Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2122: Careful Jiang Yanna

"Oh, what's there?" Lu Chen asked with a puzzled expression, looking at Jiang Yanna.

Lu Chen wanted to ask Jiang Yanna directly if he had any requirements for using the teleportation array, but when he saw Jiang Yanna's current appearance, he finally held back and was ready to listen to what Jiang Yanna said. Maybe there was something in it that he wanted to know. , The requirements for using the teleportation array.

"First of all, you can get this Holy League token, which shows that you are strong. Since your strength is strong, it is naturally necessary to protect the safety of our Holy League. This is the first point. The second point is about some of your welfare. This booklet is all on it, so I won’t say more about it. The third one is about contribution points.

In Shengmeng, in addition to the benefits that belong to you, such as once a month, the resources you can receive, and other things, you need contribution points. For example, if you need spiritual stones for cultivation, you need contribution points to redeem, and contribution points are To get it, you need to take the task and do the task to get it!

The place where the task is received is in the task union next to the Saint League. There are all tasks on it. It’s fine for you to watch it in the past. What I need to say is these things. Yes, I have to remind you that in the Saint League, private transactions of contribution points are never allowed. If you receive a task, you can let People help to do it, but it is absolutely not allowed to directly trade contribution points! "

Lu Chen understood all of what Jiang Yanna said, but Lu Chen was a little puzzled about Jiang Yanna’s last reminder, and at the same time he was very disdainful. Since he can help others with tasks, why can’t he directly trade contribution points? , Isn't this purely superfluous!

Lu Chen shook his head slightly, and didn't say much in the end. He thought to himself: "It seems that if I want to use the teleportation array to leave the Forest of Origin God, I definitely need to contribute some points. I'll go to the task union soon and see what's there. Task, you can do it yourself!"

Thinking about this, Lu Chen picked up the brochure Jiang Yanna put on the table and read it.

There are a lot of things in it, whether it is materials or various weapons and equipment, even some residential houses, but they all need to contribute points.

Lu Chen looked at it casually, remembered the contents, and then quickly turned to the last page. Sure enough, in the last page, there were teleportation-related things and the required contribution points.

However, Lu Chen glanced at it with a look of embarrassment on his face, because the above clearly stated that in addition to the contribution points needed to use this teleportation array, there is another requirement that must be in the Saint League for a hundred years. , Otherwise, no matter how many contribution points, it is useless.

The contribution points required to use the teleportation array cost a full 200 million. Although Lu Chen has not seen those tasks now, how many contribution points can be obtained after completion, but seeing those written in the front of the brochure, some equipment only needs Dozens or hundreds of contribution points can be exchanged, and you know that this contribution point is definitely not easy to get!

Jiang Yanna saw Lu Chen's gaze at the end of the pamphlet, and asked: "What's wrong? Do you want to leave the forest of Origin God? To a higher world? Don't look at it, this teleportation array can only teleport you to Yuan. Shenshan Mountain or Yuanshen Plain, you can't go to a higher world at all!"

"No, I just want to go to the Yuanshen Mountain Range! My family is still there. To be honest, I went to the Yuanshen Forest, it was a complete accident, but I didn't understand how I was here!" Lu Chen raised her head, sighed, looked at Jiang Yanna and said.

"Huh? You want to go to the Origin God Mountain Range?" Jiang Yanna hesitated for a while, and suddenly asked: "When you registered for the Saint League token today, it should be a little girl who registered for you! What do you think of her?"

Lu Chen looked at Jiang Yanna with some suspicion. He didn't understand why Jiang Yanna suddenly said this, but he replied directly: "You say that puppet! How do you say it! Actually, this puppet is like a waste in my eyes. I don’t know who made it, is it..."

Lu Chen explained all the puppet's faults, and didn't notice Jiang Yanna's smiling face, which became more and more gloomy and ugly.

"Huh, what's the matter?" After speaking, Lu Chen raised his head to look at Jiang Yanna, only to realize that Jiang Yanna's face had become very ugly, and he couldn't help but "chuckle" in his heart, and asked weakly: "That...that puppet, you didn't refine it!"

It's okay if Lu Chen didn't say anything. With that said, Jiang Yanna suddenly felt a little wronged. In her charming eyes, a little water mist appeared, and there were signs of the water mist condensing into gems, making Lu Chen a little panicked.

"Um...Yona, sorry, I didn't mean it, I really didn't know that you refined that puppet, if I knew it, I would..."

"What about you? You deceive me, right! I know, why do they all say that my puppet refining is particularly good, and that my puppetry is the most powerful in the holy league, so they are all deceiving me, The original puppet technique is so unbearable!" Jiang Yanna unceremoniously interrupted Lu Chen's words, a crystal clear gem slipped from the corner of her eye.

"No, I didn't mean that!" Lu Chen was a little helpless, scolding himself for being mean, why didn't he say this? It's alright now, I bullied the girl in front of me and cried. I want to know something about the teleportation formation from her, I am afraid it is not so easy.

"Well, if you want, I can teach you puppetry!" Lu Chen looked at Jiang Yanna ignoring her, but crying with a vague expression on her face, feeling very guilty in her heart. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but say.

"What...you know how to puppet? You didn't lie to me?" When Jiang Yanna heard this, she raised her head and looked at Lu Chen with great joy. Where was there any grievance on her face? As for the crystal clear teardrop, it disappeared. The disappeared.

"Yes! I will!" Lu Chen nodded and said as he watched Jiang Yanna's changes.

Jiang Yanna rolled her eyes, "How do I feel that you are lying to me, saying, do you want to know about the teleportation formation from me, hehe, I told you the truth, the use of this teleportation formation, There can be special cases, and only if I agree, this special case can be passed. But well! I won't tell you who made you make me cry!"

When Lu Chen heard Jiang Yanna's words, he really wanted to cry without tears, and couldn't help but want to slap himself a few times to make himself talk more.

However, since Lu Chen already knew that the use of this teleportation formation could have special cases, and the main reason was the woman in front of him, he naturally had to take good care of the woman in front of him!

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