Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2109: Would you like to follow me

Lu Chen talked with the elders of the Origin Insect clan for a while, and then he was ready to leave.

Before leaving, Lu Chen thought for a while. He still left a hundred jars of the same wine as before for Yuan Clan, and finally looked at the pitiful eyes of the old man of Yuan Clan's great elder, leaving a recipe for wine making. As long as the ingredients are complete, the brewed wine will definitely not be any worse than those left by Lu Chen.

With the farewell of all the elders and patriarchs of the source insect clan, Lu Chen left the settlement of the source insect clan, accompanied by Lu Chen, and naturally the great elder of the source insect clan, he had to return to the magic city, Lu Chen had already Decided to go to the magic city first, considering the way below.

Now that Lu Chen had obtained the Saint League token, there was no need to return to the Mieyan Black Mountain Clan to fulfill his previous promise. After all, the prerequisite for that promise is to help Lu Chen get the Shengmeng token, but now Lu Chen has already got the Shengmeng token.

Moreover, Lu Chen found that the Origin Insect Clan was better at managing and ruling the entire gloomy swamp than the Miyan Black Mountain Clan. The Miyan Black Mountain Clan just wanted the feeling of being aloof and holding power in his hands. It's really for the sake of the people in the dark swamp.

While thinking about it, he accompanied the great elder of the Primordial Insect family, thinking about flying to the fantasy city.

Before flying to the magic city, Lu Chen suddenly felt a familiar breath in the distance, flying fast, from another angle, towards the magic city, Lu Chen stopped with some doubts, looked in that direction, and pondered silently. , Who is that familiar breath?

Soon, Lu Chen raised his brows, a figure flashed through his mind, and the corners of Lu Chen's mouth curled up.

So Lu Chen turned around and greeted the great elder of the Primordial Insect family: "Old man, I won't go to Magic City with you. I found a friend of mine just now, so I went to her first. If I have a chance, I will go See you! But I guess! There is no chance! Haha!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he blinked, and before the Great Elder of the Origin Insect Clan could react, he flew directly towards the familiar breath.

Soon, Lu Chen's figure appeared directly on the path that the breath must travel forward. Lu Chen, who was hanging in the air, just squinted and looked at the empty scene in front of him leisurely.

I don't know how much time has passed in the past, maybe only a few seconds, Lu Chen's squinted eyes suddenly lit up, and a small black dot approached quickly.

Seeing this black spot, Lu Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, but there was no extra movement, and he still stood motionless.

The hem of the robe that fluttered with the wind made Lu Chen look unusually ethereal at this time, and his appearance was also a little more handsome at this moment.

The black spot became bigger and bigger, and the figure of a enchanting woman gradually appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, and the smile at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth became brighter and brighter.

Just when the enchanting woman was less than five hundred meters away from Lu Chen, she suddenly stopped her rapid flight, her eyes showed incomparable surprise.

"Lu Chen, why are you? Why are you here?" Jiang Xinxin's beautiful eyes flashed with joy, and quickly approached Lu Chen, asking suspiciously.

"Hehe! Why can't I be here?" Lu Chen grabbed Jiang Xinxin into his arms. Under Jiang Xinxin's surprised eyes, he lowered his head and aimed at Jiang Xinxin's delicate red lips and kissed directly. Come down.

At the beginning, Jiang Xinxin was still struggling, twisting uncomfortably in Lu Chen's arms.

Although she had a good impression of Lu Chen in her heart, she never expected that she had just met Lu Chen and she was directly kissed by Lu Chen. Although Jiang Xinxin did not exclude Lu Chen from doing this, she was reserved. Still embarrassed her.

But soon, Jiang Xinxin was lost under Lu Chen's superb skills, and in her white Qiong nose, she uttered bursts of sweet voices, "Um...don't want..."

But soon, Jiang Xinxin reacted. The two of them are still high in the air at this time, and this place is not very far from the magic city. If a person passes by here, I am afraid that they will be found. Good thing, in that case, Jiang Xinxin will probably be even more embarrassed not to meet people~!

"You have to... do it!" Of course, Lu Chen knew what Jiang Xinxin was talking about, but Lu Chen gave a smirk, held Jiang Xinxin "swish", and teleported directly under him, a huge one. On the branches of the towering giant tree, he hugged Jiang Xinxin in his arms.

Jiang Xinxin lifted her coquettish pink smiley face, gave Lu Chen a charmingly white look, and said, "I haven't considered it yet, wait for me to consider it... By the way, why are you here? You shouldn't be killing Yan. Is the Black Mountain First Clan? Have you already got the Holy League token from them?"

Lu Chen took out the Saint League token from the ring, handed it to Jiang Xinxin, and said, "I did get the token, but it was not from the Mieyan Black Mountain Clan, but from the Origin Insect clan. Yes, by the way, you should know that the source insects are them!"

"What? How is it possible, how could the Origin Insect family have Saint League tokens? I remember that Saint League didn't put the tokens in the magic city?" Jiang Xinxin asked with eyes wide open, but she couldn't believe it, but The token in his hand told himself that Lu Chen did not deceive himself.

"Who told you that the Origin Insect family only has a settlement like Magic City?" Lu Chen said with a mysterious smile.

Jiang Xinxin blinked her big eyes, unspeakably cute, but the doubt in her eyes and the little girl's coquettish threat clearly told Lu Chen, "If you don't hurry up and tell me, be careful I'm not polite to you!"

Seeing Jiang Xinxin's cute appearance, Lu Chen couldn't help it. He lowered his head again, kissed Jiang Xinxin fiercely, and then slowly said: "This clan of Origin Insects, there is another settlement near the city of fantasy. In fact, that settlement is the true fundamental existence of the Origin Insect Clan, and I found this Holy League token from that place!"

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Jiang Xinxin thought for a while, and did not ask Lu Chen about how to get the Holy League token, but asked quietly: "Then after you get this Holy League token, yes Aren’t you about to leave the Forest of Origin God right away? Go back to your world?"

Jiang Xinxin's words caused Lu Chen's body to tremble suddenly, and he glanced down. Jiang Xinxin's pitiful gaze, nodded without knowing how, and suddenly asked, "Will you? Let me go together?"

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