Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2121: The saint is also hard

If Lu Chen knew the thoughts of these soldiers, he would have been sighed: Whoever said that the saints are awesome, and the saints are also very hardworking, OK!

"Hey, beauty, can you do me a favor!" Lu Chen walked into the building and looked at everything that was empty. He couldn't help but miss life on the Dragon Soul Continent even more, so he hurried to the counter and saw that there was only one inside. Little girl, then said to the little girl.

"Sir, what's the matter?" The little girl looked very cold, with no expression on her handsome face. When she heard Lu Chen's words, there was no fluctuation in her expression at all, which made Lu Chen very surprised. Depressed heart secretly said: "A good beauty, why is facial paralysis?"

"My Shengmeng token needs to be registered!" Lu Chen directly took out his Shengmeng token and handed it to the little girl at the counter.

Lu Chen directly took the token in Lu Chen's hand, without even looking at Lu Chen, placing the token in a formation next to him.

The formation slowly, a trace of colorful light rushed from the surrounding to the formation, and finally gathered on Lu Chen’s Holy League token. Lu Chen’s Holy League token also changed accordingly. At the beginning, the golden yellow gradually appeared a hint of purple, and finally the whole token became purple gold.

Then, the little girl handed the purple-golden Saint League token to Lu Chen and said, "Okay, the token has been registered!"

"Huh?" Lu Chen took the token that had turned purple and gold, looked at it, and found that except for the change in color, the others were still the same as before. He couldn't help but asked in confusion: "This is over. ?"

"Yeah! That's it!" The little girl said, she ignored Lu Chen, and returned to her previous form, sitting blankly, looking at the outside of the building.

Lu Chen looked at the little girl suspiciously, and subconsciously let out his sense of consciousness to detect it, with a suddenly enlightened expression on his face.

It turned out that the little girl in front of her was not a real creature, but a puppet refined by others. The technique of the refiner seems to be very simple and lacking. Apart from the refinement of this little girl who is similar to human beings, there are no other things at all. In Lu Chen's eyes, such a puppet is like a waste. .

Shaking his head, Lu Chen turned around and prepared to leave, but just after turning around, the little girl said again: "Mr., after you leave here, go to the headquarters of Shengmeng as soon as possible. There may be someone waiting for you there. Some things you need to know!"

"Where is the headquarters of Shengmeng!" After knowing that the little girl in front of him was a puppet, Lu Chen asked directly without any jokes.

"Go out and turn left. The third building has a name on it!" the little girl said directly.

Lu Chen didn't say anything, and walked over to the place the little girl said.

Soon, Lu Chen came to the front of the building that the little girl was talking about, and it was indeed the Saint League headquarters.

Since entering the inner city, the number of people Lu Chen has seen will never exceed one hundred, but in the headquarters of the Saint League, there are quite a few people, all busy, but standing at the door, Lu Chen looked For a long time, I don't know what they are busy with.

"Stop, please show your token!" Lu Chen was about to step into the door, and the guard at the door stopped Lu Chen and said loudly.

Lu Chen didn't speak either, he took out the token and handed it to the guard next to him.

Looking at the purple-gold token in Lu Chen's hand, there was a trace of surprise and doubt in the eyes of this guard.

He has served as a guard here for so many years. He naturally knows what the purple gold tokens represent, and he also knows that the number of purple gold tokens is very small. Those who have purple gold tokens, he naturally does it all. Yes, but the one in front of me, I don’t seem to have seen it before!

But soon, the guard remembered something. Seeing Lu Chen's gaze, there was no doubt. After the token in Lu Chen's hand, he glanced at it for a while and said directly: "My lord, after you go in, directly Go up to the second floor, in the innermost room, someone is waiting for you in it!"

Lu Chen nodded, and after receiving the token handed back by the guard, he walked directly into the headquarters of Shengmeng.

Lu Chen’s appearance did not attract anyone’s attention. They were still busy with things that Lu Chen couldn’t understand. It seemed that Lu Chen’s appearance had nothing to do with them, but it seemed that Lu Chen’s appearance was indeed compatible with them. They have nothing to do with each other!

On the second floor, there are rooms on the second floor. There is a barrier on the door of each room. There is no special way to open it. Don't even want to enter this room. But these restrictions are for Lu Chen. , Has no effect at all, because don't forget, he still has a treasure hunter.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't have the habit of entering other people's rooms casually. After just looking at these rooms, Lu Chen walked directly to the deepest room on the second floor.

Not long after, Lu Chen came to the door of the room that the guard at the door said. There was no restriction on the door of this room. Lu Chen knocked on the door, and soon there was a voice letting Lu Chen in.

Lu Chen didn't say anything, just walked in.

"You are the one who recently found the high-level Saint League token! Welcome to join the Saint League!" In the room is a very beautiful woman, dressed in a sky blue veil. After seeing Lu Chen coming in, she smiled at the landing. Chen.

The woman looks only in her twenties, she is very young, she smiles and is even more charming, although there are not two sweet dimples, but the thin and small cherry lips look unusually seductive and simple The beautiful black hair made Lu Chen more impulsive.

Lu Chen really deserved to be the animal considered by his lower body.

"Hello! I'm Lu Chen!" Lu Chen nodded, suppressing the strange emotions in his heart, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that I have been holding back for too long this time. I will go back to find Xinxin for a while and relax. Why do I see a woman, I feel a little impulsive now!"

"Well, hello, I am the fifth elder of Shengmeng, and my name is Jiang Yanna. When you registered for Shengmeng token, someone should have told you that someone is looking for you here in the headquarters! I'm looking for you, of course... It can also be said that I am not looking for you, but the owner of the Saint League token in your hand!" Jiang Yanna said with a smile.

"I know! I don't know what's going on, they said you would tell me something!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Yes! Just some rules about Saint League, and some things you need to do!" Jiang Yanna said with a smile.

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