Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2127: Killing Hongluan is easy

In just three hours of effort, Lu Chen completed more than 20 tasks with his stunned heart accelerating. After he waved the Hongmeng sword in his hand and beheaded one of the monsters, Lu Chen came to Jian again. Analysis's side.

"The girl is almost there, more than 20 tasks have been completed, among which ten are you?" Lu Chen asked.

Petrochemical’s brief analysis swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva before he said, “Brother Lu Chen, you are so amazing. You have completed more than 20 tasks in more than three hours. Several of these tasks are beyond our reach. It's done."

"What's this, it's all pediatrics. Let's go, they should be back." Lu Chen said, putting away the spoils, and then returning to the hilltop just now with a brief analysis of the beating heart.

"Brother Lu Chen, they haven't come back yet, so nothing will happen, right?" Jane asked, frowning.

"It should be okay. If something happens to a safe place, they are not qualified to take on the task." Lu Chen said.

"Whether you are qualified to take up the task, don't you need to say it? At least better than some people who only know to sleep here." Lu Chen's words had just ended, and Boyan, who came from the left, said strangely.

No wonder Boyan would be like this. After searching for three or four hours, not only did he not find it, but also encountered the horrible King Kong Demon Ape on the way.

"Sister Boyan, you don't know. Brother Lu Chen is so amazing." Boyan didn't want to listen to what he wanted to explain. Just then Bozhong and his party came over.

"Boyan, how are you guys, did you find it?" Uncle Zhong asked straightforwardly.

"We didn't." Boyan said embarrassedly.

"We didn't find it either. There are bushes around a hundred miles away, and there is a big mountain in front. It is really not easy to find a place," Bo Zhong said.

"We are not the same as you. Someone didn't go there at all. He was resting here all afternoon." Boyan glanced at Lu Chen and said.

"Some people are born to drag oil bottles. Since they want to be us, don't force it, but in the end, if some people want to take the bulk and take advantage of us, it's hard to say." Bo Zhong said disdainfully.

Boyan wanted to say something, Xue Jinde suddenly came over.

"Kinder, how are you doing, have you found a good place?" Boyan asked excitedly.

"The three of us have walked dozens of miles, and the hard work has paid off. Let us find it." Xue Jinde said pretendingly and kicking.

"I found it, really? That's great." Bo Zhong said excitedly with a clenched fist.

"It's just a bit far away, but that piece of land is three-legged, and it's definitely the best place to accommodate a red luan flying past." Xue Jinde said.

"That's good, let's go over quickly." Bo Zhong finished.

"Okay." Xue Jinde replied and said, "Brothers check the equipment so as not to make mistakes at that time. The Hongluan we met this time is different from the normal monsters."

"Okay, don't be fussy, I'm already ready, just waiting for this battle." Han Zhong said eagerly.

It took more than 20 minutes for the group of people to finally reach the three-legged place Xue Jinde said.

There are mountain peaks on both sides, and the peak of the mountain slopes up, and only a red luan is allowed to pass by. Both sides of the mountain are full of steep rocks. Although hiding in this place is very dangerous to kill the red luan, the agreement also reduces the risk. .

After all, only one Red Luan can be passed at a time, which is very good for their kills.

"Since we can only pass by one at a time, let's go in three groups, one by one. This way, we can take turns to rest, after all, there are still a lot of tasks next." Bo Zhong ordered.

"Okay." Xue Jinde joined the first group as the first group.

"You two are ready, I'll bring a red luan over." Xue Jinde finished speaking, and flashed across the mountain. The other two were holding weapons and staring at the mountain.

Although they have absolute certainty about their hand extended, Hong Luan is extremely fierce, absolutely not comparable to the King Kong Demon Ape, and they can't be careless.

After about two minutes, a figure flashed quickly and came to the two of them in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, Hongluan is too fierce." Xue Jinde said viciously after spitting out blood.

Ga... A red Luan screamed, and at the same time Xue Jinde flew over, Hong Luan turned into a black shadow and rushed over.

With swords and swords, the weapons in the hands of the three people greeted Hongluan one after another.

Hong Luan found that he was fooled, and just wanted to turn his head, but unfortunately Xue Jinde's cultivation level was not what he could imagine, and he was immediately attacked and staggered.

Whoosh whoosh...

Counting the rays of light soaring into the sky, the blinking Kung Fu Hong Luan was covered in blood, and at the same time it was crumbling, there was a tendency to fall to the ground.

"Brothers, work harder." As soon as Xue Jinde's voice fell, the two brothers beside him performed a stunt, and suddenly the sword flashed in the sky, completely ambushing Hongluan.

"Cite again." When one of the brothers finished speaking, Xue Jinde flashed and rushed in.

With such repeated single kills, the three of them were as tired as a dog, and only then did the ten-finger Hongluan's task be completed in half an hour.

Looking at the spoils on the ground, the three Xue Jinde looked at each other and sat down on the ground.

"My day, Hongluan is too fierce." Xue Jinde said.

"What's so fierce, I usually don't listen to your cultivation, now you know that you have lost it?" Bo Zhong walked over.

"I know, I must practice harder when I go back." Xue Jinde said with a smile.

"Han Zhong, go to lead, fight for two at a time." Bo Zhong ordered.

"Haha, Brother Bo is great. Our group must kill at least 20 or so, otherwise it will be bad if we rely on some waste." Han Zhong said if he had pointed out, he dashed and crossed the mountain.

After a long time, Han Zhong rushed out in a bit embarrassed manner. Two Red Luan one after another, directly rushed over. Seeing this, Bo Zhong's sword light pointed in his hand, and the three of them worked together to kill Hong Luan. go with.

The strength of the three of Bozhong is obviously much higher than that of the three of Xue Jinde. While it is more than enough to deal with two red luans at the same time, the time to kill is also very short.

"Big Brother, great." Xue Jinde extended his thumb.

Uncle Zhong glanced, Lu Chen, whose eyes wandered away, muttered, "It's really mud that can't support the wall."


With blood splattering and blinking, the two of Bo Zhong had already killed dozens of them.

"Hanzhong, let us introduce five more. We have to hurry up. It will take so long to deal with this task, which is a waste of time." Bo Zhong shouted.

"Okay." Han Zhong put away his tiredness, and rushed to the mountains again while he was shaking.



Han Zhong just walked to the mountain pass, when suddenly two big rocks hit the mountain.

While Han Zhong dodged, twenty or thirty Hongluan rushed over in an instant, "Big Brother, it's not good, Hongluan rushed over."

With his eyes widened, Bo Zhong shouted, "Everyone gather around and sit down to meet the enemy."

"Damn, how come this mountain can't withstand the impact of Hongluan so much." Xue Jinde yelled and rushed forward likewise.

"No, a lot of Hongluan, let's go there too." Boyan had just finished speaking, and the twenty or thirty Hongluan over there had already launched a siege towards Bozhong and others.

Back off while attacking, otherwise we will die here sooner or later. While the sword light in Bo Zhong's hand flickered, he shouted at the six people beside him.

"Big Brother, we can't retreat with so many Hongluan." Han Zhong shouted.

"We must retreat. Everyone will attack the red luan in the northwest corner together, so we have a chance," Bo Zhong shouted.

As soon as Uncle Zhong's words fell, the six people all attacked the red luan in the northwest corner.



"Big Brother, it's okay, there's another group of Hongluan." Han Zhong turned his head and looked, his face turned pale with fright.

"Go." Bozhong yelled, and his body shot out instantly.

A few people from South Korea and China later, it was a pity that their speed was a step slower, and they were instantly attacked by a few red luans in front, and blood ran out from their backs.

"Boyan, go quickly, the group of Hongluan rushed out." Bo Zhong yelled while running.

"Big Brother Bo, I won't go, I will die with you." Boyan waved the green sword in his hand and rushed towards Bo Zhong and others. The seven people formed a row and attacked the red luan in the air again. .

It's a pity that there are too many Hongluan. They hit this, that flew away, hit that, and this one flew away too. The scattered attacks did not have the slightest effect on Hongluan.

"Big Brother, what should we do? Sooner or later we will be eaten by Hong Luan." Han Zhong shouted angrily.

"There are too many red luan, we can only take one step and count one step." Bo Zhong said.

"Ah~~~" Bo Zhong just finished speaking, Boyan behind him suddenly let out a roar, apparently being attacked by Hong Luan.

"You all surround me again." Bo Zhong shouted.

The six immediately surrounded Boyan's tight body, brandishing the swords in their hands and attacking the red luan in the air.

"Brother Lu Chen, what shall we do now? Don't you help?" A brief analysis not far away looked at the crowds of Hongluan in the sky and asked.

"Help, of course you must help." Lu Chen glanced back and said.

"Then when will we help? If we wait for them to be killed, then we might not be able to escape?" Jian Wanru said.

"It's a fake that can't escape, it's just a group of red luan, I haven't taken it to heart yet." Lu Chen said indifferently.

"Ah~" Jian Wanru was startled, and her impression of Lu Chen dropped a few moments. This guy liked pretending too much.

Puff puff... In the blink of an eye, three of the seven people have fallen down. Jian Wanru can't stand it anymore. She flashed her body and rushed towards the Hongluan group.

This girl is really too restless. After Lu Chen finished speaking, when the Hongmeng Sword in his hand was taken out, a pattern was drawn across his chest, and the whole body was raised, and in the void, the Hongmeng Sword suddenly pointed forward.

Whoosh whoosh...

Six sword lights burst out instantly, piercing the sky, and came to Hong Luan in an instant with a force of destroying the ancients.


After Jianmang passed, all Hongluan fell to the ground in an instant.


Whoosh whoosh...

Hong Luan's scream was caught in the same moment as the sound of the blade piercing the sky.

In the blink of an eye, as Lu Chen continued to slash the Hongmeng Sword in his hand, more and more Hong Luan fell in a pool of blood.

Quack... Seeing the countless deaths and injuries of his companions, the remaining Red Luan screamed, turning their heads and flying towards the mountains.


The whole scene can only hear the heartbeat of everyone.

Gulu, while six or seven people swallowed wildly, some couldn't believe their eyes.

A series of sword lights killed the red luan? How could the ferocious Red Luan look so weak under Lu Chen's hands?

Is Hongluan too weak, or Lu Chen's cultivation base is too high.

But is this average-looking and lazy guy really so powerful?

"Brother Lu Chen, you are amazing." Brief Analysis shouted excitedly, holding a small fan fist.

With the yelling of the brief analysis, everyone woke up from the trance.

"That kid is really amazing." Xue Jinde swallowed and said.

"Damn, it's too pretentious. It turns out to be a powerful master, I really didn't see it." Han Zhong said.

Boyan's expression was cloudy and sunny, and it was hard to see the extreme. Among these people, he laughed at Lu Chen the most. At this moment, she had completed the task of killing Hongluan, but there was no sense of excitement in her heart, and her face was burning hot. Yes, that feeling is really uncomfortable.

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