"No, who the **** are you? Don't say anything, don't blame us for being rude!"

When the man in the yellow robe heard that Lu Chen’s goal was actually a token of the Saint League, he naturally stopped doing it, but when he saw Lu Chen facing so many saints, he still had a hippy smile and didn’t take him as such. The expression of the matter was a little worried in my heart.

"You're welcome? Humph, if I don't help you, do you know how to get the Saint League token?" Lu Chen said with a sneer.

In fact, there is a quick way to conquer the Saint League tokens. It does not need to spend too much effort at all to know to conquer the Saint League tokens.

As for this method, just send one's own spiritual power into the Saint League token.

When Lu Chen saw the appearance of those saints grabbing Shengmeng tokens, he had already guessed it. They definitely didn't know the correct way to receive Shengmeng tokens, so he stopped worrying and looked at him with interest. Before, the sages with embarrassed faces laughed in their hearts.

And the Shengmeng token hiding in the corner also seemed to feel that Lu Chen had no good intentions. The bright golden air mass that originally wrapped the Shengmeng token began to flicker after Lu Chen finished speaking. Just as humans tremble when they are afraid, it also begins to tremble.

Except for Lu Chen's accident, no one else had noticed this. After Lu Chen saw it, he couldn't help but smile. As expected, it was something belonging to a saint. It seemed that this holy alliance token already had wisdom.

Without any hesitation, Lu Chen released a little bit of his mental power and directly sent it into the Saint League token. The Saint League token had no room for resistance at all, and it became Lu Chen’s thing directly. Just want to collect this Holy League token again, there is no way.

When Lu Chen entered the Origin God space, he felt that there was a time limit for the outsiders in the Origin God space, and that time limit, under Lu Chen's induction, was about a month, that is to say, Lu Chen could only stay in the Origin God space for a month.

In fact, it was really good. When Lu Chen entered the ancient world from the Yuanshen Mountain Range, there was still a few days before the deadline of one month.

But when Lu Chen entered the ancient time, he felt that the time limit was of no use to him. In other words, even if Lu Chen stayed in the ancient world, he would not have any influence. He was no longer affected. The effect of that time limit.

Later, Lu Chen came out of the ancient world and finally arrived in the Yuanshen Forest. Lu Chen thought that he himself would be affected by the time limit, but he still didn't feel the effect of the time limit. He has no influence on this.

But Lu Chen had another feeling. That feeling was that although he would not be affected, the women who were still in the Yuanshen Mountain would still be affected. In other words, when the one-month deadline was up, they Will still be forcibly teleported out of the Origin God space and returned to the Dragon Soul Continent.

Therefore, Lu Chen currently does not know what the time ratio of the two worlds looks like. Even if the time ratio between the Yuanshen Forest and Yuanshen Mountain is the same, Lu Chen is not very clear. Lu Chen didn't dare to speculate, because this Origin God space was obviously opened up with great power, not naturally formed.

In this case, the rules in this world are completely determined by that power.

It now appears that many rules in this world have changed. For example, in the Origin God Mountain Range, the effect of divine consciousness has been restricted to the minimum by that great power, and other aspects are also more important. That's the case, so Lu Chen was also worried that even between Yuanshen Forest and Yuanshen Mountain, there is a big time difference.

This kind of worry made Lu Chen really dare not delay too much time. After receiving the Saint League token, Lu Chen didn't plan to pay attention to the elders of the Origin Insect family and planned to leave directly.

With a wave of Lu Chen's hand, the Saint League token wrapped in the golden aura directly revealed its true figure. It was a golden square token, with a hint of simple and simple aura. , Spread to the surroundings, so that the people around could not help but have a willingness to surrender.

But this breath had no effect on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen will reveal the true shape of the Saint League token. As soon as he received it, he received his own hand and glanced at it briefly, and found that there were only four characters, the Saint League token, and nothing else, even if Those so-called decorative patterns, none of them.

Seeing such a simple Shengmeng token, Lu Chen wondered whether it was a real Shengmeng token, but he still pouted and believed that the token in his hand was indeed the Shengmeng token, because the above The breath should not deceive Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen received the Shengmeng token, he was ready to leave.

Although the elders of the Origin Insect family did not notice the Saint League token, they felt that the Saint League token suddenly disappeared. When they saw Lu Chen, it was obvious that they were going to leave. I don't know, the Shengmeng token has been recovered by Lu Chen, that's a bunch of idiots.

"Stop, leave the Saint League token!"

The face of the man in the yellow robe became extremely ugly.

In his opinion, this Holy League token that broke into their retreat was obviously something that was given to them by the Origin Insect Clan.

But now, the man who appeared inexplicably in front of them, just in front of them, took away the things that belonged to them before they could react. This made them very unhappy and made them feel , Lost face.

"Hehe! Idiot!"

Lu Chen couldn't help but stop when he heard the man in the yellow robe. He turned around and looked at the man in the yellow robe with an expression of "looking at the pen", making the man in the yellow robe flushed suddenly.

"you wanna die!"

After being robbed of something, the man in the yellow robe felt very uncomfortable. As a result, the person who was robbed of the thing now scolded an idiot. I am afraid that ten people can't bear it.

The yellow-robed man couldn't bear it all of a sudden, waved his weapon, used his strength and speed rules, and rushed straight towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen showed disdainful eyes, looked at the man in the yellow robe who rushed towards him, slowly stretched out a hand, opened his palm, and made a "touch" sound, a purple-gray luster, from Lu Chen's In the palm of the hand, it shot out...

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