Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2125: Soul Eater

After bidding farewell to Jiang Xinxin, Lu Chen walked directly towards Yuanshen Forest, which is 38,000 miles away, but for a master like Lu Chen, he can go in the blink of an eye.

Just judging from Jiang Yanna's words and expressions, it seemed that it was very dangerous there. Lu Chen immediately sorted out the equipment before walking towards the street.

After walking around in the street, Lu Chen didn't see any equipment suitable for him. He naturally reached his level. If he wanted to find it on the street, that would be a strange thing.

With a sigh of self-consciousness, Lu Chen's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, the whole person had come to the depths of Yuanshen Forest.

"Help, help." Lu Chen just stood firm, and suddenly there was a real cry for help from the front, and his body flashed, Lu Chen came to the back of a deep mountain, leaned out his head and looked at it, not far away. The little girl dressed in blue ran away hurriedly toward this side, and it was a King Kong Demon Ape who was chasing after her.

The Diamond Demon Ape is naturally nothing in the eyes of a strong man like Lu Chen, but to the little girl, it seems to be as powerful as a monster.

The legs are very long and the buttocks are very curled, barely sixty points. There was a wicked smile at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and his body flashed and turned into a phantom. There was a muffled sound. The King Kong Demon Ape only felt like it had been hit by a hill, and it smashed into a pile of flesh. .

Uh...Looking at the King Kong Demon Ape who became a muddy pot of meat, Lu Chen was surprised, "It's so easy, the first task is completed? It's too simple, right?"

"You...thank you." The little girl was stunned while her eyes were full of shock.

"Thank you, it's just a matter of effort." Lu Chen waved his hand and said, but for him, facing the King Kong Demon Ape was just waving his hand.

"Your skill is amazing." The little girl said with a look of admiration, staring at her.

"What's great, it's just a holy place." Lu Chen said.

"Earth Sage." The little girl grunted, and immediately jumped over and said, "Big brother, since you are at the level of Earth Sage, can you do me a favor?"

"Help? What can I do? Let's talk." Lu Chen said casually.

"My sister and my second uncle are all trapped in the mountains not far away. Can you save them?" the little girl said pitifully.

"Is your elder sister beautiful?" Lu Chen asked a lot, but then he remembered seeing the little girl's pure eyes, and then he said, "Okay, but what is the danger of your elder sister and second uncle? ?"

"I don't know, but they just sit there and dare not move." The little girl described and added, brother, what is your name, I don't know what your name is yet?

"Just call me brother Lu Chen." Lu Chen asked back, "What about you."

"My name is Jane, and my sister's name is Jian Wanru." Jane said with his big eyes.

"Well, anyway, I still have a task to do, so I will accompany you." Lu Chen agreed.

"Thank you, Brother Lu Chen." After the analysis, Lu Chen walked forward.

The trees are noisy, the weeds are growing, the entire Yuanshen Forest looks weird, and the roar of many monsters can be heard in the distance, making Lu Chen feel a wave of creeps.

"Brother Lu Chen, they are there." After the analysis, his hand pointed to an open space not far away.

While looking at the distance, Lu Chen was cautious, and there were two people sitting where he analyzed his fingers.

The man is almost middle-aged, with white hair and a gray-white robe. The robe is full of blood. He breathes less and exhales more. It seems that he has been seriously injured.

Next to the middle-aged man in the robe sat a young girl who looked quite a bit like in a simple analysis, with fair complexion, arrogant breasts, and graceful figure. She was truly a peerless beauty.

"Wait here, I'll take a look." Lu Chen finished speaking, and walked towards the two.

Hearing the movement, Jian Wanru opened her eyes and looked at Lu Chen coldly, and she was secretly relieved when she found that the person was not the Soul Devourer Tree attacking them.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. Why did you sit here and stop leaving?" Lu Chen asked.

Jian Wanru's face was cold, she glared at Lu Chen fiercely, and Lu Chen moved closer again, only to realize that the two of them seemed to be imprisoned.

"Don't come here." Jian Wanru had just finished saying, a bright light flashed in a sudden stab, Lu Chen's face was cold, the Hongmeng sword in his hand suddenly slanted, and the light burst out, and instantly hit the light in the stab. piece.

Peng... With a huge wave, all the trees around him were overturned, and the wave of waves in the void was like a wave of air, rushing towards a hundred meters away like a flash of fire.


With a huge roar, the light that was split by Lu Chen disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the surrounding mountains shook, and all the trees seemed to be alive for an instant. As the horses wandered, they quickly and unscrupulously rolled towards Lu Chen.

With the Hongmeng Sword in his hand, Lu Chen swam around and shuttled between the trees, like a ghost.

"Hurry up, you are not their opponent." Jian Wanru suddenly shouted.

"It's not an opponent, you have to try before you know it." Lu Chen's eyes were sharp.

"They are the Thousand-Year Soul Eater Tree, and they are killing their lives. It is really terrifying. My uncle and I were trapped here because of the needles of the Soul Eater Tree." Jian Wanru said.

"Don't say Wanru, maybe this kid can solve the Soul Eater Tree?" The middle-aged man suddenly said as his face changed drastically.

"Impossible, impossible, the Soul Eater Tree is really horrible, uncle, have you forgotten that we two joined forces, but we didn't even break through one and a half strokes, and now I don’t know how it is in a brief analysis. She can run away, better than anything." Jian Wanru glanced forward and said.

Ah~~~ Suddenly there was a scream not far away, while Jian Wanru's face changed drastically, she was helpless.

"It's the voice of simple analysis." Jian Wanru said.

"This silly girl, why hasn't she left at this time?" The middle-aged man said in a weird manner, seeming to blame.

"Uncle, what to do now, we must think of a way." Jian Wanru said.

"Look at it." The middle-aged man suddenly yelled. Following the middle-aged man's gaze, Jian Wanru saw Lu Chen dodge attack by ghosts in the air.

Wanzhang sword light rushed out of the sword. While Lu Chen was running the Hongmeng Jue, a warm current rushed out of his body instantly, and while cooperating with the Hongmeng Sword, the cold light shot all over his body.

Bang bang ^...

A series of bombing sounds sounded from Jian Wanru's body. Lu Chen stepped into the void, holding the Hongmeng Sword in his hand, as if a **** descending to the earth, shocked.

Hh hh...

A series of forest trees moved, countless Soul Eater trees attacked Lu Chen.

Cold sweat broke out of his palms. Although Lu Chen had absolute certainty to slay these Soul Eater trees, the brief analysis not far away was entangled and hung in the air by a Soul Eater tree. May be swallowed.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen turned around, and the Hongmeng Sword in his hand suddenly hung horizontally, and a wave of cold light slashed out. The soul eater tree that rushed up instantly turned into light and disappeared, but there were too many soul eater trees, and they were spliced ​​together. One fight, like a swarm of ants, constantly besieged.

The Hongmeng Sword rolled in Lu Chen's hand, and the blood Ling Lin rushed towards the brief analysis at the same time.

While the whole body of the Soul Eater Demon Tree's eyes were shocked, it kept flashing to the sides.

I have a sword in my hand.

Lu Chen's aura was simply too shocked. After he made a **** road, his toes hit the ground instantly, his body rose into the air, and the Hongmeng sword swept away with a crackling sound.

The soul eater tree that was entwined briefly broke into two pieces.


Lu Chen's figure turned, and quickly rushed to the front of the brief analysis. With one hand, he held it in his arms, tapped the Soul Eater tree under his feet again, turning into a light and rushed towards Jian Wanru.

Puff... There was a splash of blood, and the brief analysis who had just rushed over was stunned to see that the middle-aged man was directly pierced through the heart by the Soul Eater Tree.

"Uncle~~" Jian Wanru cried, but she couldn't move at the moment.

Lu Chen had just rushed over with the brief analysis, and on the left, in front, and in the front right, there were six big Soul Eater trees rushing over.

"You guys go quickly." Jian Wanru shouted.

"Hey, let me leave the beautiful woman and go by myself. I've never done anything like that." Lu Chen said, throwing the brief analysis in the air, and the Hongmeng sword slashed vertically.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

As soon as the cold light flew past, the six major Soul Eater trees were injured by the sword light of the Hongmeng Sword before they could dodge.

With a bow of his body, Lu Chen avoided one of the deadly attacks, and instantly came to Jian Wanru's front. After slapping his back several times with his hands, Jian Wanru's body moved suddenly.

"Follow me." After Lu Chen finished speaking, the Hongmeng Sword in his hand swung again, cutting out a trail. At this time, the brief analysis in the air just fell down. Lu Chen grabbed it with one hand and instantly charged into the diagonal thrust. Go, Jian Wanru, who is in the shape of electricity, also followed.

The sky was full of violent winds, and countless Soul Eater trees seemed to be mad, and they rolled around here.

It's a pity that the Hongmeng sword in Lu Chen's hand is too terrifying. For a time, while thousands of Soul Eater trees and ghosts cried and howled, they were cut apart, blood flowed, burning the entire vicinity of the Yuanyuan Forest to red. .

"No, we must leave quickly, otherwise it will be dangerous." Jian Wanru shouted.

Whoosh whoosh...

The two figures rushed wildly in the Yuanshen Forest. I don't know how long they flew. A small river appeared in front of him. Lu Chen flew to the front of the small river under pressure.

"Let's rest here for a while. If you are running, you will rush out of the Yuanshen Forest." Lu Chen said.

"But... but will those Soul Eater trees come after it?" Jian Wanru asked worriedly.

"Probably not, the Soul Devouring Demon Tree has a room for activity. Besides, there seems to be other monsters here, and they don't dare to come over." Lu Chen glanced left and right before analyzing.

"But the blood of the Soul Devouring Demon Tree flows into a river, and it is very likely that other monsters will be attracted. At that time, we will be even more dangerous." Jian Wanru said palely. In fact, this life mission has hit her really hard. too big.

"I know, but there is no other way at all now, after all, I still have some tasks on hand." Lu Chen said.

"Okay." Jian Wanru was not arguing. Lu Chen put down the brief analysis in his arms at this time. The little girl's face was pale, and her body trembled with fright.

"Analysis, are you all right." Jian Wanru said in amazement.

"Sister." The brief analysis little nose sore, tears fell.

"Analyze, don't cry, it's okay, it's okay." Jian Wanru continued, "Hurry up and wash your face, and you are still crying, you are all crying like a little cat."

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