Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2124: Five star mission

Seeing Lu Chen's expression, Jiang Yanna couldn't help feeling even more proud.

I thought to myself: Hey! The surname is Lu, let you bully me. Although joining the Saint League does have to do tasks, but high-level Saint League members like you, at most, will be a one-star, not a small task that is not a task. Just cut it!

After all, senior Saint League members like Lu Chen are more important than the lower-level members in the Saint League, and the number is quite small. The Saint League guarantees such high-level members, but at the same time for the sake of rules, they are generally In doing this, it was just like when Jiang Yanna did join the Saint League and did a mission, but at the time the mission was not considered a mission at all.

Jiang Yanna’s grandfather, as the previous leader of the Saint League, what was the task that Jiang Yanna did when she joined the Saint League, that is, Jiang Yanna’s grandfather Jiang Heng deliberately left his ring on the ground, and then gave Jiang Yanna a task to let Jiang Yanna help He looked for the ring, Jiang Yanna just picked up the ring from the ground and gave it to Jiang Heng, even if the task was completed!

Moreover, not only Jiang Yanna, but also the tasks of other senior members of the Saint League, it was almost like this.

It can be said that the five-star mission that Lu Chen did this time was definitely the most difficult task that the senior staff of the Saint League had done when they joined the Saint League.

More importantly, as Lu Chen guessed, the five-star task of capturing the Lord of the Mountains and Desolation seems to be very simple, but in fact it is very difficult. The task union in Shengmeng has no idea. For many years, no one has ever completed it.

At the beginning, some people took on such a task, because after the task was completed, they got a full 2 ​​million contribution points, but the people who took on this task fell for various reasons. Finally, this task , It becomes something no one can complete.

Of course, because Lu Chen took this task now after joining the Saint League, it was like a task, so it is impossible to get the contribution points of the Saint League. Even if he completes the task by then, it can be said to be Can it be done in vain without any benefit?

However, if Lu Chen really completed this task, would he really have nothing to get?

"Okay, I'll take this task!" Lu Chen hesitated for a while and said directly to Jiang Yanna.

"What are you talking about?" The reason why Jiang Yanna gave this task to Lu Chen was not really to let Lu Chen do the task, but to play Lu Chen a little bit, let Lu Chen please her, and wait for her to be happy. After venting his dissatisfaction, he gave Lu Chen a simple task.

But where did she think that Lu Chen actually took this task.

Jiang Yanna couldn’t figure out why Lu Chen would take on this task, but she actually understood very well. Lu Chen just joined the Saint League and didn’t know much about the Saint League at all. His understanding of the Saint League also came from Jiang Xinxin knew about it, and before Lu Chen joined the Shengmeng, how could Jiang Xinxin give Lu Chen a specific introduction about the Shengmeng.

Even if Jiang Xinxin wanted to tell Lu Chen more about Shengmeng, Jiang Xinxin didn't have time.

"I said this task, I'll take it!" Lu Chen looked at Jiang Yanna's shocked expression, and affirmed the guess in his heart. Knowing that the task he has taken is definitely not easy, but Lu Chen will not take it lightly. Declined, since it has been accepted, it will naturally be completed seriously.

"No, you...you can't take this task!" Jiang Yanna was a little panicked for a while. She was quite aware of this task, knowing that it was simply an impossible task. In her opinion, if Lu Chen To complete this task, the end will definitely be the same as those before, and they will die.

Although Lu Chen bullied himself, he couldn't really let Lu Chen die like this! Moreover, not long ago, there was just a saint who did not know why he died. For Yuanshen Forest, this is a big loss. Although she likes pranks, she definitely doesn't like someone dying because of herself.

"Why can't you pick it up..." Lu Chen said indifferently, looking at Jiang Yanna's anxious and worried appearance, he changed her mind a bit, and said: "Okay, you tell me, this mountain is deserted Where is the forest? I will complete the task now!"

"No, I don't allow it. You can't complete this task!" Jiang Yanna became even more anxious, feeling even more guilty in her heart. At the same time, she felt ashamed because of Lu Chen's dead brain. "Everyone is like this, you can't listen to them. Now, don't finish this task! People are joking!" Jiang Yanna thought to herself secretly.

"It doesn't matter, since I have already picked it up, then I must finish it!" Lu Chen said firmly.

"No... or no... and... and I haven't registered you for the mission information, even if you have completed it, it won't count!" Jiang Yanna's eyes rolled, her face suddenly showed joy, thinking of this The most critical point, said cheerfully.

"Oh! I still need to register the mission information! Then you should register for me!" Lu Chen said still indifferently.

"No! No, just can't, I said no, just can't!" After Jiang Yanna thought of this, she didn't panic so much, she said triumphantly.

Lu Chen looked at Jiang Yanna’s expression and knew that he might want to register with Jiang Yanna for the five-star mission to hunt down the Lord of the Desolation. It must be impossible, so he thought about it, and said: "Okay, then You must give me a task, let me complete the required tasks after joining the Saint League!"

"Are you really not doing it?" Jiang Yanna carefully looked at Lu Chen's eyes, as if she wanted to see from Lu Chen's eyes whether Lu Chen was deceiving herself.

"Of course it's true. Why did I lie to you! There are simple tasks, but I have to do such difficult tasks!" Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said angrily, as if he really didn't want to go. Like doing this task.

But in fact, Lu Chen has been aroused by Jiang Yanna, and it is definitely impossible for him to stop doing this task. Lu Chen's plan was that he would definitely contribute points anyway. This task was completed, and there must be a lot of contribution points. After a while, he would go directly to the task union to take over this task.

Anyway, accepting this task from the task union and accepting the task from Jiang Yanna are not the same. They can both register the message in their Saint League token, right?

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