy city, The first person I came into contact with was a member of the Insect clan. It was not that he had bad luck, but that he was too lucky.

"Huh! Do you really think that your source insect clan is invincible in the world, and anything can be transformed? It's really a frog at the bottom of the well, something you haven't seen before, it's gone!" Lu Chen glanced at the old man contemptuously, with Said indifferently in an extremely disdainful tone.


Lu Chen's words changed the old man's expression again. His pale complexion became extremely dark, and he raised his hand, as if he was ready to do it again, but thinking of Lu Chen just now, that powerful regular force suddenly seemed like a discouraged ball. Generally, the whole person is wilted.


Seeing the old man's appearance, Lu Chen's eyes were full of sneers, he was about to say something, when suddenly he heard the sound of neat footsteps in his ear, turned his head and looked at the sound, a team dressed like guards in the human world The "person", walking neatly towards Lu Chen.

This group of soldiers took the lead. It was a figure with a cultivation base of this Heavenly Saint level. From the life energy fluctuations in his body, exactly the same as the old man's life energy fluctuations, Lu Chen knew their identities and was naturally the guardian of this fantasy city. —— A soldier of the Yuan Clan.

The leading soldier looked at Lu Chen and the old man with a majestic expression. His cold eyes seemed to freeze everything, without a trace of emotion being revealed.

This person scanned the surroundings, waved the spear in his hand, and said loudly: "Whoever is bold, violates the rules of the Fantasy City without authorization, and fights in the streets inside the Fantasy City, what crime should I do, catch both of them!"

"and many more!"

Just when Lu Chen wondered how the guards of the Yuan Zong clan would not recognize this, who was also the old man of the Yuan Zong clan.

The old man suddenly gave a low cry, attracting the gaze of the leading soldier, so that the cold gaze of the leading soldier swept directly at him. He didn't speak, but his gaze became sharper, as if he was about to wait for the old man to speak and see if there was any explanation. In this way, the Yuan Clan was actually very reasonable.

After seeing this scene, Lu Chen thought of it secretly in his heart.

The old man also didn't speak either. He took out a token-like thing from his waist and threw it directly to the leading guard.

Taking the lead in the guard, seeing the token in the old man's hand, the coldness on his face disappeared, and he clearly recognized that the token was used by his own people. But he still had some doubts on his face, as if he was wondering, since he was a member of his own tribe, why did he violate the rules of the fantasy city and fight inside the fantasy city, could it be said that another person provoked in advance?

Taking the lead in thinking about this, the guard turned his gaze to Lu Chen, his eyes were full of murderous aura, he was obviously preparing to determine the identity of the old man and then directly act on Lu Chen.

While looking down at the token in his hand, the leading guard made a gesture, asking the guards behind him to stop Lu Chen, but when he saw the token in his hand clearly, he stopped his movements and quickly respected. Walking to the old man, he shouted:

"Good elder!"

The guards who followed him heard his leader's words without any hesitation, and ignored the leader's orders. At the same time, they walked neatly in front of the old man, bowed down, and shouted: "Good elder! "

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

They never thought that the old man in front of him who was easily defeated by Lu Chen turned out to be the elder of the Origin Clan.

Naturally, Lu Chen was also a little surprised. Although he had guessed that the status of the old man in front of him was certainly not low in the Origin Clan, he never expected that the old man's status would be so high. Although it is not clear what the specific division of the source insects is, but by looking at the realization of those guards, one can guess what status the old man holds in their hearts.

Lu Chen didn’t know, but other people didn’t mean they didn’t know. They were almost scared now, and regretted that they had nothing to do, why did they come here to join in the fun? I’m all right now, they have encountered something like a big boss Exist, what to do?

Hurry up and bow down!

So one after another, everyone around, facing the old man respectfully, knelt down.

The great elder of the source insect clan belongs to the legendary existence in the fantasy city. Because he controls the entire fantasy city, the status of the source insect clan is even higher than the clan members of the source insect clan. The status of the members of the Zong family is the highest existence in the Yuan Zong family.

However, the members of the Origin Clan are very united. They don't care about this, so there is no conflict caused by this.

The reason why the great elder of the source insect clan belongs to the legendary existence in the fantasy city is because no one has seen him at all.

Because of the magical ability of the Primordial Clan, everyone said that this great elder wanders in the magic city every day and guards the safety of the magic city. They have guessed countless times and feel that such and such a powerful person is the great elder, but People didn't show their identity, so naturally they didn't know if their guess was true.

But now, when the Great Elder really appeared, all of them were dumbfounded.

It can be said that everyone present has seen the old man in front of him, but this old man has always been relatively sloppy, so no one has guessed that the identity of this old man is the great elder of the source insect clan.

It's not that they didn't guess, but they didn't dare to think about it. With the status of the old man, they felt that if they thought this way, it would be a kind of tarnish to the source insect clan, and defile the source insect clan as a subordinate race of the source insect clan. , Isn't it just to tarnish themselves!

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