"Hmph, I'm just here to tell you, today's attack on the Origin Insect family, I won't participate!" Lu Chen finished speaking coldly, then turned around and took Jiang Xinxin's hand, and was about to leave.

"Why, brother Lu Chen, aren't you ready to ask for the Saint League token?" Cao Liliang watched Lu Chen leave, but was not angry, but threatened with a sneer.

"Hehe, I'll ask you again, where is this Saint League token?" Lu Chen turned around, glanced at Cao Liliang, his eyes rolled, and then asked.

A gleam of joy flashed in Cao Liliang's eyes. He hesitated for a while when he heard Lu Chen's words, and suddenly said in a deep voice, "The Holy League token is in the hands of the patriarch of our clan. If you want it, you must help us eliminate the source insects. One clan, I will ask the patriarch to give you the Holy League token!"

Hearing what Cao Liliang said, Lu Chen and Jiang Xinxin couldn't help but sneered.

Jiang Xinxin laughed that according to the regulations of the Holy League, only one Holy League token could appear in a place. Since Lu Chen had already obtained a Holy League token from the Origin Insect family, it means that this extinction In the hands of Yan Hei Shan Jia, there is absolutely no possibility that there will be a second token.

Lu Chen sneered because he had spent so long in Mieyan Heishanjia, and he naturally explored the entire settlement of Mieyan Heishanjia, and he did not find out where there is a Saint League Order. The breath of the card, not to mention, was in the hands of the Patriarch of Mieyan Black Mountain.

Moreover, there is already a Saint League token in Lu Chen's hands. There is no need for the second one. Lu Chen also has two heaven-defying existences, the Hongmeng Ring and the Hongmeng Pearl. The Alliance’s teleportation array leaves the Yuanshen Forest, as long as people enter these two places.

"Really?" Lu Chen said with a sneer.

"Of course it's true, Cao Liliang never tells a lie!" Cao Liliang said with a hard scalp, and secretly hoped that after exterminating the Origin Insect family, he could find the Holy League token in the settlement of Origin Insect family. For Lu Chen, he still has great scruples.

"Really? Before that, I asked you where the Holy League token is. What did you say? Didn’t you say that you Mieyan Black Mountain Clan definitely don’t have a Holy League token? This Holy League token must belong to the Origin Insect family. The place where you live, does that mean that you are deceiving me?" Lu Chen no longer has a good impression of Mieyan Heishanjia.

"I... That's because I didn't know that the Saint League token was in the hands of our patriarch, so I said that. Now that I know it, of course I will tell Brother Lu Chen you as soon as possible!" By the time Lu Chen had stayed, Cao Liliang's tone began to flatter again.


Lu Chen snorted coldly, he had now thoroughly seen the nature of this Mieyan Heishanjia.

A seemingly flat, cold snort made Cao Liliang as if struck by lightning, his whole body trembling suddenly and violently, with a "poof", a mouthful of blood spouted directly from Cao Liliang's mouth, his face turned pale. It's like a seriously ill patient.

"Lu Chen, what do you mean?"

Cao Liliang's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Looking at Lu Chen's eyes, he was full of evil spirits. He couldn't understand that since Lu Chen wanted to get the Holy League token so much, he now had the Holy League token in his hand, Lu Chen Shouldn't obediently obey your own requirements and help yourself with things, how can you still attack yourself?

"What do you mean? Do you really think that I am good at playing Lu Chen? Just once or twice, you still play me Lu Chen as a monkey for the third time. I went to Nima!" Lu Chen became more angry and went straight to In front of Cao Liliang, a big-eared melon seed slammed towards Cao Liliang's face.

"Hey!" Although Lu Chen tightly used his physical power, the physical power of Lu Chen was stronger than the power of his spiritual cultivation. Cao Liliang was just like an ordinary person at this time, and suddenly felt that It feels like a high-speed high-speed train crashes directly into oneself.


Cao Liliang was slapped directly by Lu Chen, slammed out, and slammed into the city wall of the Mieyanheishanjia family's settlement. The thick city wall was installed with a big hole, which could not stop Cao Liliang from flying out and directly penetrated. The city wall, entered the inner city, and destroyed several buildings one after another before it could stop.

At this time, Cao Liliang almost no longer has a human form, but because Lu Chen is tightly affecting his body, Cao Liliang did not faint at this time, and climbed out of the decayed building with difficulty. , Enduring the severe pain in his body, Cao Liliang directly transformed.

The huge movement here naturally attracted the attention of many members of the Mieyanheishan Clan A. One by one, they approached quickly. When they found that in the inner city, there was a clan member of his own. The expressions of the members of the Yanhei Shanjia clan changed.

Because of the imitation of human beings, there is a rule in the settlement of the Mieyan Heishanjia clan that it is absolutely not allowed to transform into a body unless it is a last resort, otherwise it will be expelled from the ethnic group or even the death penalty.

After this rule, so far, no member of the tribe has dared to violate it. This is the first time that someone in the inner city has seen how their tribe has transformed.

Although very surprised, all the tribesmen who killed Yan Heishanjia were wary. Not to mention the transformed tribesmen, the few buildings that have been destroyed, made these people worry. They knew that, I'm afraid to pick up. There will be a big battle, which will start in their settlement.

"What's going on? Could it be that the news has been leaked? The members of the Yuan Clan have come up?" Sitting in the palace in the city, the patriarch of the Mieyan Heishanjia clan, who was about to announce the dispatch of troops, heard the huge roar from outside the palace, and that slight On the trembling ground, his face changed, and he asked quickly.

After waiting for a while, someone came directly to report: "Clan people, I don’t know why. The human being who promised our clan and attacked the Origin Insect clan yesterday—Lu Chen suddenly fought with Elder Cao Liliang. The battle just now was Elder Cao Liliang, being attacked by human Lu Chen, such as the inner city, destroyed several buildings in the inner city!"

"What are you talking about? Cao Liliang and Lu Chen fought?" The patriarch of Mieyan Heishanjia clan immediately slapped the throne in anger. He stood up from the throne and looked angrily at the hall. He became a little distorted, "What the **** is going on with Cao Liliang? Doesn't he know that we rely on Lu Chen for today's battle? How could he fight Lu Chen!"

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