Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2103: Shengmeng token appears

"Old man, give them one more chance at the end and let them get away, otherwise don't blame me for violating what I promised you!" Lu Chen's cold tone hit the old man's heart, making the old man instantly become as if he was blown up- Flower-like little place-male-like, his face became very ugly.

"Hmm..." The old man nodded in the end, and said weakly to the guards of the Origin Insect family who stood in front of Lu Chen, "You... get out of here! You are not his opponent... and... no one , Is his opponent!"

The words of the great elder of the Primordial Insect family shocked the hearts of several guards, as if after a long time in the summer in the sun, suddenly a basin of ice water fell into the sky, instantly pouring through the hot heart, and the heart was so cool. Feiyang made the hearts of several guards fly instantly.

"Grand Elder..." The guard who took the lead yelled anxiously.

But the old man knew Lu Chen's power very well, and he waved his hand helplessly, appearing to be in decline.

Although he was very reluctant in his heart, the elder had already spoken, and the guards were also helpless, so they could only give Lu Chen a unwilling look, then turned and retreated.


Lu Chen snorted coldly, causing several guards to shiver suddenly, with a look of fear on their faces.

Lu Chen didn't say anything, he walked directly into the thatched cottage.

Seeing Lu Chen’s disappearing back, the old man’s face showed a more unwilling look, not because Lu Chen didn’t give himself face, but because he thought of the appearance that he was powerless when he faced a powerful figure like Lu Chen. It made him feel so sad.

"Elder, who the **** is he! This is..." After Lu Chen disappeared, the guard leader couldn't bear it and asked with his mouth open.

The guard leader's words made the faces of the guards next to him instantly pale.

Although there is not much contradiction between the family members of the source worms who love each other, there is no big contradiction, but as a society where strength is respected, the system of superior and subordinate is quite clear. The sentence of the guard leader just now is obviously a pair of questions. The tone of his voice made several guards worry about their leader.

But the old man didn't show an expression of annoyance. He glanced at the place where Lu Chen disappeared and said:

"He...I don't know who it is! But I only know one thing. When facing him, I have no room to turn back. As for our Origin Insect clan, even if it is the entire Clan, it is impossible for him to suffer. It hurts a little bit, so... you still don't get into trouble, wait for him to get things, let him leave early!"

The words of the old man made the hearts of several guards suddenly even colder.

Lu Chen ignored what was happening behind him. After entering the small thatched house, he looked at the surrounding environment coldly, then walked to a grass curtain hanging on the wall, opened the grass curtain, and walked directly in.

The grass curtain seems to be an ordinary thing, but in fact, it is also a kind of formation, but facing Lu Chen, such a formation is simply too rubbish, Lu Chen easily broke the formation and lifted the grass. Curtain, walk into the real place where the elders of the Yuan Clan used to practice.

Behind the grass curtain, there is an empty cave about the size of a football field. The cave is full of spiritual energy. Unfortunately, the level of spiritual energy is relatively low. If you say that you are a person of the level of immortals or gods, you can practice here and break through. Something.

However, it is still very difficult to change to a saint, it is still very difficult to break through here, at most it is used for meditation.

However, at this time, in this huge cave, it was not so peaceful. Dozens of figures of saint cultivation were chasing and intercepting a group of golden air.

But the golden air mass was very cunning, not only did not let the dozens of saints chase after them, but even made these saints look very embarrassed, let Lu Chen walk into the door, stand at the door, and look at these saints. , Could not help but laugh out loud.

Originally, those sages didn’t care about Lu Chen, but Lu Chen’s smile made them suddenly dissatisfied, and they couldn’t take care of them one by one. They chased after the golden air ball, each with a cold face, looking towards Lu Chen's cold face was full of murderous aura.

"Who are you?" a man in a yellow robe asked coldly.

"I...I'm here to help you!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Help us?" The yellow-robed man was stunned for a moment, and didn't react, he said directly: "We don't need your help, we leave quickly, this is not... wait, how did you get in? This place? Maybe there are outsiders who can find out?"

The man in the yellow robe finally realized that Lu Chen was not a member of his own clan, he suddenly woke up, quickly took out his weapon, and looked at Lu Chen warily.

Others, also under the reminder of the man in the yellow robe, found something wrong with Lu Chen, so they did not hesitate anymore, just like the man in the yellow robe, took out their weapons and watched Lu Chen vigilantly.

Lu Chen didn't care about these people at all. He pointed his finger. The golden air group stopped in one corner as everyone stopped chasing it. He smiled and said, "Who said you don't need my help anymore? , Nuo, that thing makes you so embarrassed, I can easily subdue it, don't you still need my help?"

Lu Chen was now very sure that the thing wrapped in the golden gas was the Holy League token he needed.

Lu Chen's words suddenly changed the expressions of these elders of the Origin Insect clan, and they already knew that what was wrapped in the golden gas was the token of the Holy League.

The Holy League token in the Yuanshen Forest is like a death-free gold medal. No, it should be said that it is more useful than the death-free gold medal. In the Yuanshen Forest, who owns the Holy League token is equivalent to being in the dragon. On the Soul Continent, whoever owns a huge empire generally.

Of course, what Shengmeng tokens enjoy is not rights, but resources. As long as they have the Holy League token, leave the Forest of Origin God, enter a more world, and enter the world of real saints, for them, it is no longer a delusion.

Therefore, everyone is very eager to have a Saint League token.

In the entire Yuanshen Forest, from ancient times to the present, there are fewer than one hundred people who can have Holy League tokens. Although it is said that every ten years, the Holy League will issue a few Holy League tokens. I hope someone can supplement them. No, it should be added to the top circle of Shengmeng.

But, again, every ten years, some people choose to leave. And more importantly, not every time after the Shengmeng token appears, someone will be able to get it, so in fact, so far, the number of people who have actually got the Shengmeng token, including those who have left, is actually not There will be more than two hundred people.

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