Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2111: I doubt Nima

The reason Jiang Xinxin wanted to come in person and invite people from the Origin Clan to participate in this exchange meeting of the Saint League is because in the eyes of the Saint League, the Origin Clan is powerful, not just this time, almost every time. In the Saint League Exchange Conference, the Saint League will invite people from the Origin Clan to participate.

But very often, the Primordial Clan doesn’t appreciate it because they don’t want to get involved with the Holy League. Although they also want to join the Holy League, it’s only in a personal way, because they know that if they agree to the Holy League many times Request, I am afraid that the Origin Clan will become a **** in the hands of the Saint League without knowing it.

Jiang Xinxin’s original plan was for Lu Chen to take her directly to another settlement of the source insect clan, that is, the head of the source insect clan, where he was, and directly handed the invitation to the head of the source insect clan, but Lu Chen After thinking about it, I still refused, telling Jiang Xinxin that he only needs to hand over the invitation to the elder of the Yuan Clan, and he can guarantee that this time, the Yuan Clan will definitely participate.

With Lu Chen's assurance, Jiang Xinxin didn't force it, holding Lu Chen's arm, and flew directly towards the fantasy city.

After arriving in the Magic City, Lu Chen took Jiang Xinxin directly to the Great Elder of the Origin Clan.

Seeing Lu Chen appearing in front of him again, the Great Elder of the Yuan Clan looked very surprised. Seeing the woman next to Lu Chen, the big elder of the Yuan Clan showed an ambiguous look on his face, and raised his brow secretly. Showing an expression that a man understands.

Lu Chen glanced contemptuously at the Great Elder of the Origin Insect family, then coughed, and pointed to Jiang Xinxin and introduced: "I will introduce you to Jiang Xinxin. She has something to do with you! By the way, I forgot to tell you. She is now, she is from the Saint League!"

"Holy League?" The elder of the Yuan Clan's expression changed, he glanced at Lu Chen sadly, and asked weakly, "Well, I don't know what the holy alliance apostle has to do with me!"

"Hello, I……"

Seeing Jiang Xinxin’s polite appearance, Lu Chen waved his hand impatiently, and directly interrupted Jiang Xinxin’s words about to export, and said loudly to the elder of the Primordial Insect family: "Well, isn’t it the Holy League exchange meeting? Xinxin came here this time, and is to invite you the Origin Insect Clan to participate!"

"Holy League Exchange Conference?" The elder of the Yuan Clan looked at Lu Chen and then at Jiang Xinxin. He hesitated and said with a smile on his face: "Hehe! It's really troublesome for Apostle Jiang. Two days later, we must Will be ready to arrive!"

As a major force in the Yuanshen Forest, although they don't often participate in the exchange meeting of the Holy League, they naturally know the specific and approximate time of the Holy League exchange meeting.

Hearing that the great elder of the Primordial Clan had agreed to his invitation so quickly, even though he had received Lu Chen's assurance before, Jiang Xinxin couldn't help but grow up with a small mouth in surprise.

"Haha! Then, old man, let's see you in the holy city in two days!" Lu Chen finished speaking, once again hugged Jiang Xinxin and disappeared directly in front of the old man.

After seeing Lu Chen disappear, the elder of the Origin Clan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Although he generously agreed to Jiang Xinxin's request just now, he would go to the Saint League exchange meeting in two days, but it was because of Lu Chen's face. Only then did he agree to Jiang Xinxin's request.

In fact, the Yuan Clan did not have the idea of ​​participating in the Saint League Exchange Conference this time, but the appearance of Lu Chen made him have to agree. Now the people in the clan don’t know about this, the old man has to rush back and talk to the patriarch. They discussed and discussed what to do in two days. This Saint League exchange meeting is definitely going to go.

As a result, the old man had to gritted his teeth without even looking at the guard next to him, and flew directly towards another settlement of the Origin Insect family.

As for Lu Chen, under the leadership of Jiang Xinxin, he flew directly to the holy city of the Saint League.

The Holy City is located in the center of the Yuanshen Forest. As the supreme ruler of the Yuanshen Forest, the Holy League, there is naturally a city similar to the Illusory City, and this city is the Holy City.

Of course, before going to the holy city, Lu Chen considered for a long time, but decided to do one thing.

He had promised to help them destroy the Origin Insect Clan before, and now he knows the Origin Insect family, and after getting the Holy League token from the Origin Insect Clan, Lu Chen has already done so to help the Insect Clan. There is no idea about the Yuan Clan.

Moreover, Lu Chen would rather help the Origin Insect family to eliminate the Mieyan Heishan Jia family.

But after all, Lu Chen had promised them before, so Lu Chen decided that before going to the holy city, he would talk to the Mieyan Black Mountain Clan.

After taking Jiang Xinxin to the settlement of the Mieyan Heishanjia clan, before Lu Chen entered the city, he saw Cao Liliang flew out of the city with a panic on his face, and shouted directly from the distance: "Brother Lu Chen , Where did you go this night? I have been looking for you for a long time?"

"I have gone to Magic City!" Lu Chen said directly without concealing it.

"Illusory City?"

Cao Liliang's complexion suddenly changed, his entire complexion became extremely dark, and the whole person fell silent.

After a while, Cao Liliang's complexion recovered a bit, and gritted his teeth and asked, "I don't know what brother Lu Chen, why are you running to the Magic City in the middle of the night? Could it be that Brother Lu Chen, you are going to kill us in advance? The Black Mountain Clan inquired about the news?"

Cao Liliang's slightly threatening tone not only changed Lu Chen's expression, but also Jiang Xinxin, who didn't understand what had happened, looked at Cao Liliang with a very bad expression.

"Fuck-you-mother, what do you mean?" Lu Chen's voice changed directly when he called Cao Liliang's name.

Cao Liliang didn’t hear clearly that Lu Chen’s call to his own name changed, and directly replied: “It’s not interesting, just think, brother Lu Chen, you know that today is the day we attacked the Origin Insect family, but it was the night before. , Ran to the site of the Origin Insect Clan, which made me have to doubt..."

"I doubt Nima!"

Lu Chen had kindly come over to remind him that he was not ready to participate in this battle, but how did he know that Cao Liliang treated himself this way, which made Lu Chen even more dissatisfied with the perception of the Black Mountain Clan of Mieyan. It's not that Lu Chen still doesn't want to kill, I'm afraid that Cao Liliang will be killed by Lu Chen now!

"What's wrong with what I said?" Cao Liliang didn't because of Lu Chen's curse, but what happened, perhaps because Cao Liliang didn't react to Lu Chen's curse that belongs to the earth!

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