Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2108: Get it (fourth more)

"Okay! But don't delay too much time. My time is more urgent. I have already talked to your elder for the specific situation!" Lu Chen pointed to the elder of the worm clan and nodded.

Hearing that Lu Chen agreed to his request, the elder of the Origin Insect clan showed a happy expression on his face, nodded quickly, and led Lu Chen out of the retreat of the Origin Insect family, toward the reception hall where the banquet was ready. Go.

The preparations for the banquet are very rich. Some uncommon monsters in the source **** forest have been brought up by the clan chief of the source insect clan. It seems that the elder of the source insect clan is very fancy to Lu Chen. After all, the purpose of his banquet for Lu Chen this time was for their water mirror illusion.

After the banquet began, Lu Chen did not gossip with the patriarch of the Origin Insect family, so he went straight to the topic, and directly stated some ways to improve the Water Shadow Illusion. This made the Origin Insect family leader who thought Lu Chen would make some demands. In my heart, I was very guilty, and toasted Lu Chen repeatedly, apologizing.

But although Yuan Clan’s wine is already the most delicious of Yuan Clan’s clan, it is still tasteless and tasteless like boiled water when Lu Chen drank it. Moreover, Lu Chen sees Yuan Clan’s elder from time to time. Looking at his gaze and licking his lips, I don't know what the old man is thinking.

After he laughed, Lu Chen took out a few jars of wine directly from his ring, although it was not the best wine in Lu Chen's ring, but it was a thousand times better than the drink of the Origin Insect family. In front of everyone, Xiao Mimi said:

"You guys try it!"

Before Lu Chen could finish speaking, he knew that Lu Chen, the great elder of the Origin Insect family, who had a delicious drink, could not wait to take an altar, raised his head and poured it directly. The impatient appearance was like being in prison for decades. The prisoner who passed the woman suddenly saw a beautiful woman.

Looking at the appearance of his own great elder, everyone else guessed that the drink Lu Chen took out must be very delicious.

They all knew very well how the elders in their own clan were addicted to alcohol. I don’t know how many drinks they have drunk over the years, but for him, what they like most is brewed in their own clan. Drinks, every time the elder had a banquet, he would be very excited.

But today, before the drink came, the patriarch of the Yuanzhe clan, in order to prevent the great elder from losing the face of the Yuanzhe clan, he specially reminded him and asked him to bear it, but he knew that the old man glanced at himself disdainfully. At a glance, it seemed as if the drinks in the clan were not in his eyes.

After the drink came, the great elder did indeed exceed everyone's expectations. He really didn't have a look of excitement. Everyone thought that he was holding back.

But when Lu Chen took out his own drink, they saw the crazy side of the elder again, and they reacted to Lu Chen's words in a daze, so they couldn't wait to pick up a jar of drink each." "Reserved", it was not like the elder, but poured a small bowl and tasted it slowly.

But after a bowl of drinking, everyone was not calm, as if they were afraid that others would take their own drinks. Like the great elder, he couldn't wait to pick up a jar of drinks beside him, so he directly raised his head and poured it out. , Doesn't care about the winks of others at all.

Lu Chen brought out a lot of drinks, but the number of people was even greater. In the end, some people did not grab an altar because of the slow speed. They could only look at Lu Chen with eyesight. The pitiful appearance made Lu Chen very sad. , Made it as if I hadn't given them food for many years.

So Lu Chen chuckled, and gave the people who hadn't snatched the wine, one bottle per person, and then he slowly took out a bottle of beer and drank it slowly.

Compared with liquor, Lu Chen still prefers beer.

"Good wine, really good wine!" The great elder finally killed his jar of fine wine, his face showed ecstasy infatuation, and he didn't want to come back for a long time, because he knew that as long as he recovered, I'm afraid From now on, I can no longer experience this feeling.

Seeing the appearance of the many old drunks of the Origin Insect family, Lu Chen couldn't stop laughing, and wanted to scorn these guys loudly, but in the end he resisted it.

"By the way, Great Elder, let me tell you something!" After a long time, Lu Chen saw that the Great Elder finally opened his eyes reluctantly, so he spoke.

"Little brother, you said, as long as it is something I can help, I will do it!" The elder patted his chest proudly and said.

"Haha! Trivial, trivial!" Lu Chen nodded slightly, and said, "Remember that I sold a thousand drinks essence in Magic City today!"

"Remember, of course. Although the essence of the wine is good, it is still a bit worse than this jar of fine wine!" The elder shook his lips and couldn't help but say.

Lu Chen grinned and said: "That's for sure, I'm not talking about this, those guys today, didn't you want to trouble me! So I added a little thing to the essence of the drink, and it was a punishment. Click on those guys!"

"Added something?" There was a cold sweat on the face of the great elder, and he looked at Lu Chen with fear.

"Don't worry, nothing has been added to your one!" Lu Chen didn't know what the elder was thinking. He smiled slightly and motioned to the elder not to worry, and then continued: "In fact, I didn't put anything, just After they have eaten it, after a while, they will be a little troublesome. At that time, you may need to deal with it. After all, they are in the fantasy city!"

The great elder's heart was sweating even more, and his impression of Lu Chen was a little bit more—Jai Xuan must be reported, and I was grateful that although he provoked Lu Chen, Lu Chen was a person with clear grievances, knowing that if Lu Chen was not from his own clan , Find the Shengmeng token, if you look at the Shengmeng token, I am afraid that you will suffer.

"No problem, absolutely no problem. This is what I, the manager of the fantasy city, should do, and the business of buying and selling the essence of wine was also their own business. There shouldn't be any problems with this matter!" Although thinking like this, he dared not show it on his face, waved his hand carelessly, and said with a smile.

"That's OK, then thank you!" Lu Chen stopped taking this matter seriously. He smiled and talked about the Water Shadow Mirage with the patriarch of the Origin Insect family and many elders.

PS: This is today's fourth update, a weak question, is there a monthly pass?

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